
Conversions (previously referred to as priority goals) are actions of site users that are most important for the business. For example, sending a request, registering on the site, viewing pages with prices and services, adding products to the cart, or purchase. Use such goals in your campaign to fine-tune the system for your problems. You can set up multiple conversion actions for any strategy, except “Maximum conversions” limited by average CPA or with payment per conversion limited by a fixed “CPA”.

  1. Setting up conversions
  2. How to calculate conversion value
  3. Statistics on conversions

Setting up conversions

If you want the system to adjust bids depending on your website tasks, set up goals in Yandex Metrica and specify them in your strategy settings.

  1. When setting up a campaign, under Strategies, in the Conversions and their value settings, select the desired goal from the list.

    In the "Maximum clicks" and "Maximum clicks with manual bids" strategies, engaged sessions are selected by default: the algorithm focuses on estimated conversions and the average conversion value on your site. You can select any goals, including multi-step goals or Ecommerce goals.

  2. Set the conversion value for each goal, i.e., the optimal profit to the business from the conversion. The higher the conversion value, the more important that goal is in the campaign. In the Maximum conversions strategy, we recommend selecting the Dynamic value for e-commerce goals.

You can enter up to 30 conversions. If you can't access the necessary tags using the current username, you can request access to someone else's Yandex Metrica goals and use them to configure your campaign.

How to calculate conversion value

If the goals are independent of each other, you can specify the nominal value indicating how much the business earns on each conversion. For example, a “Requested call back” conversion produces 50 rubles, “Viewed item” produces 10 rubles, and “Checked out” produces 180 rubles.

If you can't calculate the nominal value, specify the conversion value for the campaign's main goal and set the value of other goals depending on their priority relative to the main goal.

Value calculations can account for how goals impact each other if completing each subsequent goal requires meeting the criteria for completing the previous one.

For example, a travel agency placing ads in ad networks has set up the following goals in Yandex Metrica: “Trip catalog viewed”, “Trip added to basket”, and “Customer purchased trip”.

Completion of the goal “Customer purchased trip” brings a business 10,000 rubles. This is the value per conversion to the business. One in ten customers who adds a trip to cart then purchases it. The value of the conversion “Trip added to cart” = 10,000 / 10 = 1000 (RUB), the number of conversions = 10,000 / 1000 = 10. Every twentieth customer who views the catalog then adds a trip to the cart. The value of the conversion “Trip catalog viewed” = 1000/20 = 50 (RUB), the number of conversions = 10,000 / 50 = 200.

Trip catalog viewed Trip added to cart Customer bought the trip
Conversions 200 10 1
Conversion value RUB 50 ₽1000 10,000 rubles

Each subsequent goal needs to meet the criteria specified for the previous goal, which is why you need to calculate the ratio of each goal:

When you set up the priority goals, set up the following conversion values:

  • “Trip catalog viewed”: 16.67 (50 × 0.33) RUB
  • “Trip added to cart”: 333.33 (1000 × 0.33) RUB
  • “Customer bought the trip” — 3333.33 (10,000 × 0.33) RUB

Statistics on conversions

You can use the Report Wizard to analyze indicators related to converting clicks into real orders. In the Goal data field, specify the goal you want to get conversion data for. By default, data is output for all goals. Compare data: Conversion (%), Goal cost, Conversions.

The Profit column is also shown in the report. The data in this column is calculated as the total revenue for the selected goals minus the cost per click.

Profit depends on the specified conversion value for the priority goals:

Learn more about evaluating campaign performance

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Russian regions: 8 800 700-58-56 (toll-free within Russia)


To access campaigns, the customer service specialist will need your PIN.