Report on statements for agencies

Starting May 1, 2024, a Report on statements is available for agencies to check statistics against statement data and forecast the total amount in the statement at the end of a month.

Two sources of ad spend data are available for advertisers:
  1. Statistics: Data in the Report Wizard based on the time of event (when an impression, click, or conversion took place).
  2. Statements: An accounting document issued at the end of a reporting period. Statements are used to register ad spending.

Please note that conversions in statements are recorded on the day the money was actually debited, while in statistics, conversion expenses are linked to the day of the click. If a click occurs at the end of January and a conversion occurs at the beginning of February, the conversion spend will be recorded in a February statement and in January statistics.

There are sometimes questions about compensations for fraud conversions and clicks that are refunded to advertiser accounts. Due to them, a statement may be issued for an amount less than was actually spent.

To check statement data against that in the Report Wizard, download the Report on statements. It shows how much was spent on a particular campaign over the course of a month, with data broken down by day and by type of spend: cashback, promo codes, statistical adjustments, and real money. The report is based on the time of the accounting record, which is the date of the actual debiting of real money and bonus funds from an advertiser's account as per the final statement for the month. The ad spend in the report will exactly match the amount in the statement.

A daily report is also available so that you can track the dynamics of real money spending in addition to the general statistics. However, daily spend data is approximate because spending on any given day can change over the course of a month.

  1. How to download the report
  2. Data in the report

How to download the report

To download the report, select StatisticsReport Wizard in the menu to the left. In the Report Wizard:

  1. Select a period for report generation. Your choice of other settings, cross sections, and columns doesn't affect the report data.
  2. Click Display.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Report on statements.xlsx.

Data in the report

The report provides daily statistics for each ad campaign. Depending on the strategy selected in the settings, the number of actions to pay for is shown for each campaign: in the “Impressions”, “Clicks”, or “Conversions” column. The “Total” column shows the total spend amount followed by the columns with details of what types of funds it includes.

The total for the month in the statistics reports and statements should be approximately the same. However, it will never be exactly the same due to events flowing across dates, deferred events (conversions, clicks, invalid click and conversion counts), and different allocation of events by time.

The total amount shown in the “Total expenditure” field of the statement-based report generated over the month must be equal to the total spend amount specified in the statement.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Russian regions: 8 800 700-58-56 (toll-free within Russia)


To access campaigns, the customer service specialist will need your PIN.