Sales on marketplacesβ

  1. How it works
  2. How to launch ads
  3. Campaign statistics

You can set up campaigns of the “Sales on marketplacesβ type in the Campaign Wizard. They're designed for sellers working with marketplaces, such as Yandex Market, Ozon, Wildberries, or Avito. Using this campaign, sellers can promote their products on different trading platforms.

How it works

Add links to your store on one or more marketplaces. Based on information about products featured in the store, Yandex Direct automatically creates ads for your products and serves them in Yandex Search and YAN to users who are interested in these products.

If you promote products on Yandex Market and Ozon, you can pay only for ads that resulted in a purchase.

Yandex Direct supports automatic transfer of data about sales from marketplaces:

  • For Yandex Market, just provide a link to your store or product for Yandex Direct to automatically fetch all required information from the marketplace.
  • For Ozon, copy your API key from your marketplace account and specify it in your ad campaign.

If you work with Wildberries, Avito, or Ozon using “Sales statistics in the Ozon account” integration, Yandex Direct creates a promo page with information about products from your store. Clicking the respective banner takes the user to this page. If they get interested in your products, they can click through to the marketplace from the promo page. This is called engaged clicks.

Links in ads with products from Avito and Wildberries will redirect users to specific product cards on the promo page. Links in ads with products from Ozon will redirect users to specific product cards on the promo page if the API key is not specified.

You can place your contact details on the promo page to take orders by phone and in messengers. This will help you optimize your ads and pay per engaged click, phone number view, or click-through to the messenger.

How to launch ads

  1. In the menu, select Add → Campaign Wizard → Sales on marketplacesβ.

  2. Provide links to your products or stores on Yandex Market, Ozon, Wildberries, or Avito marketplaces. We recommend launching the same campaign for all marketplaces at once so that the system accumulates more data for campaign optimization.

    Use filters to select products to advertise.

  3. For integration with Ozon:

    1. Select an integration goal:
      • Maximize purchases from advertising and sales statistics in Yandex Direct and Ozon accounts (the recommended goal).
      • Sales statistics in the Ozon account.
    2. Log in to your Ozon account → Analytics → External traffic. Copy the tag prefix in the vendor_org field. Add it so that Yandex Direct automatically creates a utm_campaign tag for your store.
    3. If the integration goal is "Maximize purchases from advertising and sales statistics in Yandex Direct and Ozon accounts", add an API key. Find it or create one in your Ozon account. Go to Settings → API keys and select Performance API. Select your account from the list or create a new one. On the account page, click Add key.
    4. Copy and paste your Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Specify your audience: set display regions and select the audience either automatically or manually.
  5. Enable the option Accept orders by phone or in messengers and enter your phone number or Telegram or WhatsApp contacts. Your contact information will be displayed on the promo page and users will be able to call or contact you without going to the marketplace.

    This setting is required for ads with a promo page for Avito, Wildberries, and Ozon with the integration goal "Sales statistics in the Ozon account".

  6. Set up your campaign goals. You can pay per purchase, engaged click, phone number view, click-through to the messenger, or ad click:

    • “Maximize conversions”: With an average CPA limit, at a fixed price, and with no limit.
    • “Maximize ad clicks”: With no CPC limit and at the average CPC.

    If you select “Maximize conversions”, Yandex Direct automatically adds conversion actions to the settings depending on what marketplace links you added to your campaign and what kind of integration with Ozon you set up:

    • “Purchase on Yandex Market”: Available if you add a link to your store in Yandex Market.
    • “Purchase on Ozon”: Available if you set up the “Maximize purchases from advertising and sales statistics in Yandex Direct and Ozon accounts” integration goal.
    • “Engaged clicks”: Click-throughs from your promo page to the marketplace. Available if you added links to Wildberries, Avito, or Ozon with no integration (the “Sales statistics in the Ozon account” goal is selected) and chose “Maximize conversions” as your campaign goal.
    • “View phone number and messenger contacts”: Clicks on your phone number or messenger link on the promo page. Available if you added links to Wildberries, Avito, or Ozon with no integration (the “Sales statistics in the Ozon account” goal is selected), chose “Maximize conversions” as your campaign goal, and enabled the option “Accept orders by phone or in messengers”.

    You can set the CPA or conversion value for each conversion.

  7. Specify the weekly budget. It should cover at least 10 conversions a week.

  8. Click Create campaign and top up your account.

Campaign statistics

Statistics are displayed on the campaign page.

General statistics

Under the settings section, you can find the general campaign statistics, with more detailed statistics on individual parameters shown below.

Summary statistics for marketplaces

This section contains aggregated data on impressions, clicks, conversions, CPA, and costs by marketplace. For Ozon and Yandex Market, it also provides revenue and CRR statistics.

Statistics for ads

This section shows product statistics, including impressions, clicks, conversions, CPA, and costs. For Ozon and Yandex Market, it also provides revenue and CRR statistics. Products on this page are sorted by their conversion, click, and impression count in descending order.

You can compare the metrics of your campaign with other ad types in the Report Wizard.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.