Automatic application of recommendations

In unified performance campaigns, Text & Image ads, and product campaigns, as well as in Campaign Wizard, you can enable automatic application of recommendations. Yandex Direct will analyze campaign performance and adjust its settings to improve the effectiveness of ads. Recommendations will start to be applied when there are enough campaign statistics for effective changes.

Automatic application of recommendations helps promptly fix errors in your advertising campaigns. If a campaign has effective creatives and targetings, and its settings yield a sufficient number of conversions, no changes are made to it.

  1. How to configure
  2. How it works
  3. What errors can be fixed automatically

How to configure

In new campaigns, the Apply recommendations automatically option is enabled by default. You can disable it if necessary. In active campaigns, the option can be enabled when editing the campaign: the corresponding setting can be found at the bottom of the screen.

As soon as enough statistics are accumulated for the campaign and optimization points are found, the algorithm adjusts the campaign's basic settings: ad layout, impression time, related keywords, and Yandex Metrica tag. To optimize advanced settings automatically as well (goals, targetings, weekly budget), also enable this option.

How it works

Here's what can be changed:

Settings Description
Ad elements: title, text, image, sitelinks The system will analyze the effectiveness and appeal of different ad elements. If these indicators are low, the element might be adjusted. If an element is missing, it might be added. Text and images are generated using neural networks. Images may also be sourced from the advertised website or a stock image database. Yandex specialists double-check all elements.
Keywords and negative keywords We may add new relevant keywords, identify nested queries, disable irrelevant keywords, eliminate overlaps between your keywords and negative keywords, and so on. Yandex experts analyze and optimize related keywords.
Yandex Metrica tag and goals Your tag might be deleted if it hasn't been installed on your site or is idle. If your site includes a tag that hasn't been added to your campaign, or goals that were added to the tag but not set up, Yandex Direct may add them.
Autotargeting settings We may enable or disable query categories for autotargeting.
Interests and habits We may add relevant interests and habits for serving your ads on ad networks.
Bid adjustments We may add or remove adjustments to increase or decrease bids.
We may add goals if there were no conversions for the current goal. If there were no conversions for the goal you specified, the goals in your strategy may be replaced with achievable ones, and more relevant goals may be added. To do this, we select goals with useful actions. Goals that reflect user engagement (for example, viewing two pages) aren't included.
Weekly budget Might increase by up to 4% per week.

Yandex Direct won't change your strategy or payment model.

Automatic updates to strategy settings adhere to the same overspending protection rules as manual updates made by the advertiser.

If the weekly budget is changed in a pay-per-click strategy, the maximum expenditure on this day can be 35% of the old budget plus 35% of the new budget. In the pay-per-conversion strategies, you can spend 100% of the old budget plus 100% of the new budget.

What errors can be fixed automatically

Ad elements are ineffective

For example, some titles may be highlighted in red in the Campaign Wizard. These can be automatically replaced with more effective ones without requiring any action on your part.

Campaign served in advertising networks has no images

In this case, images can be generated using a neural network or sourced from the advertiser website or a stock image database.

Yandex Direct specialists review all ad elements before they are added to a campaign.

Keywords aren't relevant enough

Yandex Direct can add high-quality synonymous queries, identify nested queries, remove duplicates and broad keywords with low conversion rates, as well as add negative keywords to minimize non-targeted impressions. The service doesn't add related queries.

All keywords are reviewed by Yandex Direct specialists.

The campaign doesn't show a Yandex Metrica tag number

Yandex Direct automatically adds a tag if it's installed on the website and can be accessed under your Yandex Direct username. Alternatively, it can also be added if the Allow optimizing campaigns for goals without access to the tag option is enabled.

If you've specified a tag that is missing from the website, it can be removed.

Selected targetings aren't suitable for this campaign

Yandex Direct will check the effectiveness of your ad texts when paired with autotargeting and, if necessary, narrow down or expand your query categories. The algorithm can add relevant interests and habits or remove non-relevant ones.

Specified optimization goal can't be achieved

Campaigns like that don't generate any conversions, which will prompt our algorithms to analyze the conversion rates in Yandex Metrica and either replace the goal or add achievable ones to the campaign.

Goals can only be adjusted if your Yandex Direct username has access to the tag or if the Allow optimizing campaigns for goals without access to the tag option is enabled.

The algorithms select goals that are closely related to the original ones and can be achieved at least 10 times a week. The cost is based on data obtained from predictive models and historical statistics from Yandex Metrica and Yandex Direct. The new goals are then reviewed by Yandex Direct specialists.

The service can automatically add E-commerce goals, automatic goals, and simple goals from Yandex Metrica. If a campaign goal is achieved at least 10 times a week, neither the goal itself nor its cost can be automatically changed.

How do I know that the settings have changed?

The system updated your campaign settings, you will see this in the Changelog.

In addition, an email detailing changes to settings is sent to the address provided in your account.

How can I revert the changes?

You can disable the Apply recommendations automatically option at any time. But the changes made by Yandex Direct won't be canceled automatically. You'll need to edit the setting manually.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service department can only help you with the campaigns created under the same username you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Toll-free within Russia: 8 800 700-58-56


To access campaigns, the customer service specialist will need your PIN.