How to launch a campaign

Step 1. Go to the campaign creation page and set it up

Click Add → Campaign. Select Expert mode → Reach → Fixed CPM campaign.

Enter the campaign name. Make settings:
  1. Select a product: for each product, you can see the maximum and minimum number of impressions, expiration date, and CPM.
  2. Set the campaign start and end dates. They can't be later than the product validity dates.
  3. Specify the campaign budget. The planned number of impressions will be calculated using the basic CPM of the product. Basic CPM may be subject to markups if the product uses settings with increase coefficients for targetings. Final CPM will be specified after all targetings are selected in the group. For more information about markups, see the product description.
  4. If available, you can change Display regions (pick from the list available for the selected product).
  5. Specify the Yandex Metrica tag installed on your website.
Step 2. Create an ad group.

For this ad group, set up:

  • Display regions (pick from the list available for the selected product).
  • User profile: for example, use socio-demographic targeting to target advertising to users of a certain gender, age, and income. You can determine a user's gender and age if the user entered these details in their Yandex Passport, or if their behavior is similar to that of users of a particular age or gender.

Step 4. Create a creative

Use your own audio file to create a creative. You don't necessarily need to hire professionals or rent a studio. You can record your audio using a good microphone in a quiet place.

Technical requirements for audio files


Maximum size 10 MB
Duration From 5 to 30 seconds.

We recommend using audio files that are 15 seconds long

Minimum quality 44 kHz, 16 Kbit/s, stereo
Audio codecs MP3, AAC
Number of audio tracks 1
How to create an audio creative in Ad Builder:
  1. Click Creative → Add → Build from a template. The Ad Builder window will open.

  2. Upload an audio file from your computer or via a link.

  3. Add an image to be shown together with the audio. This helps to imprint the image of an advertised object in the viewer's mind. You might want to use a product photo or a company logo as an image.

    Image requirements

    PNG, JPEG, non-animated GIF

    Maximum size 90 KB
    Size in pixels 900 × 900
  4. Click the Create button. The audio clip will be added to your ad.

To pass moderation, your creative must meet the requirements.

Step 4. Enter a Yandex Audience pixel and impression tag
You can use the Yandex Audience pixel to develop different scenarios of connecting with your display ad audience. The pixel is special code embedded in your advertising materials.

Create a pixel in Yandex Audience. For more information, see Yandex Audience Help.

Add the pixel code to the banner. After the impressions begin, the pixel starts to collect anonymous IDs of users who have seen your ad. You can use this data when you set up your retargeting.

You can use the ADFOX tag or Yandex Metrica pixel to count ad impressions for display ads. The tag or pixel must include the %random% macro. They must also support HTTPS.

As an advertising data operator, Yandex assigns each creative a unique identifier referred to as "token" when creating campaigns. It uses this token to aggregate all your placement data and send it to the Unified Register of Online Advertising (ERIR). Learn more about ad labeling.

Create a campaign with a fixed CPM

Ad moderation and launching a campaign

After you create your ads, they are checked for compliance with the design requirements and moderation rules: In order to pass moderation, also make sure that you have enough funds on your shared account to pay for placement. If you can't deposit the total amount in full now, write to your manager at Yandex.

On the campaign page, click  → Send to moderation and confirm that you agree with the terms of ad placement on Yandex. It usually takes the moderators a few hours to review ads.

Your moderation results will be emailed to the address you provided when you created the ad campaign.

Attention. The audio file must be approved by moderators. Ad impressions won't start otherwise.

Your ads will begin displaying as soon as Yandex receives your payment. It may take up to one day to activate impressions, regardless of the launch method.

You can check the campaign status in the Status column. To set up the column display, click Columns on the campaign page.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Russian regions: 8 800 700-58-56 (toll-free within Russia)


To access campaigns, the customer service specialist will need your PIN.