3.5.1. Rules for drawing addresses

When drawing addresses, the following rules should be followed:

Don't duplicate addresses linked to the same item.

For example, there should not be two addresses named “1” that are linked to Iunost Square in Zelenograd.

When creating or editing the shape of an address point, place the address point inside the building polygon (footprint) that it corresponds to.

However, some address points are exempt from this rule, such as:
  • Address points related to buildings or structures not mapped as items of the Building type (such as bridges, underground pedestrian crossings, and other underground structures).
  • Address points related to buildings not mapped in Yandex Map Editor yet.
  • Address points corresponding to an area rather than a specific building inside the area.
See also

An address point must be placed inside its building's footprint.

The best position for the address point is in the center of the building, though that is not required when:

  • Creating new addresses.
  • Editing buildings (making adjustments based on satellite images).
  • Moving addresses to buildings.

It's preferable to avoid overlaps of address points with each other and with other places, such as items in the “Places” category. See also 2.5.1. Places: drawing techniques.

If an address point overlaps with an item of the “Places” category, we recommend placing the address point in the center of the building's footprint and moving the item away from the center.

If an address is not assigned to the entire building, but rather to each of its individual entrances (such as in Kaliningrad), then all address points should be located on the line that runs parallel to the longest side of the building:

If one address is linked to several buildings in an industrial zone, then place the address point at the main (administrative) building.

If one address is linked to several buildings connected by a passageway, then place the address point at the building where the main entrance is located:

If one address is linked to a building with separate wings, then place the address point at the main building.

If an address point corresponds to a building with a complex shape, the point should be placed on the part of the building that runs along the road (picture on the left). If there is no such part (or the object's shape is too complex), place the address point closer to the building's center (right picture).
If two or more addresses correspond to the same building:

If a building has two or more addresses, and its footprint has a shape of a square or rectangle, place the address points next to each other in the footprint's center:

If a building has two or more associated addresses which correspond to different streets and its footprint is made up of rectangles (e.g. it's T-, U-, or L-shaped), then the address points should be placed on the footprint's edges in a such a manner that each point is “closer” to its associated street.

If a building is demolished and erased from the map (see and the area the building was located in is being redesigned, you must also delete the address point associated with it.

If an area is vacant after its buildings have been demolished but still retains its address according to official sources, then its address point must be kept as is. However, if the area itself becomes inaccessible after the subsequent redevelopment, then the access point should still be removed. See also

Don't mark addresses whose numbers are not known.

There should be no address points with the “no address” and “no number” attributes on the map even if official sources contain them.

You can put addresses that are assigned to an area (territory) on the map, even if there are no buildings there.

For example, this could apply to newly formed cottage settlements where no construction has yet taken place.

You can draw address points for addresses used locally (even if they have non-standard details like pavilion, section, block, and so on) if they meet the following criteria:

Addresses of individual buildings:

  • The address isn't a copy of another official address linked to another building.
  • The building that the address belongs to either doesn't have an associated official address, or the official address is associated with another item (such as a street, block, and so on).
  • The validity of the address can be confirmed by a sign located in the area, official documentation, or the website of a company located at the address.
  • The address is linked to an item mapped in accordance with the Yandex Map Editor rules.
  • The address includes only numbers and characters from the local alphabet.

Addresses used for parts of the building:

  • The address isn't a copy of another official address linked to another building.
  • The address includes details about parts of the building with separate entrances.
  • The address is linked to an item mapped in accordance with the Yandex Map Editor rules.
  • The address includes only numbers and characters from the local alphabet.

If the address is linked to the same item as the official address and doesn't include additional details, it is entered in the "Also known as" field

Note. Addresses whose parent items are organizations without a proper name are not marked on the map.

Addresses linked to administrative divisions must be located within their boundaries, except cases where this contradicts official sources.