Social advertising

Advertising charitable organizations and other social ads is allowed in Yandex Direct.

Ads in this category can only be served in ad networks. These ads are labeled with a “Social ad” icon.

Social ads include information aimed at achieving charitable and other socially useful goals or serving the interests of the state.

If it's unclear and/or impossible to unequivocally establish that an ad is aimed at achieving charitable and other socially meaningful goals, as well as ensuring the interests of the state, from its contents, then it's not a social ad.

Your ads and landing page must meet the social ad placement rules.

Threats, intimidation, vivid naturalistic or provocative images that evoke strong negative emotions. For example, asking for pity, aggressive demands for money, unfair exploitation of the feelings of civic duty, conscience, or patriotism, which produce a negative impression of individuals who are less demonstrative or active in expressing such feelings.

If an ad sponsor is mentioned in the social ad, this mention must meet the requirements of the Federal law “On advertising”.

Make sure that the advertised site contains:
  • A description of the business of the advertised company or the purpose of the social campaign.
  • Details of the company (TIN or INN/KPP, OGRN, legal address, bank name, account number, correspondent account), company's contact information (actual address, email, phone number), and information about the company's executives and founders (full names).
Note. We don't accept political ads. Ads inspiring people to show up to the polls (without mentioning politicians, political parties or associations) is considered social advertising and is accepted only from election committees.

Your ads must meet the legal requirements of the countries where you want to serve them.

According to the law “On advertising” and Advertising requirements, you must submit certain documents.

When to submit documents

You can send documents at any time after your ads have been sent for moderation. If ads are rejected because required documents are missing, they will be reviewed again after documents are submitted. If your ads pass moderation, they will be eligible for serving. If additional information is required, we will contact you.

Required documents
  • Title documents: Certificate of state registration of the advertised company, reference to a law, regulation, or other document relating to the activities of the advertised company (state or municipal body).

How do I submit documents?

If any doubts arise during ad moderation, Yandex has the right to use a range of tools (social surveys, Yandex Tasks) and engage recognized experts in the field of social advertising.

Other requirements for websites and ads.