3.15.2. Rules for adding attributes to air transport items

  1. Rules for adding attributes to airports
  2. Rules for adding attributes to airport terminals
  3. Rules for adding attributes to helicopter pads

When adding attributes to airports, airfields, helicopter pads, or airport terminals, follow these rules. Rules for adding attributes to airports

The attribute panel for an airport looks like this:

Follow these rules when adding attributes to airports: Item type
  • International Airport — an airport that meets one or more of the following conditions:

    • The airport conducts regular international flights.
    • The airport's official name contains the word “International”.
    • The airport's international status is confirmed by aviation authorities, both local and international.
  • Local airport — any airport that conducts regular flights or has facilities for receiving regular passenger flights (a passenger terminal and a plane terminal).

  • Airfield — other landing sites that don't have regular passenger service or facilities for receiving regular passenger flights.

Note. If the airport is under construction and isn't yet open for flights, the final decision about its type (international or local) is made after it opens.

When entering the item type, you must observe the mapping rules concerning items that are forbidden to draw on YME. Name

Follow these rules when naming items:

  1. You should enter the item type in official and caption names. For example: Vnukovo Airport.
    Important. Don't edit the “For caption on map” name for airports.
  2. You should enter the item type in official names of airfields, landing strips, and helicopter pads. For example: Yermolino Airfield. You must enter the names of airfields, landing strips, and helicopter pads in the “For caption on map” field. You should not, however, enter the item types there. For example: Ermolino.
    Important. Only enter the “For caption on map” name without the type for Russian names. As an exception, indicate the item type if it can't be separated from the name. For example: Chkalov Airfield, Red Airdrome. Pay particular attention to the names of items located in ex-USSR countries.
  3. You can enter the ICAO and IATA codes as synonymous names. Latin codes are entered as English names, and Cyrillic codes are entered as names in the local Cyrillic language.
  4. Only use the word “International” in the name if it's widespread and widely used (for example, on signs or on the official website).
    Note. Examples:

    1. In the USA and some other English-speaking countries, using the word “International” in airport names is an established practice. This can be applied to English names, while the names in other languages won't include the word.

    2. If the word “International” is used on the official website or the airport building, you can include it in the item's name in Yandex Map Editor. This rule also applies only to local languages.

    In most other cases, the word is already used in the item's type (“International airport”) and shouldn't be duplicated.

  5. When entering names in local languages, follow the name format used in the corresponding country. Additions to airport names also need to take into account local nuances.
  6. Airports named after somebody should have “named after” in lower case in their official Russian name. For example: Airport named after Heydar Aliyev, Airport named after John F. Kennedy.

    In “For caption on map” types the “named after” postscript is not added. For example: Heydar Aliyev Airport, John F. Kennedy Airport. Address

The address is specified in accordance with the rules for adding attributes to address locations (see Section 3.5.2. Rules for adding attributes to addresses). Working hours

Enter the days of the week and times when the business or organization is open. For example: “Mon-Fri 9:00-20:00, Sat 10:00-18:00”. Website

You can enter website addresses with or without the “http://” part.

You can enter the following in the “Site” field:

  • Address of map item's official site
  • Address of unofficial map item site (if there is an official site, then enter the unofficial site after it)
  • Link to a reliable article about the item (for example, in Wikipedia)
  • Link to schedule

In the “Site” field, you should not enter the item author's address or any other addresses that do not relate to the item itself.

In the “Site” field, you can enter several addresses separated by commas. Website

You must enter the airport's email address in the “Email address” field.

You cannot enter the email address of the item's author or other addresses that don't relate to the item itself. Telephone
Enter a map item's phone number using this format:


“А” — country code (1-3 digits)

“ВВВ” — city or zone code, including for cellular numbers (this may not always be a three-digit number)

“CCC-CC-CC” — phone number (the number of digits may not always be seven).

Examples of correct number formats: +7 (495) 222-22-22, +7 (34111) 2-22-22.

You must enter the airport's phone number in the “Telephone” field.

You can not enter the number of the item's author or any other numbers that don't relate to the item itself in the “Telephone” field. Rules for adding attributes to airport terminals

The attribute panel for an airport terminal looks like this:

Follow these rules when adding attributes to map items: Airport

The Airport attribute indicates which airport a terminal belongs to.

If the airport is already drawn on the map, select its name from the list. If the airport isn't on the map yet, you need to create it first. Name
The Name attribute is assigned in accordance with the general rules. See 3.1.3. Map item naming rules..

The terminal name consists of:

  • Official: [abbreviated proper name of the airport + proper name of the terminal].
  • For caption: proper name of the terminal.


    • Official: Vnukovo Terminal A.
    • For caption: Terminal A.

The terminal's proper name is either its official name or its identifier. If the terminal has neither an official name nor an identifier, its type can be used as its proper name (for example, domestic terminal, international terminal, VIP terminal, and so on). Rules for adding attributes to helicopter pads

The attribute panel for a helicopter pad looks like this: Name

Helipad names are specified in the format:

  • Official name: [Proper name + type]. For example: Lokosovo helicopter pad.
  • For a label: use a proper name (except when it's grammatically linked with the item type). For example: Lokosovo.

You can enter either the name used locally or the name confirmed by the aviation authorities of the appropriate territory. If the name of the helicopter pad is unknown or unconfirmed, create an item without a name.