3.8.4. Traffic lights

Information about “Traffic light” items includes the following components:

  • The intersection where the traffic light is located.
  • The road sections that are monitored by the light. Traffic lights: drawing rules

Enter traffic lights at points in the road network or road intersections (not at the lines where traffic stops before an intersection).

You can only enter one traffic light at a point in the road network (or intersection).

Traffic lights that include “more than two signals” and are intended for regulating traffic are “Traffic light” items of the Road infrastructure category:

  • All motor vehicles
  • Only car traffic.

Other types of traffic lights:

  • Traffic lights installed at railway crossings
  • Traffic lights for regulating traffic on the territories of institutions and organizations and in areas where the road narrows
  • Reverse traffic lights
  • Traffic lights that serve other purposes (for example, at toll booths, borders and monitoring points, traffic police posts, fire stations, emergency management departments, etc.)
  • Traffic lights that control public transport traffic by lane
  • Traffic lights for bicyclists
  • Traffic lights on driving-practice areas of driving schools

should not be drawn (these items will be deleted from the map).

“Traffic lights” are used to plot car routes, so it is important that the item's parameters (sections of road controlled by the traffic light) correspond to reality. The road should be drawn correctly (with one or two lines) and the permitted traffic directions (one-way or two-ways) for that road section should be marked.

Examples of traffic light drawings are given below (they are represented as and the road sections that they regulate are marked with red triangles).

If there are exit lanes or u-turn areas at the intersection:

  1. If the exit lane or u-turn area is not regulated by a traffic light, draw traffic lights at the intersection of the main roads:

  2. If the passage from the main road to the exit lane/u-turn area at the intersection is regulated by a traffic light, draw two traffic lights.

    The first should be at the intersection of the main roads, and the second — at the exit lane/u-turn area.

    Don't draw the second one at the intersection of the exit lane/u-turn area with the main road, but rather at a distance of up to 10 m after the spot where the exit lane/u-turn area branches off: at the existing intersection with another road or at a newly created one (if there is no such intersection).

    In the pictures below: the traffic light regulates traffic moving both straight and to the left (making a u-turn) from Ispytateli Ave towards Botatyrsky Ave. Therefore, you should draw it using two traffic lights: at the road intersection (blue arrow) and at the u-turn (red arrow). The second one is drawn at a distance of less than 10 m from the point where the road branches off.

  3. If the passage from the exit lane/u-turn area to the main road at the intersection is regulated by a traffic light, then draw the traffic light both at the intersection of the main roads (red arrow) and at the end of the exit lane/u-turn area and set the direction going only toward the exit lane (blue arrow):

  4. If the main roads only intersect at the exit lanes (i.e. it doesn't intersect at the main parts):

    1. If the passage from the main road to the exit lane/u-turn area at the intersection is regulated by a traffic light, then draw that light at the spot where the exit lane branches off from the main road:

    2. If the passage from the exit lane/u-turn area to the main road is regulated by a traffic light, then draw that light at the spot where the exit lane meets the main road:

    3. If vehicles stop at the traffic light before the exit lane (the stop line is located before the start of the exit lane), draw the traffic light at the start of the exit/u-turn lane.

      If they stop at the exit lane (the stop line is located after the start of the exit lane), draw the traffic light at the end of the exit lane (the start of the exit lane is determined according to Section


    Exit lanes end at their intersection with the main road (ignore “technical” intersections with other sections of the road network).

    In the picture, the red arrow indicates a technical intersection, while the blue arrow indicates the end of the exit lane.

When a pedestrian crosswalk is part of a regulated intersection, put the traffic light that regulates its crossing at the point where the vehicle lanes intersect (rather than directly on the crosswalk):

When mapping the traffic light that regulates a pedestrian crosswalk, the road sections controlled by this traffic light should include only sections of a motorway. Don't include pedestrian crosswalks among them:

If the traffic light only regulates traffic for a pedestrian or bicycle crosswalk, it should be mapped at the intersection of the road with the pedestrian area.

If the traffic light that regulates passage through the pedestrian crosswalk also regulates the turn before the crossing, then draw that traffic light at the first intersection (turn) that it regulates (rather than directly on the crosswalk).

For example, the traffic light in the photograph regulates the pedestrian crosswalk. At the same time, it also regulates the turns before the intersection (the stop line is indicated by the blue arrow):

In this case you should draw two traffic lights:

It is not correct to combine these traffic lights (at the intersection): Examples of placing traffic lights at various intersections

At the intersection of a road drawn using two-line with a one-line road:

At the intersection of two two-line roads:

Passage through an intersection with a circle road:

At intersections of motorways with tram tracks: Traffic light: add

To draw traffic lights:

  1. You can draw traffic lights in one of two ways: using the Traffic light panel or using the Intersection panel. In the first case, the road intersection will be created automatically; in the second — an intersection that was created earlier will be used:

    1. Click .

      In the map item category menu, select Road infrastructure → Traffic light.

      A Traffic light panel will open.

    2. Click the intersection the traffic light should be set on to select it on the map.

      Click Add in the Traffic light section of the “Intersection” panel that appears.

      A Traffic light panel will open.

  2. Click to select the place where you want to place the traffic light on the map:

    If an intersection was not created earlier at the place where the traffic light should be, then this intersection will be created automatically.

  3. Click to select the road sections regulated by the traffic light on the map:

    The Redraw button will be added to the toolbar.

    When you click on it, the data you entered will be deleted and you can add the traffic light again.


    If you need to move the traffic light you're redrawing to a point where there is no intersection, then you need to create an intersection at that point ahead of time.

    If you need to move the traffic light you're redrawing to a point where there is already an intersection, then you don't need to prepare it ahead of time.

  4. Click Save in the attribute panel. Information about the traffic light at the intersection will be saved: Traffic lights: editing, undoing edits, and sending reports to the moderator

To edit a traffic light:

  1. Find the appropriate road intersection (information about the traffic light at the intersection is shown in the drawing and tool tip).

  2. Click to select an intersection on the map and open the attribution panel:

  3. In the Road intersection attribute panel, click on the link next to Traffic lights to open the traffic light attribute panel:

  4. To edit an item, click Edit in the Traffic light panel.

    Edit the traffic light parameters (the group of road sections it controls).

    The Redraw button will be added to the toolbar: .

    When you click on it, the data you entered will be deleted and you can add the traffic light again.


    If you need to move the traffic light you're redrawing to a point where there is no intersection, then you need to create an intersection at that point ahead of time.

    If you need to move the traffic light you're redrawing to a point where there is already an intersection, then you don't need to prepare it ahead of time.

  5. On the item's attribute panel, click Save .

  6. Undo edits returns an item to the condition it was in “before you started editing it” (all the way back to the condition it was in when it was last approved by a moderator). If the item was created recently and still hasn't been approved by the moderator, then undoing edits will result in the item being deleted.

    Only moderators have access to the Delete operation that lets them delete an item. YME users can delete items they created in error by undoing their own edits until the item disappears (if the item was just created and it was not approved by a moderator yet). If an item that was created earlier and already approved by a moderator needs to be deleted, you should report it to the moderator.

    The procedure for undoing edits is described in Section 2.10.6. Item: Undoing edits, error messages, deleting items, links to items.

  7. If an item was already approved by the moderator, then undoing edits will return the item to the condition it was in when it was approved. In this case users cannot delete an item by themselves and should report the item to the moderator for it to be deleted. You can send error reports to the moderator regarding a number of issues, not just when you need to remove an item.

    The procedure for sending reports is described in Section 2.10.6. Item: Undoing edits, error messages, deleting items, links to items.