Offline conversions

Offline conversions are the conversions stored in your CRM database but not tracked on your site. For example:

  • The user viewed a product on your site but bought it offline.
  • The user selected a product on your site but paid for it in an offline store or made a call that led to the payment.

  1. Why do I need to transfer offline conversions?
  2. Preparing for data transfer
  3. Quality of conversion-to-session attribution
  4. Conversion transmission methods

Why do I need to transfer offline conversions?

Add offline conversions to your statistics. This provides you with comprehensive data for campaign analysis so you can optimize every conversion type.

  • Make investment decisions based on end-to-end data telling you about:

    • Campaigns that bring you offline conversions.

    • Total conversion cost for your campaigns.

  • Use offline conversions to optimize your campaigns.

    Yandex Direct algorithms will get more information about users who convert offline. This will increase the effectiveness of your strategy: the more data the strategy receives, the better it builds the profile of the target user you want to serve your ads for.

Preparing for data transfer

  • Install and configure a tag in Yandex Metrica. With Yandex Metrica technologies, you can match offline conversions to site sessions.
  • You must have a CRM system that saves information about users and orders (both online and offline).
  • To transmit the data, you need at least one of the user IDs:

    • ClientID.
    • Phone number.
    • Email.
  • Configure the collection and transmission of ClientIDs for online orders. This will increase the percentage of goal visits to your site.
    You will be able to track:
    • Statistics on orders from your CRM system with different types of order statuses.
    • Statistics on CRM: Order created and CRM: Order paid goals.

    You'll also be able to transmit those conversions where ClientID hasn't been saved.

Quality of conversion-to-session attribution

The more IDs you have for each conversion, the higher is the chance of its successful attribution to a certain session. Transmit a special ID (ClientID) for conversions that support it.

The quality of attribution depends on the data transmitted for a given conversion.

Are you transmitting the ClientID? Are you transmitting a phone number or email? Attribution quality
Yes Yes Maximum
Yes No Good
No Yes Average (1/2 of a maximum attribution)

To maximize accuracy of attribution, save ClientID for every online request and order. Use the getClientID JavaScript method and specify ClientID when transmitting data.

Conversion transmission methods

To transmit offline conversions to Yandex Metrica, you can use:
  • Conversion center: Upload a file with conversions via an FTP or SFTP server, via a link to HTTP or HTTPS, or using Google Sheets and add a link to the source in Yandex Direct.
  • Integration of a CRM system with Yandex Metrica via a connector (a list of available connectors can be found in the Yandex Metrica interface).
  • API: The two formats available for data transfer are "Simplified data transfer" and "Transmitting itemized data".

Use the checklist to decide on the best method of data transfer.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service department can only help you with the campaigns created under the same username you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Toll-free within Russia: 8 800 700-58-56


To access campaigns, a customer service specialist will need your PIN.