How to select keywords

Keywords should be closely related to your products or services. Try to imagine what people looking for your product or service will search for. For instance, if you repair cars, your clients are people who need their car fixed. They might search for paint bumper or carburetor condensation volkswagen. You can use these phrases as keywords if you provide these service.


To choose keywords that will work for you, consider these keyword recommendations from Yandex:

Refine keywords

When a keyword is too general, try to make it more specific. For example, users might search for repair when they need to repair a printer, a phone, or a car. If you only repair cars, choose the keyword car repair to avoid showing ads for unrelated searches.

Think about typos

Yandex Direct understands common typos and queries typed with the wrong keyboard settings. Ads based on an auto-corrected search term will display in response to these queries. However, uncommon typos and words that can be spelled in different ways are not auto-corrected. If you know of relevant but incorrectly spelled search queries, add them as keywords. For example, makeup can also be written as make up.

Use both Latin and Cyrillic variants of brand names

This will help cover more search queries used by your potential clients. Examples: buy Toyota and buy Тойоту, or redmond multicooker and multicooker редмонд.

Use different parts of speech with the same root

When selecting ads to display, Yandex Direct includes all forms of a keyword that are the same part of speech. Therefore, your keywords should cover different parts of speech to ensure proper coverage of your ads. For example, if you have the keyword striped cat add cat stripes.

Include synonyms, jargon, and slang

Ads are automatically displayed for searches that semantically match your keyword. This means that you don't need to list all the words with a similar meaning. Add the main synonyms so that Yandex Direct can optimize the keyword selection process. Don't forget to add jargon and slang. Examples: motherboard and mobo, or headphones and cans.

Tools you can use

Keyword selection

It's recommended using the keyword statistics service when creating a list of keywords. You can see how many people search for a given keyword every month, and look up similar queries.

Allows you to show ads on Yandex search automatically without adding keywords. You don't have to worry about which search queries should trigger your ad. With autotargeting, the system will select the queries that trigger your ad and try to get you as many targeted click-throughs as possible.

You can use templates to insert the keyword that triggered an ad display into the ad title, the main text, the link to the site, or the link that displays.


The Search queries report contains the queries from Yandex search to which your ad was served in response. Those can be the queries that semantically match your keyword. You can use this information to optimize your keyword list. For example, if you select non-relevant search queries that are triggering your ads, you can directly in the report add these terms as negative keywords for the campaign or ad group. You can also automatically add a search query from the report to your keywords.

Learn more about how to evaluate keyword performance

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