3.9.2. Rules for adding attributes to vegetation items

The attribute panel for vegetation items looks like this:

When adding attributes to vegetation items, follow these rules. Type

Select the item type from the list:

  • Woodlands:

    • Forests and sparsely wooded areas and areas occupied by trees and shrubs located outside of localities.
    • Areas occupied by trees and shrubs within parks and squares
    • Areas occupied by trees and shrubs on vacant lots and within undeveloped blocks (no buildings inside the block, individual buildings located outside areas of vegetation, or “Utility or storage” buildings)
    • Forest areas with proper names (such as terrain that is not drawn in the administrative division layer):

  • Park, square — named and un-named parks, squares, and forest parks.


    The outlines of named items either coincide with their associated administrative divisions or are drawn in accordance with the situation in that particular area (for example, they might follow a fence line).

    A vegetation polygon may contain other sections of vegetation (such as woodlands or lawns), or it may contain items that exist independently (such as bodies of water, lanes, squares, buildings, etc.). See also

    Draw unnamed parks and squares if they are items with clearly designated territories. For example, if they are bordered by roadways and their layout is highlighted within building blocks.

    For this category, don't draw unnamed items that are located inside courtyards and don't have definite borders or are located within a restricted area.

  • Urban vegetation — sections of trees, shrubs, and sod on city blocks with buildings (within localities).


    Sections that are completely covered by grass or occupied by trees with detailed representation on the map belong to the “Lawn” type. If a section has bushes or trees (even on its small part) and none of them are drawn on the map, then the section belongs to the “Urban vegetation” type.

    In residential areas with single-family homes, only label the sections of trees and shrubs as urban vegetation (don't include grass vegetation).

    If the border of a locality crosses a single area of vegetation (located both inside and outside the border of private-sector land or a city block), assign that vegetation area to the “Woodlands” type. This type of vegetation area is marked with a red arrow in the drawing:

  • Nature reserve — protected nature areas of all types: national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries.


    The item polygon coincides with its administrative division.

    A vegetation polygon may contain other sections of vegetation (such as woodlands or lawns), or it may contain items that exist independently of it (such as bodies of water, lanes, squares, buildings, etc.). See also

  • Lawns — territories with artificial or naturally grown grass that is well maintained:

    • Lawns in parks, squares and other cultural territories (for example, those on the territory of the Hermitage Garden)
    • Decorative lawns, including athletic fields and flowerbeds
    • Roadside lawns that separate sidewalks from roadways, lawns that separate sidewalks from one another, pedestrians paths
    • Lawns that serve as physical road dividers

    Draw lawns on the territories of localities, as well as those on the territories of large organizations outside of cities.

  • Garden — territories occupied by industrially planted fruit or decorative trees and shrubs (including vineyards) as well as named territories that are allocated for ongoing plant research and not recreational areas.

    Plants on the territories of individual developments should be assigned to the woodland type “Urban vegetation”.


    Draw the item polygon based on the physical border of the section containing that type of vegetation. See also

  • Cemetery — territories that are designated for the burial of the deceased or the internment of their ashes after cremation. This includes official pet cemeteries.

    Territories containing free-standing graves or monuments to the dead (such as the tomb of the unknown soldier) are not considered“cemeteries”, but you can draw them on the map as Locations. Name

Vegetation items are named in accordance with the general rules. See 3.1.3. Map item naming rules..

If a vegetation item has a name, you can specify it (except for items of the lawn or “urban vegetation” “types”).

Examples of names for vegetation items:

  • Troekurov Grove
  • Grove named after Nikita Shelkovnikov
  • Serebryany Bor Park
  • Matveyevsky Woods
  • Vasilievsky Forest
  • Victory Park
  • Devichy Field Square
  • Dubrava Forest
  • Sredny Bor Forest
  • Zarechnyy Bor Forest
  • Lesovodov Rossii Forest Park
  • Solovinaya Grove
  • E.Z. Gareev Botanical Garden

If a cemetery doesn't have an official name but is locally referred to using the name of the closest locality or a religious denomination (as long as that denomination is not the prevailing one in that area), then you can use that name as the official name (preferably using the short version of the name). For example:

  • Neklinovsky cemetery
  • Staroobryadcheskoe cemetery

If the short version of the name can't be used, specify the full name of the locality. For example:

  • Official: Сemetery of the Grecheskie Roty settlement.

    Caption: Grecheskie Roty cemetery.

  • Official: Cemetery of the Vechnost settlement.

    Caption: Vechnost cemetery.

For nature reserves, follow these rules when setting the caption name:

  1. If an item's proper name is not grammatically related to its type, set a shortened version of the item's main name as the caption name without specifying the type (omit administrative, technical, and descriptive features that are part of the proper name).

  2. If an item's proper name is grammatically related to its type, set a shortened version of the item's main name and the type as the caption name (omit administrative, technical, and descriptive features that are part of the proper name). For example:

    • Official: Dzhegdyansky nature monument of regional significance to the Magadan region.

    • Name for caption: Dzhegdyansky nature monument.

  3. If an item's proper name contains the “terrain” type, set a shortened version of the item's main name as the name for caption without specifying the type (omit administrative and technical features that are part of the proper name and shorten descriptive features).

  4. Sample names for vegetation items:

    Official name

    Name for caption

    Botanical and geological monument Volgino


    Natural monument of regional significance Aleksandrovskie steppes and stepped vegetation on Aleksandrovskie hills

    Aleksandrovskie steppes

    State nature reserve of regional significance Poymennaya Oak Grove in Block 86 of the Belozersky forestry

    Poymennaya Oak Grove

    Nature reserve terrain Laspi Rocks

    ur. Laspi Rocks

    Natural monument of regional significance Markovskiye Mountains terrain

    ur. Markovskiye Mountains

    Natural monument Monakhova Krinitsa Wellspring

    Monakhova Krinitsa

    Natural monument Rodnik in the village of Lozovoye Rodnik in the village of Lozovoye