Notices and age restrictions in ads

  1. Notice in Text & Image ads
  2. Age restrictions in Text & Image ads
  3. Notices and age restrictions in image ads, display banners, and video ads

Notice in Text & Image ads

Notices must be added to ads on the following subjects: medicines, medical products and services, breastmilk substitutes and baby food, dietary supplements, products similar in construction to weapons, financial services, shared-equity construction and new construction, certification services, betting services, and distance sales. For example:

  • Contraindications apply. Consult a doctor.

  • For children 11 months and older. Breastfeeding is preferred. Consult a doctor.

  • Not a medicinal substance.

  • Similar in construction to weapons.

  • Project declaration is published on Developer: “House on Mars LLC”.

  • “Bank Inc”.

  • “Certificate” LLC, No. RA.RU.12AB34.

  • Information about the organizer of the gambling event, the rules, terms, and procedure for determining the winnings and their maximum value, the place and procedure for receiving the winnings awarded on the advertised site.

  • Seller: John Smith, INN 9876543210

Notices are added automatically to text ads, including text ads with videos. But you must add them manually to image ads, display banners, and video ads.

To automatically add seller information to ads for distance sales of products or for online stores, create a Yandex Business profile and link it to the ad campaign. Alternatively, you can use a vCard.

If a notice was added to the ad even though your products or services do not fall under any of the categories listed above, please contact the support team using the feedback form to remove the notice.

Age restrictions in Text & Image ads

The age restrictions must be specified in all ads that advertise information products:

  • Games, movies

  • concerts, shows, sports events and other entertainment events

  • Print media (newspapers, magazines and books)

  • programs and series on TV and radio

  • Databases and computer programs

The age label “16+” is added to ads automatically. For subjects related to adult content, the “18+” label is added by default.

Label "For children 11 months and older. Breastfeeding is preferred. Consult a doctor" will be added to ads of baby food products.

If your product is approved for a younger age, you can change the rating yourself on the ad campaign page. Example:

If the products or services you advertise do not belong to any of the abovementioned categories, but a label has been added to the ad, please contact support using the feedback form to remove the label.

Notices and age restrictions in image ads, display banners, and video ads

Image ads, display banners, and video ads must contain all the information required by law and the Yandex Ad Serving Rules. Any required labels and restrictions must be added before the creative can be uploaded. You can find the requirements for legal information for the licensed categories in Advertised subjects and in the list below:

Age restrictions

Advertising of mass media content that is subject to classification under Russian Federal Law No. 436-FZ “On Protecting Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” must contain age ratings (0+, 6+, 12+, 16+, 18+).

Shared-equity construction

The advertising for shared-equity construction must contain:

  • Name of the legal entity and its business legal structure (for example, developer: “House on Mars” LLC).

  • URL of the Uniform Information System for Residential Construction hosting the project declaration (https://наш.дом.рф).

Example: Project declaration available at https://наш.дом.рф. Developer: “House on Mars LLC”.

Baby food

The advertising of baby food must contain:

  • Age restrictions

  • A notice about the need to consult a healthcare professional.

  • A notice that breastfeeding is preferred for babies.

Medications, medical services, medical equipment

The advertising of medications, medical equipment, and medical services (including treatment methods) must contain a notice about the presence of contraindications, the need to read the instructions for use, or to consult a healthcare professional.

For image ads and display banners, the notice must occupy at least 5% of the banner area.

In video ads, the notice must take up at least 7% of the video area and have a duration of at least 5 seconds.

dietary supplements

The advertising of dietary supplements (biologically-active additives) must contain a notice that the advertised product is not medication.

For image ads and display banners, the notice must occupy at least 10% of the banner area.

In video ads, the notice must take up at least 7% of the video area and have a duration of at least 5 seconds.

Remote sales and online stores

Ads for remote sales of products or online stores must contain information about the seller:

  • For legal entities: the name of the legal entity and details about its organizational and business structure, the Principal State Registration Number (OGRN), and legal address.

  • For individual entrepreneurs: the full name of the individual entrepreneur and the Primary State Registration Number of the Individual Entrepreneur (OGRNIP).

  • For self-employed persons: Full name and INN (TIN).

Financial services

The advertising of financial services must contain the name of the legal entity that provides the services and details about its organizational and business structure.

Sports betting

Ads for businesses that take/place bets should contain the following: “Information about the organizer of the gambling event, participation rules, the duration of the event, the number of prizes or the maximum amount of winnings, the location of the event, and how prizes are awarded on the advertised site”.

Ads served to Belarus and Kazakhstan must also include the number of the bookmaking license, and the name, website or phone number of the issuing authority.


Ads for certification centers or intermediary services that accept and review documents should contain the name of the legal entity/full name of the individual entrepreneur providing the service, and the accreditation record number in the register of accredited persons (for example, “Certificate LLC, No. RA.RU.12AB34”.

If the subject of your ad is certification assistance (but you do not accept or process documents), the following notice will automatically be added to your text ads: “Consulting in selection of certified persons for evaluation (confirmation) of compliance”.

Products similar in construction to weapons

The advertising of products similar in construction to weapons must contain a notice stating that the product is not a weapon.

Notices must be clearly visible: the user should not be required to use any special tools or perform additional actions to view them. Text font must be readable at the minimum resolution. The information must remain visible on the screen long enough for the user to read the entire text at an average reading speed.

You can't place significant information and notices in the upper part of the banner (for example, don't place age labels in the upper-right corner). The banner will be rejected because the important information is overlapped by system elements, such as the menu icon.

We recommend placing the age label in the lower-right corner of the banner.

In banners of large formats, for example, a Premium banner in the search or a Premium billboard, notices and legal information must not occupy the entire frame. You can add them at the bottom of the banner together with your main advertised object. For example, you can use alternating slides. For more information, see the recommendations.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service department can only help you with the campaigns created under the same username you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Toll-free within Russia: 8 800 700-58-56


To access campaigns, a customer service specialist will need your PIN.