3.6.1. Rules for drawing locations (organizations)

Places on the map are represented by more than thirty types of items (for more information, see Item type).

In this section: Rules for and features of drawing locations

Make sure that any item you are mapping is not among those that are forbidden to display on the map.

Note. Don't map organizations that don't have an office of their own or “in-home services” (organizations and specialists providing services in residential apartments).
Techniques for drawing and editing locations are similar to the techniques for drawing and editing all places on YME. See the following sections:

There should be one item (location) for each organization.


Map toll collection points on road sections as a single item if one structure is used to collect the payment in both directions, and as multiple items if separate structures are used for different directions.

Don't set names of several organizations to the same item. Instead, create a standalone item (place) for each organization.

If an organization performs a single service (for example, home appliances repair) and is located in the same room, but it has multiple sites and names that differ only by the manufacturers of the serviced equipment (for example, Repair of Electrolux appliances and Repair of Birusa appliances), such an organization is drawn as a single object, with the official name indicating general information about the organization's activities.

For example, a service center for home appliances that offers to repair the products of Electrolux and Birusa is created as one organization with the official name. Service center for home appliances repair and with two type names “Synonym, historical”: Electrolux service center and Birusa service center.

Draw existing (functioning) organizations. If an organization moved to a new address, then you should create a new map item of the “Locations” category. Don't move the old item to the new address; leave a deletion request for it.

Only draw closed organizations in cases where they help navigate the area.

For organizations of these types:

  • Church
  • Cathedral
  • Mosque
  • Synagogue
  • Pagoda
  • Overlook
the type of organization doesn't change even if they are closed. For other organizations, including those located in abandoned settlements, the subcategory changes to 1.1 after they close down. Attraction (“1.1.2. Event location, local landmark”), while the status is left as “open”.

If it's already public knowledge that a particular item in the “Location” category will be built, then you can draw this item once its construction begins. However, you can only specify a proper name rather than a category name for the building if you have an official document attesting to this name.

If a closed organization completely occupied a building that is not currently in use, the building should be assigned the value Abandoned under the Condition attribute (see Cl. 4.2.2. Condition).
If an organization (“Location” item) only lets in staff and guests (factory workers, hospital patients, and others) within its closed territory, you may draw the following “Location” type items in the area of the main organization:
  • Items accessible to everyone whether they're a staff member or a guest.
  • “Location” type child objects that serve the same function as their parent organization (for example: hospital buildings, university departments, company departments) as well as utility structures (infrastructure related to engineering, manufacturing, or transportation).
  • Tourist attractions and monuments.
  • Items from the Religion and “Yard and park infrastructure”“categories”.
If the main organization within the territory belongs to the Religion, Sports, Culture and attractions, or Leisure and travel category, you can draw any items from the “Locations” category within that territory, provided they are accessible to everyone visiting the main organization. For example, restaurants and sports fields located on the premises of a hotel and medical centers in ski resorts.

You can draw temporary items from the Places category (such as dolphinariums, circuses, and so on) on the map if they operate in that location for at least two months. You can also draw seasonal items that operate in a permanent location during the season (such as Christmas tree lots, melon markets, soft drink kiosks, and so on).

Objects operating on an irregular basis are not mapped as items of the Places category.

For example: pop-up markets, mobile stalls moving around the city, shops that deliver goods to settlements on certain days, and so on.

However, you can map these items in the Buildings layer if they meet the requirements for drawing buildings on the map.

Culture and Attractions → Attractions items related to memorable events can be created only in the most famous places and only if there is no monument or memorial that is already dedicated to this event and drawn on the map as a Monument, sculpture:

  • Historical events that happened more than forty years ago (for example, Yuri Gagarin's landing site).

  • Significant natural and man-made events/disasters (for example, Tunguska blast site, Titanic wreck site).

  • Battles (for example, Battle of Kulikovo field).

  • Death or execution of famous personalities (such as Mikhail Lermontov's duel site).


One criteria of fame might be if there are more than 100 relevant queries per https://wordstat.yandex.com.

Places that figure in the lives of cultural or historical figures and are marked with monuments, memorial signs, or plaques should be drawn as Culture and attractions → Monument, sculpture items.

You may draw attractions that were destroyed in a fire, collapsed, or demolished if they meet the following criteria:

  • It is a well-known attraction that collapsed or was demolished less than 10 years ago
  • Its visible traces remain on the site

The item's official name is then set in the following format: [Ruins of + the item's official name].

Examples of renaming objects when they are lost or damaged:

  • “Dubna Ball”“Ruins of Dubna Ball”
  • “Yekaterinburg TV Tower”“Ruins of Yekaterinburg TV Tower”

Yandex employees delete (and don't add again) all items of the Locations category from buildings with “indoor maps”, except for the main organizations and the organizations located on floors that have no indoor maps drawn for them.

If a shopping center building or part of it was damaged by collapse or fire, all items of the “Places” category located in the damaged part of the building are subject to removal. The building itself is removed from the map only if there is official information that it was demolished.

Don't map monuments, memorial plaques, murals, tombs, or similar items located inside buildings (except on the Indoor maps layer). Rules for drawing organization placemarks

There are multiple ways to draw organization placemarks on the map:

  1. Draw the organization's placemark in the center of the building or the area it occupies if:
    • The organization is a landmark used for navigation (such as a temple, attraction, administrative building, cultural center, theater, museum, and so on).

    • The organization has no entrances or signs but occupies an area (such as an observation deck, a courtyard infrastructure item, and so on).

    • This is an umbrella organization for a shopping or business center.

    • The organization occupies a large area (such as a hospital, university, research facility, school, industrial or agricultural enterprise, auto enterprise, warehouse, market, roadside rest area, impound lot, driving area, stadium, horse racetrack, motor-racing track, ski resort, amusement park, landfill, and so on). In this case, put the organization placemark at the approximate center of the main (administrative) building or the approximate center of the area, if there is no such building.

    • There's an Indoor map drawn for the building the organization is located in.

    Note. When putting an organization placemark in the center of the building, it's preferable to draw it next to the address point so that they don't overlap.
  2. Draw the organization's placemark where the organization's main sign is if:
    • The organization has its own sign.

    • The organization is the only one in the building and has one main and multiple additional signs. In this case, draw the organization placemark at the main entrance under the main sign.

    • The organization occupies part of the territory of a different organization, is its subsidiary or a smaller organization that doesn't belong to the one whose territory it's located on, and isn't an important landmark (if there's no sign, draw its placemark at its entrance).
    • The organization is located in a movable object like a van, mobile shop, or kiosk (if there's no sign, draw the organization placemark at the window through which the service is provided).


      1) Don't confuse organizations' signs and sign plates: be sure to place organizations based on their signs only.

      An organization's sign plate is a uniformly styled list of organizations located in a building or an area.


      An organization's sign has an original style and is completely mounted onto a building wall, window, or roof. In most cases, it only applies to a particular organization.


      2) The entire branded space of the organization, including the building facade or parts of it (if painted in branded colors) is also considered a sign.

      A branded space is the facade of an organization that is clearly distinguishable by its signature colors or other decorative elements and has a uniform style.

      If the building is branded on all sides, the entire building polygon is regarded as a single sign.


      Examples of branded spaces.

      Example 1. The facade and windows are uniformly styled and painted in a single, distinct color:

      Example 2. The facade is distinguished by columns and wrought iron elements at its sides:

      Examples of facades that are not considered to be branded spaces.

      Example 1. The facade isn't uniformly styled, with one section being completely gray, while another is decorated with simple brickwork:

      Example 2. The store's signature color (gray) is indistinguishable from the building's standard colors:

      3) What isn't considered a sign:

      • Letterings and sign plates on the front doors.
      • Advertising banners on buildings that point the way to an organization's entrance.
      • Banners and sign plates that are mounted on fences, posts, and so on.

    Rules for drawing organization placemarks according to signs:
    • The organization placemark should be placed slightly inside the building polygon (not on the line) so it displays correctly on the map. It can't have any overlaps with the building entrance point or the address point all the way up to map scale 22.

    • If an organization has an extended sign, draw its placemark at its main entrance provided that doesn't cause a conflict with other items in the “Locations” category (including when there's more than one entrance or sign within an organization's branded space):

    • If multiple organizations have signs above the entrance, put the corresponding placemarks with a slight offset to the side of the entrance to avoid conflicts when they are displayed on the map.

      If only one organization has a sign (and the others have small sign plates or secondary signs), draw the organization placemark on a line perpendicular to the building polygon and drawn through the entrance point.

    • If the organizations' signs are located above each other, the higher the sign, the closer to the center of the building you should draw the organization placemark.

    • If there are multiple organizations located closely in the building, move the placemarks of the less significant and recognizable ones deeper into the building polygon (even if the exact location of the organizations and their entrances and signs is known).

      In this case, spread out the placemarks of the organizations so that each is as close as possible to its ideal location (that is, the point where the placemark should have been located if there were no conflicts), taking into account their priority.

    • When drawing placemarks of organizations that have a main sign, ignore secondary signs, entrance advertising columns, and advertisements of departments and products .

    • If the main sign of an organization is located right at the entrance door, place the POI at the sign, if possible. Placing it anywhere between the sign and the entrance is also acceptable.

      Organization and POI placement options:

    • If an organization has multiple signs, the main sign is the largest sign to include the organization's proper name.

  3. If an organization has no sign but its location inside or outside the building is known, draw the organization's placemark at its actual location.

    For example:

    • The organization has no entrances or signs and does not occupy an area (monument or attraction).
    • The organization doesn't have a sign or advertises itself using small information plates, sidewalk signboards, or stands.
    • The organization does not have a sign and customers enter it directly from the street, while there is a corridor in the building that leads to it.
  4. If an organization doesn't have a sign and its location inside the building is unknown, draw its placemark at the entrance to the organization.

    If an organization does not have a sign and customers enter it directly from the street, it is also included in this category (even if the location of the organization in the building is known).

  5. If an organization doesn't have a sign and both its location inside the building and the location of its entrance are unknown, draw its placemark anywhere you want (if possible, avoid overlapping with the placemarks of nearby organizations to make sure there are no conflicts when they are displayed on the map).