1.3.5. Moderator interface

This section describes the tools found in the Yandex Map Editor interface for moderators and techniques for working with the service.

As a moderator, you can:

  • View the list of moderation tasks that are located in your zone of moderation.

    Furthermore, you can configure the list so that it only displays tasks related to one of the following:

    • A particular map layer/category
    • A particular edit type
    • A particular user

    You can also edit the order of tasks in the list (from newest to oldest or vice versa).

    For more information, see Section View and configure task list.

  • Moderate tasks:

    • Accept user edits (the ones you accept end up on Yandex Maps)

    • Undo user edits (and explain why)

    • Defer decisions (this deletes edits from your queue for two hours)

    • Undo edits that were deemed to be vandalism (and leave a comment explaining why)

    • Send messages to users who have made edits or added comments to map items

    For more information, see Section Task moderation.

  • Block and unblock users; view a list of blocked users.

    For more information, see Section Block users.

  • Manage lists of edits and comments:
    • View lists of edits and comments

    • Send messages to users

    For more information, see Section Manage lists of edits


If you become a Yandex Map Editor moderator, your status will appear in your profile (along with the territory and map categories that you moderate). Additionally, you will have access to the Moderation button in the interface (this button will contain a red if you get a new task):

Click this button to open the Moderation panel.

The panel includes:

  • A list of moderation areas. Click a name of a moderation area. The Moderation panel will open and display a list of tasks (edits made in the zone you selected). See View and configure task list.
  • The Completed moderation tasks button. Click the button to see all the moderation tasks you've completed.


The map is moderated in accordance with a moderator task queue. Each task corresponds to an edit made by the user on the map that is subject to moderation.

The task queue is generated for each moderator based on their moderation zone.

View and configure task list

That way the moderator can concentrate on the same type of edits and work more effectively.

To view your list of tasks:

  1. In the Moderation panel, click on the name of a moderation zone.

    The Moderation panel will open and display a list of tasks (edits made in the zone you selected).

  2. Select a way to display the list from the task panel that opens:

    • Enter a sorting method for the tasks based on when they were added: click either Newest first or Oldest first

    • If necessary, you can filter the tasks by username: enter a username in the “Filter by username” field and the list will only display tasks that relate to edits made by that user.

    • Select a map item category to connect tasks to (All tasks / Administrative divisions / Address points / Buildings, and so on), and only the tasks that relate to that category will appear in the list.

Task moderation

To moderate tasks:

  1. Open and set up the task list (see View and configure task list).

  2. Click on the text of the task you want to moderate in the list.

    A yellow bar will appear to the left of the task you selected. Additionally, the item that it is associated with it will be highlighted and the map will center around it Moderation buttons will appear in the task field:

    Icons and links will also appear in the field of the task you select:

    • Go to history: opens the item history panel.

    • Edit: selects the item on the map and switches it to editing mode.

    • If several current tasks are connected to a given map item, then a Show all tasks for this map item icon will display along with the category icon. If you click on this icon, only tasks that are connected to that item will appear in the list. At the beginning of the list, a Reset filter button will appear (with the name of the item you selected):

      Click on the button to reset the task list filter for the item you selected.

    • If you position the mouse over the category icon, the icon (Link to this task) will also appear. Click on that icon to open a new map window where the item and task you selected are highlighted.

    • Some tasks are marked with the or icons:

      These denote that the task a “doubtful edit”. You should pay close attention to these type of tasks.

    • Edits made by certain categories of users that are marked with the following icons:

      Icon meaning:

      • — edits made by Yandex Map Editor moderators.

      • — edits made by expert users.

      • — edits made by novices or users who were recently unblocked.

      • — edits made by blocked users.

      Here is some additional information that can help you reach a decision about an edit:

      • If an edit made by a moderator or expert gets to moderation, it means that the author of the edit has a lot of experience drawing other map layers, but is not an expert in the layer type that the edit concerns.

        Generally, these edits can be trusted.

      • If an edit made by a blocked user or novice gets to moderation, then you should check it carefully to make sure that it doesn't contain any novice errors or marks of vandalism.

  3. When you've reached a decision about the task, click the appropriate button:

    • Accept: changes the map item's status to "accepted by moderator."

    • Defer — removes the edit from your moderation queue for two hours. If you are the only moderator for that moderation zone, the edit will return to your queue in two hours. If there is another moderator for that zone of moderation, then the edit could go to them (and they might also choose to defer answering it).

    • Undo: cancels all edits to the item that were made after it was last accepted by the moderator. The item's condition will revert back to what it was when it was accepted by the original moderator.

      When you click Undo, a panel opens where you can select why you are undoing the edit (see Rules for undoing edits).

    • Vandalism () — undo edits and tell the user that their “Edit was determined to be vandalism” without blocking the user.

    • Message () — open a text-entry field where you can write a message to the user that made the edit.

      To send a message, click Send. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Block users

Block users

To block a user:

  1. In the list of events (see 2.10.8. Map items: history), the task list (see View and configure task list), or the comments list (see 2.10.7. Map items: add comments and View comments), click on the username.

    The user's profile opens and you'll see a Block button.

  2. Click Block. In the window that appears:

    • Write comments explaining your decision to block the user

    • Select the period when the user will be blocked from the list

    • Check the box that confirming that the “User is being blocked in accordance with the rules”.

  3. Click Block again. The user will be blocked and a message will appear in their profile:


The reasons for blocking a user are listed in Section 1.3.3. Rules for blocking a user.

View the list of users you've blocked

To view the list of blocked users:

  1. Click More tools .

  2. Choose Blocked users

  3. Click on the user's name; the user's profile opens and you'll see an Unblock button.

Unblock users

To unblock a user:

  1. In the list of blocked users (see Section View the list of users you've blocked), click on the name.

    The user's profile opens and you'll see an Unblock button.

  2. Click Unblock. The user will be unblocked and an entry will be added to the “Violation history” list:

Manage lists of edits

View comments

To view a list of error reports and comments related to map items in your moderation zone, do the following:

  1. Click Moderation in the Moderation panel that opens, then click Comments.

  2. Select an option from the list and perform one of the following operations:

    • Click on the Go to history link.

      The map-item history panel opens.

    • Click (Respond).

      A text-entry field opens where you can write a comment for the author. To send a message, click Send. Otherwise, click Cancel.

    • Click (Delete).

      The comment you selected will be deleted.

View edits

To view a list of map item edits in your zone of moderation:

  1. Click Moderation in the Moderation panel that opens, then click Edits.

    A list of map-item edits opens. Edits that resulted in new map items are marked:

  2. Select an option from the list and perform one of the following operations:

    • Click on the Go to history link.

      The map-item history panel opens.

    • Click Edit.

      The map-item editing panel opens.

Write messages to users.

To write a message to a user:

  1. In the list of events (see 2.10.8. Map items: history), the task list (see View and configure task list), or the comments list (see 2.10.7. Map items: add comments and View comments), click on the username.

    The user's profile opens.

  2. Click Message. Write your message in the window that appears:

  3. To send a message, click Send. Otherwise, click Cancel.