3.16.2. Rules for adding attributes to water transport items

Water transport items include sections of water transport lines, stations, and routes. Rules for attributing sections of water transport lines

Sections of water transport lines don't have attributes: Rules for adding attributes to water transport stations

The attribute panel for a water transport station looks like this:

When you add attributes to water transport stations, follow the rules that apply specifically to them. The item attributes are listed below as well as the rules for entering values for each of them.

When you enter an item type, select the value from the list:

  • marina
  • seaport
  • river port

The attribute Name of the item is assigned in accordance with the general rules. See 3.1.3. Map item naming rules..

You cannot include the characteristics listed in Section in pier names.

Assign names to the following pier types:

  • Piers that are of transport importance (part of water transport routes).
  • Piers that are part of a port, river-boat station, or marine terminal and have a proper name or number that confirmed locally or by schedules and schematics (and not used exclusively in official documents).
  • Piers of historical or social significance or those considered a tourist attraction.
  • Yacht clubs, boat parkings, boat stations, and marinas that have proper names.

Do not assign names to other pier types.

The official name should include the pier's type and proper name. The name for the map caption should only include the pier's proper name.


  • Official: Kultbaza pier, caption: Kultbaza.
  • Official: Parus Yacht Club imeni V. Vysotskogo, caption: Parus imeni V. Vysotskogo.

For piers that are part of a river-boat station or marine terminal, the official name should include the station or terminal's type and name. The name of the station or terminal is shortened for the map caption.


  • Official: Volgograd River-Boat Station – Berth No. 12;
  • caption: Volgograd – Berth No. 12.

For piers that are part of a river-boat station or marine terminal, the official name should include the name of the station or terminal. The more detailed description of the item type (words like sea, river, trade, and so on) can be omitted. The name for the map caption should only include the pier's proper name:


  • Official: Sevastopol Port – Berth No. 90;
  • caption: Berth No. 90.

The affiliation of piers to specific organizations located within the port is omitted if the numbering of berths and piers is continuous throughout the entire port area.

If the item type is inseparable from its name, do not enter a caption name.

Example: Grafskaya Pier Water transport routes

Enter the number or name of the route that makes stops at that station.


The rules for selecting, creating, and adding attributes to water transport routes can be found in Section Rules for creating water transport routes and adding attributes to them.

Enter route numbers one at a time. They are selected from a list that automatically includes numbers of routes that pass through the area within two kilometers of that stop:

If the route number you need is not in the list, enter it in the line (this creates a new route).

The values that are entered appear in the orange stripe:

To delete a route number from a given transport stop that it no longer services, click the cross in the appropriate stripe.

To edit route parameters, click on the stripe containing the route number. For more information, see Rules for creating water transport routes and adding attributes to them

The address is specified in accordance with the rules for adding attributes to address locations (see Section 3.5.2. Rules for adding attributes to addresses). Working hours

Enter the days of the week and times when the business or organization is open. For example: “Weekdays 9:00-20:00, Sat 10:00-18:00”. Website

You can enter website addresses with or without the “http://” part.

You can enter the following in the “Site” field:

  • Address of map item's official site
  • Address of unofficial map item site (if there is an official site, then enter the unofficial site after it)
  • link to high-quality article about the item (for example, in Wikipedia)
  • Link to schedule

In the “Site” field, you should not enter the item author's address or any other addresses that do not relate to the item itself.

In the “Site” field, you can enter several addresses separated by commas. Website

You must enter the water transport station's email address in the “Email address” field.

You cannot enter the email address of the item's author or other addresses that don't relate to the item itself. Telephone
Enter a map item's phone number using this format:


“А” – country code (1 - 3 digits)

“ВВВ” – city or zone code, including for cellular numbers (this may not always be a three-digit number)

“CCC-CC-CC” – phone number (the number of digits may not always be seven).

Examples of correct number formats: +7 (495) 222-22-22, +7 (34111) 2-22-22.

You must enter the water transport station's phone number in the “Telephone” field.

You can not enter the number of the item's author or any other numbers that don't relate to the item itself in the “Telephone” field. Rules for creating water transport routes and adding attributes to them

The method of creating water transport routes is described above. See Cl. Water transport routes. Selecting water transport routes

Map all regular water transport routes that carry passengers.

You can map the following:

  • Seasonal routes

  • Chartered urban and suburban routes, except for sightseeing routes (see below)

  • Other actually existing water transport routes that carry passengers on a regular, scheduled basis

  • Ferry crossings that take “foot” passengers (passengers without vehicles)

Do not map the following:

  • Sightseeing routes (including routes that travel from point A to point A as well as those that cost significantly more than regular routes)

  • Chartered urban and suburban routes that are not accessible to the public

  • Irregular routes (for example, routes operated by private individuals by prior arrangement) Components of water transport routes

After a route is created, you should link it to the water transport stations where the vessel stops (going in order in both directions). Be sure to include stations where passengers only embark or only disembark).

Do not include stations that the vessel passes without stopping.

To include or exclude a station from a route:

  1. Click on the attribute panel for the station (the orange stripe with the route name):

    An route attribute panel will open:

  2. Click Edit in the route's attribute panel.

    The panel will switch to editing mode and then you can edit the route name.

    Stations that are already included in the route will be marked .

  3. Click on the station icon to include it in the route or exclude it from the route if it was already included: