URL parameters

You can pass various parameters and tags (including UTM tags) in Direct ad URLs. They can be used for tracking various statistical data (such as traffic sources) and evaluating the effectiveness of ad campaigns.

What are URL parameters?

URL parameters are variables (labels) that can be added to a link to an advertiser's site. Using link parameters and web analytics tools like Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics, you can obtain additional information about the clicks generated by these links.

For example, you can use a parameter to notify Yandex Metrica that a user has reached the website via a keyword:

URL parameter is a “name = value” pair. You can enter custom names (term, block). Alternatively, you use universal tags like UTM, which help analytical systems to correctly interpret information.

Depending on the set value, parameters can be as follows:

  • static: You can set the value to be passed, e.g., utm_term=sony_playstation (utm_term — name, sony_playstation — static value)
  • dynamic: Relevant values are automatically added by the system, e.g., term={keyword} or utm_term={keyword}, where {keyword} stands for the keyword which triggered the ad impression. List of dynamic parameters in Yandex Direct.

How to add parameters to a link

Add the appropriate parameters to a link on your site using the operators ? or &, operators. For example:


Choose names and values for the parameters, e.g., term={keyword} or keyword={keyword}.

Make sure that the pages the links redirect to are available.

Attention. Cyrillic characters transferred in the URL are automatically encoded in UTF-8. It's important that your site correctly accepts requests in this encoding. When Cyrillic characters are encoded in UTF-8, the URL becomes longer. If the URL exceeds 4096 bytes, only the yclid and openstat tag values will be transferred.

How to add URL parameters to a campaign

UTM tags

UTM is a standard means for obtaining statistics. Key UTM tags:

Name Description Examples
utm_source Click source or ad platform, required

utm_source=yandex: Ads are placed in Yandex Direct

utm_medium Ad type, required cpc, search — contextual ads; display — display ads
utm_campaign Ad campaign name, required utm_campaign=polet_v_kosmos or utm_campaign={campaign_id}
utm_content Additional information that helps to differentiate ads, optional You can use several values, separating them by "|" or ".": utm_content={position_type}.{position}
utm_term Keyword, optional. utm_term={keyword}

Add the appropriate parameters to a link on your site using the operators ? or &, operators. For example:

  • We recommend placing tags sequentially: first specify utm_source, then utm_medium, followed by utm_campaign, utm_content, and utm_term.

  • UTM data will be collected correctly if you fill in the mandatory parameters.

  • Use Latin characters in the values: type in English or use transliteration. If you use Cyrillic characters, your text might get garbled. Avoid capital letters. Separate words with underscores ( _ ) or hyphens ( - ).

You can manually create a link with suitable parameters, or use the service for UTM tag generation. Make sure that the pages the links redirect to are available.

How to add UTM tags to campaigns

Dynamic parameters in Yandex Direct

The table below provides a list of values for dynamic parameters in Yandex Direct, which are recommended for collecting detailed statistics.

Value to be inserted in URL


Transmitted value

{ad_id} or {banner_id}

ID of ad



Campaign name

text up to 255 characters


Transliterated campaign name

Latin text, up to 255 characters


Campaign type

type1 — Text & Image ads

type2 — Ads for mobile apps

type3 — Dynamic ads

type4 — Smart banners

type6 — Search banner


Ad campaign ID



Creative ID from Ad Builder



Device type on which impression was made

desktop — desktop

mobile — mobile phone

tablet — tablet


Group ID



The keyword for which the ad was displayed (Text & Image ads or ads for mobile apps)

keyword text without negative keywords


Keyword ID for Text & Image ads or ads for mobile apps



Audience target ID that links an ad group with a retargeting list or mobile app interests. Read more about audience targets in the Yandex Direct API documentation

  • “Dynamic ads” and “Smart banners” campaigns — name of the targeting condition
  • Other campaigns — number


Bid adjustment ID for retargeting list



ID of a mobile app interest number


Type of match between impression criteria and search query rm — autotargeting

syn — semantic matching


Matched keyword (used instead of {match_type}) text of a selected keyword or semantic match


Dynamic text ad target

name of a dynamic text ad target


ID of a targeting condition for dynamic ad.



Exact position of an ad within a section. Passes only the position number, which doesn't define the type of ad section where the ad was served (use with {position_type})

position number in the section (for example 1)

0 — ad was displayed in the ad networks (YAN or ad exchanges)


Type of ad section if the ad was served on a Yandex search results page

premium — premium placement

other — section to the right or at the bottom

0 — ad was displayed in the ad networks (YAN or ad exchanges)



ad network publisher domain (for example, travel.ru) for impressions in ad networks (YAN or ad exchanges)

none for impressions on Yandex search

To serve on search sites in the Yandex Advertising Network, use either the domain or the value none.


Ad network type

search — search site

context — ad network site

{region_name} Name of the region where the ad has been displayed name of the region


ID of the region where the ad has been displayed number


ID of a click on a Yandex Direct ad. It's used to track the source of traffic to your site

and is automatically added to all ad click links. Make sure that your site correctly opens links containing tags. After a user clicks on your ad, the Metrica tag on your site will track the tag and link the session with a specific click.

For more information, see Yandex Metrica Help.


A link with dynamic parameters will look something like this:

Note. We can guarantee that the values for {campaign_id}, {ad_id}, {banner_id}, {phrase_id} are populated in sitelinks only when these parameters are also present in the ad URL.

UTM tags can be used with Yandex Direct dynamic parameters


For the utm_content tag, you can set several parameters using | or . For example, utm_content={position_type}.{position}.

Tags report in Yandex Metrica

Track your placement statistics using Yandex Metrica reports:

  • By URL parameters: If you add parameters with custom names to the links.
  • UTM tags report: If you add tags to links according to the UTM standard.

    You must use all UTM tags to get the correct information in the standard UTM tags report in Yandex Metrica. Please note that if you use all UTM tags apart from utm_content, then data for utm_term may not be received, and can only be done by reconstructing the report (you must remove theutm_content dimension in the report settings).

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Russian regions: 8 800 700-58-56 (toll-free within Russia)


To access campaigns, the customer service specialist will need your PIN.