3.12.2. Rules for adding attributes to railway items Rules for adding attributes to sections of railway lines

The attribute panel for a section of railway line looks like this:

When you add attributes to sections of railway line, follow the rules that apply specifically to them. The attributes for items are listed below, as well as the rules for entering values for each of them: Part of

The Part of attribute indicates that a section of railway belongs to a certain line.

If the railway line was drawn earlier, then you can choose its name from the list. If not, then you must fill in the field manually (which creates a new railway line):

After you save the item, the name of the railway line displays in the panel as a link that opens the railway's attribute panel:

Editing techniques for such composite linear items are described in Section 2.6.2. Composite linear items.


Don't link railway fragments that were decommissioned to a railway line.

You can name the following map items:

  • Railway lines, routes, branches.

  • Railway lines as administrative subdivisions (legal names of railways), such as “Gorkovskaya Railway” or “Kuibyshevskaya Railway”.

  • Railway lines that have historical or well-established names (for example, “Krugobaikalskaya Railway”, “Tsarskoselskaya Railway”, “Turksib”, etc.).

  • Minor railway systems: children's, narrow-gauge, etc.

  • Hauls between neighboring dividing points.

  • Track arrangements of individual stations and depots (as part of “access roads” within a railway line. See Section Type). Though you can't name individual paths.

Transport lines with proper names get priority when naming railway (transport) lines (broad-gauge, narrow-gauge, children's).

Nameless lines that don't have legal or generally accepted names should be left nameless. Furthermore, you can name these lines based on their route section (such as “Ozherelye — Uzlovaya”).
Proper names can include the following:
  • A well-established and commonly used names of roads, directions, branches: “Transsiberian railway”, “Baikal-Amur railway”, “Kazan direction”, “Moscow direction”, “Monin branch” or “Monin branch” and so on.

  • Historical and established names of railway lines: “Circum-Baikal railway”, “The Tsarskoye Selo railway”, “Turksib”, “Mitkovskaya branch” and so on.

  • Legal names of Railways, transport systems, networks, and operators: “Moscow railway”, “Prydniprovska railway”, “Kazakhstan railway” and so on.

  • Names of narrow gauge systems: “Apsheron narrow-gauge railway”, “Small October railway”.

  • Other proper names.

Names of industrial railways, factory branches, and depot track arrangements are allowed if they don't infringe on the general mapping rules in regards to items and attributes that are forbidden from being mapped on YME. Level (A) and Level (B)

To ensure that railway lines that cross at different levels (such as when one goes through a tunnel and the other is at ground level) display correctly, enter level values in the Level A and Level B fields to represent the beginning and ending points for the road section:

Available values for levels:
  • “ground level” — if the lines intersect at ground level.
  • “on a bridge”, “on a bridge (+1)”, “on a bridge (+2)” — above ground level. For example, if one railway line at an intersection passes over another on a bridge or as part of an interchange and the second road or railway is at ground level.
  • “In tunnel”, “in tunnel (-1)”, “in tunnel (-2)” — below ground level. For example, if one railway at an intersection passes through a tunnel and the second railway is at ground level.

For example, the drawing shows the values for levels at a railway intersection where two run over a bridge located above the third one:

The sections of road that approach a bridge and have the values [0—1] or [1—0] for levels A and B should not be longer than the length of the bridge itself.

If a section of railway that is the same length as the bridge itself doesn't include a single intersection with other railways, then you must create an additional point on the track in order to lower its level. Rules for adding attributes to railway stations

The attribute panel for a railway station looks like this:

When you add attributes to railway stations, follow the rules that apply specifically to their attributes. Transport line

The “Transport line” attribute indicates that a station (see below Type) belongs to a certain railway line.

The following are given priority when entering information about transport lines:

  • Official and commonly used railways routes (For example, Kazanskoe Route of the Moscow Railway).

    A name is considered to be commonly used if it is referenced in informational charts, maps, or signs.

    In this case regions and divisions of railroads (such as the Moscow-Kursky Region of the Moscow Railroad or the Gomelskoe Division of the Belorussky Railroad) do not relate to the railroad routes and stations are not linked to them.

  • Officially built railroads (for example, Oktyabrskaya Railway, Kazakhstansky Railway).

Don't enter attributes for railway stations (leave the field blank).

If the railway was drawn earlier, then you can choose its name from the list. If it was not drawn in earlier, then you must fill in the field manually (which creates a new railway): Type

Select the station type from the list:

  • Train station. Objects of this type will include the building of railway stations in the stations, sidings, stations, etc. in addition to the basic stations of this type is permissible to include minor terminal stations (e.g. suburban), if they are located in a separate building.

    Ticket desks that don't have waiting rooms or other similar areas “should not” be labeled as train stations.

    Put a “train station” placemark at the approximate geographical center of the train station building or complex.


    Don't put the Transport line attribute for railway stations (leave the field blank).

  • Passenger station. Map items of this type include crossing loops, passing stations, stops, track posts, block posts, and train yards (which will be referred to from here onwards as “railway stations”). Passenger trains of all types (long distance, local, suburban, narrow-gauge, etc.) stops at these stations and passengers use them to embark and disembark train cars.

  • Non-passenger station. These types of map items include:

    • Closed stations that still physically exist

    • All other railway stations (that are not “Passenger stations”), including stations and stops on children's railways (regardless of whether they transport passengers or run on a regular schedule). Name

When naming railway stations, sidings, loops, travel posts, checkpoints, and station parks (referred to from here onwards as “stations”), you must follow these rules:

Station names are assigned in accordance with the general rules (see 3.1.3. Map item naming rules.).

Assign names to the following map items:

It is preferable to use the Type + Proper name format for railway stations (sidings, platforms, stops, block posts, and station parks). If a map item's type is not known, you can just use its proper name.

You should also name all railway stations and terminals that have proper names.

The name of a train station with a terminal is considered "proper" if it differs from the name of the station part itself. The following are proper names:

  • Kazan-2 is the name of the depot and the station that is attached to it is called Vosstanie-Passazhirskaya.
  • If a depot is called Izhevsk and the station name is also Izhevsk, however, then those are not considered proper names. The same goes for the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk depot that is connected to the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk station.

Do not assign names to un-named depots.

When naming train stations, use your discretion on what sounds best: the item type may come before or after the name.

For example: Kazansky Train Station, Train station Kazan-2.

In the “Name” field group, enter the following for the different name types:

  • Official — the full proper name of the train station along with the item type: Losnoostrovskaya StationKazansky Station.
  • To caption the map with the station name (without type) or the station platform (without type) where kilometer is abbreviated to km, or the actual name of the train station where the type “train station” is abbreviated to ts: Losinoostrovskaya, 34 km, Kazan Station

    If the name of the station indicates that it is linked to a military base, then you should used a shortened form for the type in the caption name.

  • In address — don't fill in this field.

Names of train stations in Russia can be found in open sources.


  • If the official names differs from the name that is used in reality (i.e. in commercial schedules, itineraries, signage, etc.), then enter the name that is “actually used” for the official name and enter the official name in the item card under the “also known as, historical” type.

  • If the map item doesn't have an official name, then enter the name that is actually used in the official field.

  • Write official names of railway stations that end in numbers (Perm-2, Povarovo-3) using Arabic numerals; enter any alternate names that include Roman numerals in the item card using the “also known as, historical” field.

  • If the name of a railway station or stop contains -Passazhirskiy, -Tovarny, -Gruzovoy, -Sortirovochny, or a similar service part, specify the item's full name as the official name and the abbreviated name as the name “for caption on map”.

    Enter the service part of the abbreviated name after a hyphen using an uppercase letter and put a period at the end of the name.

    For example: -Pass., -Tov., Gruz., -Sort.

    Note. For caption names of rapid transit stations, you can use the full name without acronyms (for example, Moskva-Tovarnaya).
When naming train stations, make sure to follow the mapping rules regarding map items and attributes that are forbidden to include on YME.

If a station was decommissioned but still physically exists, you should not indicate that it was decommissioned in the item's name. Location in building

When entering address information for train stations (including the website, email address, and phone number), follow these rules: Website

You can enter website addresses with or without the “http://” part.

You can enter the following in the “Site” field:

  • Address of map item's official site
  • Address of unofficial map item site (if there is an official site, then enter the unofficial site after it)
  • Link to a reliable article about the item (for example, in Wikipedia)
  • Link to schedule

In the “Site” field, you should not enter the item author's address or any other addresses that do not relate to the item itself.

In the “Site” field, you can enter several addresses separated by commas. Website

You must enter the train station's email address in the “Email address” field station.

You cannot enter the email address of the item's author or other addresses that don't relate to the item itself. Telephone
Enter a map item's phone number using this format:


“А” – country code (1 - 3 digits)

“ВВВ” – city or zone code, including for cellular numbers (this may not always be a three-digit number)

“CCC-CC-CC” – phone number (the number of digits may not always be seven).

Examples of correct number formats: +7 (495) 222-22-22, +7 (34111) 2-22-22.

You must enter the organization's phone number in the “Telephone” field.

You can not enter the number of the item's author or any other numbers that don't relate to the item itself in the “Telephone” field. Rules for adding attributes to railway platforms

The attribute panel for a railway platform looks like this:

Follow these rules when adding attributes to railway platforms: Link

The attribute indicates which platform a given railway station belongs to.

If the railway station was drawn earlier, then you can choose its name from the list. If it was not drawn in earlier, then you must fill in the field manually (which creates a new railway station). Name

Platforms are named in accordance with the general rules (see 3.1.3. Map item naming rules..

Indicate the number and type of platform in the official name field for numbered platforms.

For example: Platform #3.

Indicate the name and type of platform in the official name field for named platforms.

For example: Vostochnaya Platform.

When naming, follow the same rules for name formatting that apply to motorways (see Section Road name).
You can enter the direction of train routes for the “also known as, historical” name type.
For example: To Moscow, From Moscow.
Don't enter the track number.