Location and organization classification

Locations and organizations on the map are divided into map item categories/subcategories as well as business categories.

A description of the items in each business category is given below.


Yandex Business sections are used when managing items.

Unlike the list below, actual Yandex Business sections are not numbered (numbers are only used here for navigation purposes).

If an organization's line of business fits multiple categories, select the one that matches their main business activity. For example, if a clothing store also sells some shoes, select the “Clothing store” category.

Multiple categories are indicated only for organizations located in the same premises and whose main activity fits the description for each category. For example, a clothing store and a shoe store located in the same premises under a single brand.

You must indicate the organization's category.

Map item categories:

Object subcategories:

1. Culture and attractions

2. Medicine and pharmaceutics

3. Education and science

4. Finance

5. Trading

6. State and society

7. Religion

8. Food

9. Auto

10. Sport

11. Yard and park infrastructure

12. Business and services

13. Construction and realty

14. Production and materials

15. Leisure and tourism

1. Culture and attractions


1.1. Sight


1.1.1. Decorative object, honor board

Various art pieces that serve as decorations (murals, mosaics, reliefs) as well as other decorative and themed objects: honor boards, information stands in parks or along tourist routes (outside indoor maps), ornate signs, flower clocks, topiary sculptures, decorative flowerbeds, art objects, and decorative engravings.

1.1.2. Sight

Places or map items that are particularly notable, famous, interesting, or have historical, cultural, architectural, or archeological value. This may include well-known landmarks and tourist attractions.

Examples include bell towers, arches, aqueducts, castles, geoglyphs, bunkers, mounds, gazebos, palaces, mausoleums, minarets, ruins, kremlins, art spaces, and so on.

Monuments, sculptures, and small commercial items intended for tourist services are not included in this category.

1.1.3. Memorial site, local landmark

The most important places, territories, and landscape associated with historical, scientific, and cultural events as well as organized recreational areas that have a name (including the name of the project in honor of which they were created). Items that stopped serving their intended function, such as former movie theaters and community centers, as well as standalone buildings on abandoned territories (including summer camps, health resorts, and technological disaster areas), provided those buildings don't house active organizations and the name of the inactive organization is mentioned and can be found on-site. This also includes landmark buildings with an unusual shape or size, organizations located in abandoned settlements, and buildings with a proper name that stand out in the area providing that their names do not include a reference to their owners (except for historic personalities).

For example:

  • Shown on the map: House on Chicken Legs, the Round House.
  • Not shown on the map: Baron's House, Glad Valakas House.

Filming locations are not included in this category.

1.1.4. Nature

Noteworthy items (individual or grouped) related to nature and terrain: unusual or rare trees (such as a 400-year-old oak or a redwood tree), canyons, caves, cave systems, rocks, grottos, boulders, groups of waterfalls, river sources with decorative elements, river rapids, and river riffles. This category also includes alleys and groves that aren't officially recognized but are deemed well-known landmarks.

1.1.5. Street art

Graffiti, murals, and frescoes created during official festivals or commissioned by the city or private business owners. Only add unofficial (impromptu) objects to the map if they are more than three months old, have become a local landmark, and have been mentioned in the media or on popular blogs.

1.1.6. Mineral water springs

Specially equipped places (usually at resorts) where people can drink natural mineral water directly from springs.

1.2. Artistic products


1.2.1. Stained glass

Production of stained glass of all kinds: for windows, doors, ceilings, chandeliers, decorative panels, and so on.

1.2.2. Art studio

Stores that sell paintings, art supplies, and crafts.

1.2.3. Picture framing

Sale of frames for pictures, mirrors, posters, photographs, and other interior items. This category also includes framing shops.

1.2.4. Icon painting studio

Studios that produce icons and iconostases and do restorations.

1.2.5. Art workshop

Workshops where pieces of art and handicrafts are created.

1.3. Archives and libraries


1.3.1. Archive

State and national archives, archival departments of administrations.

1.3.2. Library

Various types of institutions where literature and printed works are stored for public use and reference/background research is conducted.

1.3.3. Bookcrossing

Bookсrossing is the practice of exchanging books. After finishing a book, you leave it in a public place to be picked up and read by other random people, who are then supposed to do the same thing.

1.4. Music and choreography


1.4.1. Orchestra

Concert, chamber, symphony, academic, military, and other types of orchestras.

1.4.2. Choir, choral studio

Chamber choirs, academic choirs, veteran choirs, choral singing centers, and so on.

1.4.3. Music school

Music schools for children and adults, choral schools, lessons on various musical instruments such as guitar.

1.4.4. Dance school

Classes on various dance styles for amateurs.

1.4.5. Choreography school

Educational institutions that prepare professional dancers and ballet actors for professional careers.

1.4.6. Artistic group

Song and dance ensembles, as well as folklore, choreography, music, and other creative groups.

1.4.7. Concert hall

Venues where concerts, shows, and other entertainment events take place. This category includes: organ halls, auditoriums, stages, and concert halls.

1.4.8. Philharmonic

Music organizations that put on concerts and develop and promote music.

1.4.9. Music store

Stores selling musical instruments.

1.4.10. Music club

Venues for recreation where you can listen to various types of live music.

1.5. Theatre


1.5.1. Theatre

Various theatres.

1.5.2. Theater and concert tickets

Offices that sell tickets to theater, concert, and other events.

1.6. Monument, sculpture


1.6.1. Entry sign

This section includes all decorative steles, navigational monuments, and signs installed at the entrances to provinces, cities, municipal areas, and companies.

Attention. The “Entry sign” attribute can't be assigned to traffic signs or other kinds of signage used for regulating traffic or featured in traffic regulations.
1.6.2. Genre sculpture

Urban sculptures in parks and streets. Items in this category don't represent any particular people or events. They lack grandeur and are created explicitly for entertainment purposes: a girl with an oar, a lady with a dog, a scout with a bugle, or fairytale characters.

1.6.3. Memorial plaque, foundation stone

This section includes commemorative and memorial plaques dedicated to outstanding people as well as foundation stones and memorial signs dedicated to various people and events.

This category also includes groups of sculptures that are decorative architectural elements (such as busts of famous cultural figures placed on a building's pediments).

You can add informal spontaneous memorials erected at the site of an event to the “Memorial plaque, foundation stone” category. These items can't be added to Yandex Map Editor until three months after their creation, provided the following conditions are met:

  • The memorial is widely known and has coverage in media and blogs.
  • The memorial is maintained (not abandoned).
  • There are no official monuments or plaques dedicated to the same event near the informal memorial.

For example: Memorial to Boris Nemtsov, Nemtsov Bridge, memorials to the victims of school shootings (Kazan, Kerch), People's Memorial to the Defenders of the White House, Memorial to the Polish Delegation Killed on April 10, 2010.

Note. Names that don't contain toponyms mapped in other item types are considered more accurate.

If the memorial is no longer maintained or disappears, the item is removed from the map.

1.6.4. Graves of famous people

Individual graves of famous* individuals in cemeteries or buried separately.

Keep in mind that mausoleums and necropolises belong in the Sight category, while mass graves belong in the Monument, memorial category.

* Defined by conducting or participating in social, cultural, public, religious, or political activities, which should be confirmed by at least 20 mentions in officially registered mass media sources.

1.6.5. Monument to technology

This section includes military and civil equipment openly showcased in museums and exhibition halls. This section may also include rare pieces of engineering that are not necessarily exhibits, but retain cultural value or make for notable landmarks provided they are stationary (for example, a retro car that's used to promote a nearby car workshop).

1.6.6. Monument, memorial

Monuments and memorials designed to commemorate people and events. This includes monuments, monument sites, and structures dedicated to various wars and military conflicts.

This category also includes isolated mass graves.

1.7. Museums and exhibitions


1.7.1. Planetarium

Various planetariums.

1.7.2. Exhibition center

Exhibition complexes, galleries and halls, exhibition halls, tasting rooms.

1.7.3. Museum

Various museums, theme parks (if they offer educational events), arboretums, nature preserves, "cabinets of curiosities", folk art centers.

1.8. Observation deck


1.8.1. Observation deck

Specially equipped official platforms for tourists.

1.9. Cultural centers


1.9.1. House of culture

Culture and leisure clubs where concerts, lectures, and themed events take place. This category includes: houses of culture, youth organizations, military clubs, leisure centers, professional unions, 4H clubs, and so on.

1.9.2. Cultural center

Organizations, buildings, or building complexes that promote culture and art. Cultural institutions that address a particular national, religious, social or other group (sometimes affiliated with embassies or other representatives of countries, religious organizations, or public associations).

1.10. Cinema


1.10.1. Film distributor

Companies that distribute the rights to screen films in cinemas.

1.10.2. Film studio

Companies (for example, Mosfilm) that produce films (including documentaries and cartoons), including managing the whole creation process from scripting to the manufacture of film reels.

1.10.3. Cinema

Places where films are screened for the public. This category also includes: cinemas, 3D movie theaters, drive-in theaters, movie houses, etc.

1.11. Circus


1.11.1. Circus

Permanent circuses and traveling circuses.

2. Medicine and pharmaceutics


2.1. Public health facilities


2.1.1. Ambulatory care centre, first aid post

Town and village medical centers, first aid centers at various organizations.

2.1.2. Hospital

Multi-specialty state medical institutions that provide medical care to adults. This also includes hospital administrations, individual buildings on hospital grounds, and hospital divisions.

2.1.3. Military hospital

Hospitals for those who serve in the military.

2.1.4. Children's hospital

Multi-specialty state medical institutions that provide medical care to children. This also includes hospital administrations, individual buildings on hospital grounds, and hospital divisions.

2.1.5. Children's polyclinic

State multi-specialty institutes offering outpatient preventative medicine for children.

2.1.6. Dispensary

Special state medical institutions of various profiles that provide medical and preventive care and systematic monitoring of the condition of certain groups of people. This category includes substance-abuse treatment clinics, STI screening clinics, tuberculosis prevention clinics, and so on.

2.1.7. Women's consultation

State institutions focused on providing preventative care and monitoring the health of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth.

2.1.8. Medical unit

Medical units are health care facilities for workers and staff at industrial plants. Infirmaries provide the main types of medical care: inpatient and outpatient treatment and first aid.

2.1.9. Morgue

Morgues in hospitals and pathology units.

2.1.10. Polyclinic for adults

State multi-specialty institutes offering outpatient preventative medicine for adults.

2.1.11. Maternity hospital

State institutions that provide medical care during the childbirth process. This also includes departments and buildings of maternity homes.

2.1.12. Specialized hospital

Specialized public hospitals. This category includes psychiatric hospitals, tuberculosis treatment hospitals, etc.

2.1.13. Injury care center

Divisions that treat medical emergencies, including conducting initial examinations of patients and treating those with injuries.

2.1.14. Blood donor center

Medical institutions where blood is collected from donors.

2.1.15. Hospice

Free state medical institutions that provide care for terminally ill people.

2.1.16. Perinatal medical centre

A medical organization that is responsible for the management of pregnancies and deliveries. Various types of services are provided at the institution, from initial consultation to post-delivery recovery.

2.1.17. Medical and social assessment

Specialized state institutions that determine individuals' legal disability status. Individuals contact disability assessment centers to establish that they were physically harmed. This applies to occupational injuries, accidents, and situations where harm was inflicted by another individual.

2.1.18. Forensic medical examination

State and private institutions that conduct medical analyses as part of a legal order issued by a judge, investigator, prosecutor, etc.

2.1.19. Psychiatric hospital

State inpatient institutions for individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders who need constant care and monitoring.

2.1.20. Baby feeding center

Institutions where formula and other foods intended for infants up to two years of age are prepared.

2.2. Chemists shops and pharmaceutics


2.2.1. Pharmacy

Organizations that manufacture, package, analyze and sell medicinal substances to people. This category includes pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks, pharmacy sections in larger stores, homeopathic pharmacies, etc.

2.2.2. Phytoproducts, dietary supplements

Organizations selling medicinal herbs, herbal remedies, and biologically active food additives that are not medications.

2.2.3. Pharmaceutical company

Companies that produce medicine.

2.3. Health care centers and clinics


2.3.1. Diagnostic center

Diagnosis and consultation centres that use special medical equipment to diagnose illnesses. Their key purpose is examining patients.

2.3.2. Home care

Organizations that offer home-based health care.

2.3.3. Medical center, clinic

Multidisciplinary or specialized commercial or state medical centres and clinics. There are separate categories for gynecological, urological, and substance-abuse treatment clinics.

2.3.4. Drug abuse clinic

Specialized commercial clinics for the treatment of substance addition and abuse.

2.3.5. Patient transportation

Organizations that transport critically ill and disabled individuals in vehicles accompanied by medical personnel.

2.3.6. Medical rehabilitation centre

Organizations offering rehabilitative medicine and psychological/socio-psychological help to those who have suffered from severe illnesses or disorders. This category includes cardio-rehabilitation centers, neuro-rehabilitation centers, drug rehabilitation centers,military medical-rehabilitation centers, and orthopedic rehabilitation centers.

2.3.7. Urology center

Specialized commercial clinics that treat urological diseases.

2.3.8. AIDS prevention center

Centers that work to prevent and fight the spread of AIDS.

2.3.9. Sanitary epidemiological service

State health surveillance institutions. This category includes disease control and prevention centers, epidemiology centers, consumer rights services, etc.

2.3.10. Family planning clinic

Medical facilities specializing in pregnancy planning.

2.3.11. Gynecology clinic

Specialized commercial clinics and centers that provide gynecology services by relevant specialists.

2.3.12. Dialysis center

Dialysis centers specializing in blood purification procedures.

2.3.13. Psychiatric clinic

Specialized commercial psychiatric institutions.

2.3.14. Computed tomography

This category encompasses organizations that only provide X-ray and computed tomography (CT) services. Organizations that conduct complex examinations belong in the Diagnostic Center category. Other types of diagnostics belong in the Magnetic resonance imaging or Ultrasound categories.

2.3.15. Magnetic resonance imaging

This category encompasses organizations that only provide magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) services. Organizations that conduct complex examinations belong in the Diagnostic Center category. Other types of diagnostics belong in the CT scanning or Ultrasound categories.

2.3.16. Ultrasonography

This category includes organizations that only provide ultrasound services. Organizations that conduct complex examinations belong in the Diagnostic Center category. Other types of diagnostics belong in the Magnetic resonance imaging and CT scanning categories.

2.4. Dentistry


2.4.1. Dental laboratory

Dental prosthetics manufacturing centers

2.4.2. Dental clinic

Commercial dental clinics and offices.

2.4.3. Dental polyclinic

State dental institutions.

2.5. Veterinary clinic


2.5.1. Veterinary pharmacy

Specialized pharmacies that sell veterinary products, pet supplies, medicinal foods for cats, dogs, livestock, and other animals.

2.5.2. Veterinary clinic

Private veterinary clinics and state institutions that fight the spread of animal diseases.

2.5.3. Veterinary laboratory

State or private organizations that provide laboratory diagnoses of illnesses affecting domestic and farm animals.

2.5.4. Veterinary drugs and equipment

Equipment for veterinary clinics and laboratories.

2.6. Optics


2.6.1. Contact lenses

Specialty stores that sell contact lenses, vending machines that sell contact lenses.

2.6.2. Opticial store

Organizations that sell glasses and related accessories and repair/manufacture glasses.

2.6.3. Repair of glasses

Workshops that repair glasses and frames.

2.7. Ambulance


2.7.1. Ambulance services

State and commercial ambulance and first aid services.

2.7.2. Children's ambulance

State and commercial ambulance and first aid services for children.

2.8. Medical services


2.8.1. Salt cave

A medical room in which the wall, ceiling, and floor are covered with salt.

2.8.2. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is an activity aimed at solving various problems a person has, including emotional, personal, social problems, and so on. It is performed by a specialist in psychotherapy by establishing a deep personal contact with the patient (often through conversations and discussions).

2.8.3. Vision correction

Opthalmology clinics.

2.8.4. Speech therapists

Speech pathology services and institutions that deal with speech correction and development.

2.8.5. Medical examination

All types of medical commissions. This category also includes institutions that issue medical records and issue documents stating that someone is fit to use pools, weapons, attend school, etc.

2.8.6. Medical laboratory

Institutions that do various types of medical analysis.

2.8.7. Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine clinics that use treatment methods that have not passed traditional medical trials: traditional medicine, eastern medicine, and homeopathic centers.

2.8.8. Pre-trip inspection point

Official points and places with kiosks where drivers can get a certificate of health before and after the trip (post-trip inspection). The inspection includes measurements of blood pressure and pulse as well as an alcohol breath test. This is not to be confused with the Medical commission category.

2.8.9. Private practice doctors

Doctors who have the necessary medical qualifications and provide paid medical services through their own private practices.

2.8.10. Nursing service

Home or hospital-based care for the ill, disabled, or elderly; home health aide services, etc.

2.8.11. Massage parlor

Therapeutic massage parlors.

2.8.12. Medical tourism

Organization of diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation in clinics and health centers outside the customer's region of residence.

2.8.13. Osteopathy

Organizations that provide osteopathic services.

2.8.14. Psychiatrist

Organizations that provide psychiatric services.

2.8.15. Podology

Organizations that treat diseases and deformities of the feet and nails. Not to be confused with the "Nail salon" category.

2.8.16. Vaccination point

Official centers where people can get vaccinated against various diseases, such as covid, flu, and so on.

2.9. Medical goods and equipment


2.9.1. Medical supply store

Stores or organizations that sell medical equipment (massagers, blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, professional equipment), medical goods (other than orthopedic supplies), and health products (herbs, medicinal tinctures, etc.).

2.9.2. Orthopedic shop

Organizations that sell orthopedic supplies: orthopedic shoes, bandages, corsets, pillows, canes, crutches, etc.

2.9.3. Medical furniture

Furniture for medicinal institutions (beds, examination tables, stretchers, etc.) and pharmacies.

2.9.4. Pharmaceutical equipment

Organizations that produce various kinds of medicines (tablets, capsules, aerosols, drops, gels, ointments, solutions).

2.9.5. Manufacture of prosthetic and orthopedic products

Manufacture of prostheses of all types, orthopedic devices, corsets, bandages, crutches, and so on. Organizations that manufacture dentures belong in the "Dental laboratory" category. Orthopedic product stores belong in the "Orthopedic shop" category.

2.9.6. Medical goods and consumables

Instruments, devices, materials, and other products used for medical purposes and consumables: syringes, surgical gloves, oilcloths, needles for syringes, dressings, disinfectants, antiseptics, and so on.

2.9.7. Equipment of laboratories

Equipment for laboratories: laboratory glassware, furniture, measuring devices, analytical instrumentation, mills, pellet mills, and so on.

2.9.8. Medical equipment repairs

Maintenance and repair of medical equipment and devices.

2.9.9. Hearing aids

Hearing aids and hearing prosthetics. Department stores of medical goods belong in the "Medical supply store" category.

2.9.10. Health products

Massagers, blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, medicinal tinctures, vitamins, and other products for health enhancement.

2.9.11. Disability aids

Lifting and support equipment for disabled persons. Orthotic and prosthetic products and hearing aids belong in other categories.

2.9.12. Massage equipment

Sale of equipment, devices, and accessories for massage. Massage tables, massage chairs, massage beds, neck and leg massagers, and so on.

2.9.13. Medical equipment

Equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. For example: CT scanners, ultrasound equipment, electrocardiographs, and so on.

2.9.14. Dental materials and equipment

Dental consumables, dental equipment, dental instruments, dental materials, and so on.

3. Education and science


3.1. Vocational schools or colleges


3.1.1. Religious education

Educational institutions that prepare people for religious professions of various faiths: Christian seminaries, Muslim madrasahs, etc.

3.1.2. College

Post-secondary specialized educational institutions that focus on professional training.

3.1.3. Theater and circus education

Post-secondary theater and circus schools.

3.1.4. Technical college

Post-secondary specialized educational institutions that focus on basic professional skills.

3.1.5. Educational institution

Organizations that provide high school students with initial professional training.

3.1.6. Vocational school

Combined high school and college programs where students get professional technical education.

3.2. Additional education


3.2.1. Business school

Education in business management: business administration, management, marketing, etc.

3.2.2. Accounting courses

Professional accounting courses for both beginners and experienced professionals who want to improve their qualifications, fulfill continuing education requirements, etc.

3.2.3. Additional education

Extracurricular programs that supplement main educational courses. This category contains all additional education programs that don't belong in other more precise categories.

3.2.4. Computer courses

Basic and advanced computer courses.

3.2.5. Courses and master classes

Organizations provide service to individuals to improve their practical skills. Various types of professional courses and workshops that don't belong in any more precise category: knitting, drawing, design, sewing, culinary skills, sommelier training, etc.

3.2.6. Foreign language courses

All types of language courses.

3.2.7. Music school

3.2.8. Sports school

Sports schools for children and the youth, Olympic reserve schools. This category also includes specialized sport schools such as those that teach figure skating, chess, go-cart racing, etc.

3.2.9. Training

Organizations that conduct various types of trainings: business trainings, personal growth coaching, psychological training, etc.

3.2.10. Educational center

Educational institutions that teach people various activities.

3.2.11. Photography school

Schools or learning centers that specialize in photography and photo art.

3.2.12. Professional development center

Organizations that help people raise their qualifications and acquire the skills and knowledge they need to keep up with new professional developments or work in a higher role.

3.2.13. School for pregnant women

Courses for pregnant women.

3.2.14. School of the Arts

Multidisciplinary schools that teach various types of art classes (for example: vocal, dance, decorative and applied arts, and so on).

3.2.15. Security guard training

Training and additional qualifications for security guards and body guards.

3.2.16. Film school

Film and television schools; directing, cinematography, screenwriting, and acting courses.

3.2.17. Training of masters for beauty salons

Courses for hairdressers, nail technicians, stylists, cosmetologists, and make-up artists.

3.2.18. Career guidance center

Organizations that provide assistance to young people and adults in choosing a career.

3.2.19. Studying abroad

Only agencies that handle applications and send students abroad belong in the category.

3.3. Scientific organizations


3.3.1. Engineering bureau

Various bureaus that plan and design new equipment and modernize old structures and products.

3.3.2. Research organization

Organizations that undertake scientific research and development and produce and release products.

3.3.3. Research institute

Research institutes and academies of sciences.

3.3.4. Innovative technology

Organizations that specialize in promising new innovations like nanotechnology, genetic engineering, wireless transmission of electricity, and so on.

3.3.5. Observatory

Institutions where scientists of various specialties observe natural phenomena, analyze their observations, and use that analysis to study nature. The most common are astronomical observatories used to study stars, planets, star clusters, and other objects in space.

3.3.6. Telescope

This category includes free-standing stationary telescopes.

3.4. Higher education


3.4.1. University

State and private institutions of higher education, institutes, academies, universities (including military schools), as well as individual academic buildings and departments.

3.4.2. Conservatory

Higher education institutes of music.

3.5. Schools


3.5.1. Military school, cadet corps

Military schools/colleges, cadet schools and associated buildings.

3.5.2. Gymnasium

Secondary schools offering intensive study of key subjects where students prepare for higher education institutions.

3.5.3. Lyceum

Secondary schools offering mainly math and science subjects.

3.5.4. Primary school

Schools that only teach elementary grades.

3.5.6. School

Educational institutions that offer secondary education through 12th grade, as well as individual buildings and departments on their campuses.

3.5.7. Private school

Secondary schools that charge tuition.

3.5.8. Sanatorium school

Grade schools in resort settings for children that need long-term medical treatment. Children live, study, and receive medical treatment at these types of schools.

3.5.9. Boarding school

Grade schools where students live and study.

3.6. Nursery schools


3.6.1. Kindergarten

Private and state day cares and nursery schools where children spend the whole day.

3.6.2. Club for children and teenagers

Public organizations for children and youth and clubs based on interests. This category contains young mechanics clubs, various "scouting" organizations, and extracurricular program centers.

3.6.3. Children's developmental center

Centers offering hourly lessons that focus on the development and education of children in various areas.

3.6.4. Children's сorrection сenter

Centers that provide support to children and their parents. Specialists in these types of centers help correct deficiencies in a child's development and assist in overcoming educational and developmental problems.

4. Finance


4.1. Banks


4.1.1. Banks

Various banks and their branches and divisions.

4.1.2. Money transfers

Specialized systems that operate money transfers.

4.1.3. Paying agent

A bank paying agent is a legal entity (not a credit institution) or a sole proprietor enlisted by a credit institution for the purpose of carrying out individual banking transactions.

4.1.4. Banking service point

This category includes loan-issuing bank counters located in car dealerships, shopping centers, and some large hypermarkets.

4.1.5. Depositaries and registrars

Organizations that specialize in accounting and custody of securities and maintaining registries of holders of registered securities.

4.2. Pawnshops and microfinance


4.2.1. Pawnshop

Specialized commercial organizations that lend money against property that they hold.

4.2.2. Buying gold and jewelry

Organizations that buy gold, jewelry, precious metals, and stones.

4.3. ATM


4.3.1. ATM

ATMs of various banks where you can deposit or withdraw money and complete other banking operations.

4.4. Currency exchanges


4.4.1. Currency exchanges

Currency exchange offices.

4.5. Payment kiosk


4.5.1. Payment terminal

Payment terminals offering various self-service options.

4.6. Insurance


4.6.1. Car insurance

Companies that specialize in car insurance exclusively.

4.6.2. Insurance company

Companies that offer all types of insurance.

4.6.3. Mutual insurance society

A mutual insurance company is a non-profit organization created by its policyholders. Mutual insurance is a form of insurance where people or companies agree that each of them will contribute a certain amount to a mutual insurance fund. If a covered event occurs to one of the policyholders, their losses are reimbursed.

4.6.4. Point of issue of insurance policies

Points in medical organizations where insurance certificates are issued. Insurance representatives working at these points also provide consulting services, help resolve conflicts, and assist in choosing a doctor.

4.6.5. Insurance broker

Insurance salespeople that act as intermediaries between insurance companies and people who want to buy insurance.

4.7. Examination, financial accounting


4.7.1. Microfinance

Organizations that issue short-term credit in small sums with no collateral or guarantees.

4.7.2. Tax consultants

Professional consultants (lawyers or accountants) that advise on tax and taxation issues.

4.7.3. Financial consulting

Organizations that offer financial consulting on various issues.

4.7.4. Audit company

Companies that provide independent audits of company financial records.

4.7.5. Accountants

Companies that offer services such as accounting, tax reporting, managing personnel records, business registrations and reorganizations, etc.

4.8. Tax free


4.8.1. Tax free

Tax free. Only available for indoor maps.

4.9. Finance


4.9.1. Dealing center

Companies that organize trades on the currency market.

4.9.2. Private pension fund

Non-governmental social welfare for citizens.

4.9.3. Brokerage firm

Intermediary companies that provide services such as helping obtain credit, insurance, or a lease. Additionally, companies that help individuals invest as a means of generating income or resell items on their behalf.

4.9.4. Investment company

All types of investment organizations, including mutual funds.

4.9.5. Debt collection agency

Agencies that recover debts, alimony, loans, losses, recoveries based on enforcement orders.

4.9.6. Leasing company

Companies that provide leases and intermediaries that help process leases.

4.9.7. Factoring company

Companies that buy accounts receivable (invoices) from businesses that need to meet immediate cash needs.

4.9.8. E-commerce

Exchanges of e-currencies, online payment services.

4.9.9. Credit bureau

Organizations that collect, process, and store individual credit information and prepare credit reports.

4.9.10. Credit broker

Intermediaries between borrowers and banks. Organizations that issue short-term loans with no collateral or guarantees belong in the "Microfinance" category. Non-bank credit organizations and credit unions belong in the "Non-bank financial institution" category.

4.9.11. Credit consumer cooperative

Voluntary membership-based associations of individuals or companies created to help each other meet financial needs.

4.9.12. Non-bank deposit and credit institution

Financial institutions that provide banking services but don't hold a banking license.

4.9.13. Non-bank financial institution

Credit organizations entitled to carry out banking operations as defined by the Central Bank. Unlike banks, non-bank credit organizations can only perform settlement transactions and are not entitled to accept deposits.

4.9.14. Payment non-bank credit institution

Non-bank payment credit organizations that provide banking services but don't hold a banking license. Non-bank payment credit organizations can make money transfers without opening bank accounts.

4.9.15. Settlement non-bank credit organization

Financial institutions that provide banking services but don't hold a banking license. Settlement non-bank credit organizations provide cash and settlement services to both individuals and businesses.

4.9.16. Agricultural credit consumer cooperative

Non-profit organizations with voluntary membership created by agricultural producers (companies and/or individuals) who combine their property shares and other contributions with the purpose of self-crediting and saving member funds.

4.9.17. Central counterparty

Infrastructure organizations in the financial market that assume the counterparty's credit risk, that is, the risk of a financial market participant defaulting on the delivery of money or a financial asset. The central counterparty acts as an intermediary between the transaction parties (the seller for the buyer and the buyer for the seller), replacing their contractual obligations to each other with similar contractual obligations to the central counterparty.

4.9.18. E-commerce payment system

Operators of e-payment systems like Yandex Money, WebMoney, and PayPal. Companies that exchange electronic currencies and withdraw and deposit funds to WebMoney belong in the "E-commerce" category.

5. Trading


5.1. Food


5.1.1. Bakery, bread store

Speciality stores that sell bread and baked goods.

5.1.2. Dietetic and diabetic nutrition

Stores that sell health foods and products for diabetics.

5.1.3. Confectionary

Specialty stores that sell cakes and other sweet baked goods.

5.1.4. Sale of water

Specialty stores that sell drinking and mineral water and vending machines that sell water.

5.1.5. Butcher shop

Stores that sell fresh and frozen meat, products made from meat, sausage, and meat delicacies.

5.1.6. Cookery store

Specialty stores that sell various pre-made foods: meat, fish, and other products that can be consumed immediately.

5.1.7. Grocery

Various grocery stores that do not specialize in any given product.

5.1.8. Sushi and Asian food stores

Stores that sell ingredients and prepared foods that are part of various Japanese and other Asian cuisines.

5.1.9. Coffee and tea shop

Specialty stores that sell tea, coffee, and related accessories.

5.1.10. Honey and beekeeping

Specialty stores that sell honey, beeswax, goods made from bee products, and related accessories.

5.1.11. Dairy products shop

Specialty stores that sell milk and dairy products.

5.1.12. Ice cream

Places that sell ice cream.

5.1.13. Produce store

Specialty stores that sell vegetables, fruit, and mushrooms.

5.1.14. Fish store

Speciality stores that sell fish, caviar, and seafood.

5.1.15. Egg and poultry meat

Poultry cultivation and frozen food production from poultry.

5.1.16. Food hypermarket

Hypermarkets that sell groceries.

5.1.17. Coffee shop

Specialty stores that sell coffee.

5.2. Department stores


5.2.1. Shopping mall

Large shopping centers and complexes, shopping and recreation centers, malls and corresponding infrastructure.

5.2.2. Department store

Major stores that sell a wide assortment of non-food items.

5.2.3. Duty-free shop

Shops located mainly at checkpoints across the state border (including ports, airports, train stations). Products sold in duty-free shops are not subject to excise taxes and/or duties and VAT. They usually sell alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, perfumes, costume jewelry, jewelry, mobile phones, and watches.

5.2.4. Convenience store

Small stores that sell a range of consumer goods, from food to industrial products. The stores don't have divisions or sections. Usually found in smaller localities (such as villages) or at filling stations. This category also includes shops for confectioners.

5.2.5. Fixed price shop

Stores where all goods cost a set price.

5.2.6. Supermarket

Self-service supermarkets that sell a full range of food and beverages, as well as non-food items.

5.3. Gifts and souvenirs


5.3.1. Gift and souvenir shop

Specialty stores that sell gifts and souvenirs.

5.4. Furniture


5.4.1. Exclusive furniture

Specialty stores that sell luxury designer furniture.

5.4.2. Kids furniture

Children's furniture stores.

5.4.3. Cabinet furniture

Manufacturing, sales and installation of cabinet furniture.

5.4.4. Furniture store

Stores and furniture shopping centers.

5.4.5. Bathroom furniture

Bathroom furniture stores.

5.4.6. Kitchen furniture

Kitchen furniture stores.

5.4.7. Furniture fittings and components

Companies that supply components for furniture (facades, shelves, mechanisms, accessories) and furniture accessories (handles, locks, hinges, clips).

5.4.8. Metal furniture

Various types of metal furniture: cabinets, racks, hand tables, work benches, chairs, etc.

5.4.9. Upholstered furniture

Upholstered furniture stores.

5.4.10. Closets

Manufacturing and installation of wardrobes.

5.4.11. Hypermarket
Furniture hypermarkets, large furniture stores.
5.4.12. Bedroom furniture

Specialty stores that sell bedroom furniture.

5.4.13. Shelving

Manufacturing and sales of shelving for offices, warehouses, archives, and so on.

5.4.14. Furniture factory

Factories that produce furniture.

5.5. Technic, electronics


5.5.1. Spare parts and accessories for home appliances

Specialty stores that sell parts and accessories for household appliances.

5.5.2. Computer accessories

Computer accessory sales: mouses, mouse pads, thumb drives, etc.

5.5.3. Computer store

Specialty stores that sell computers, computer components, and software.

5.5.4. Coffee machines

Sales of coffee and espresso machines and beans.

5.5.5. Household appliances store

Stores that sell large and small household appliances.

5.5.6. Blueray, CD, and DVD store

Specialty stores that sell CD, DVD, and Blueray discs with music, videos, and/or computer games.

5.5.7. Electronics store

Specialty stores that sell appliances and electronics: computers, photo and video technology, auto equipment, games and consoles, programs, etc.

5.5.8. Photo shop

Photography and camera stores.

5.5.9. Sewing and knitting machines

Speciality stores that sell household sewing and knitting machines.

5.5.10. Yandex smart devices

Locations that sell products with the Yandex branding: smart stations, media players, modules, and smart home devices.

5.5.11. Disposers

Sales of garbage disposal units that are installed under a kitchen sink to shred food and organic waste.

5.5.12. Antennas

Sales and installation of TV (indoor and satellite), Wi-Fi, radio, and other types of antennas.

5.5.13. Network equipment

Sales of network equipment: routers, switchboards, and so on.

5.5.14. Laptops & tablets

Stores that sell tablets and laptops.

5.5.15. Telecommunication equipment

Various equipment used in data transmission: switch boards, wireless networks, personal communication devices, and so on.

5.6. Home decoration


5.6.1. Antique store

Stores that sell antiques: vintage furniture, books, paintings, household items.

5.6.2. Taxidermist

Organizations that specialize in the manufacture and sale of stuffed animals, birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects.

5.6.3. Aroma products

Yoga products, incenses, Ayurveda, Indian goods, scented candles, aromatic oils, and so on.

5.6.4. Artificial plants and flowers

Production and sale of artificial plants and flowers both for home decor and for funerals.

5.6.5. Carpet covers

Floor carpeting: fitted carpets, carpet tiles, and so on. Carpet stores are in the category of the same name.

5.6.6. Gypsum products

Sales of plaster (gypsum) products: stucco, drywall, gypsum concrete, loose gypsum.

5.6.7. Tapestries

Manufacturing and sales of tapestries and items made from them (pillow covers, blankets, pictures, and so on).

5.6.8. Blinds and roller blinds

Manufacturing and installation of shutters and blinds all types.

5.6.9. Fireplaces, stoves

Sales and installations of fireplaces and stoves all types.

5.6.10. Carpet shop

Specialty stores that sell carpeting.

5.6.11. Lamps

Speciality stores that sell lamps: chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps, etc.

5.6.12. Interior goods

Accessories and knick-knacks for homes: paintings, candlesticks, flowers, figurines and statuettes, photo frames, clocks, jewelry boxes, decorative furniture, pillows, blankets.

5.6.13. Curtains, curtain rods

Specialty stores that produce and sell curtains and related products: rods, curtain accessories, etc.

5.6.14. Christmas trees and Christmas decorations

Sales of real and artificial Christmas trees and decorations.

5.6.15. Christmas market

Seasonal stands where Christmas trees are sold.

5.7. Fabrics, textiles, mattresses


5.7.1. Drapery shop

Specialty stores that sell fabric.

5.7.2. Sewing accessories

Sewing accessories: needles, zippers, buttons, etc.

5.7.3. Bedding shop

Stores that sell bed linens, blankets, pillows, etc.

5.7.4. Mattresses

Specialty stores that sell mattresses, including orthopedic mattresses.

5.7.5. Knitwear

Specialty stores that sell knitwear and related items such as fabrics, clothings, etc.

5.7.6. Textile company

Production of all types of textile products: home textiles (bed linens, tablecloths, towels), as well as fabrics, clothing, and technical textiles.

5.8. Construction, household goods


5.8.1. Wallpaper stores

5.8.2. Tableware shop

Specialty stores that sell table settings.

5.8.3. Household goods and chemicals shop

Household goods, cleaning supplies, detergents.

5.8.4. Goods for bath and sauna

Specialty stores that sell spa and sauna accessories.

5.8.5. Locks and locking devices
Sales of all types of locks and bolts for doors, gates, containers, etc.
5.8.6. Home goods store
Department stores that sell home accessories, tableware, textiles, chandeliers, and so on, both online and offline. The category is only assigned to stores that sell a wide range of products.

5.9. Flowers, gardening


5.9.1. Seed shop

Retail stores that sell seeds.

5.9.2. Flower shop

Stores that sell flowers, florist shops.

5.9.3. Garden center

Garden centers that sell seeds, flowers, ornamental saplings, berry bushes, and trees.

5.9.4. Gardening shop

Retail stores that sell products for gardeners.

5.9.5. Gardening tools and equipment

Gardening tools and equipment: lawn mowers, cultivators, trimmers, tillers, pumping stations, sprinklers, irrigation systems, watering cans, shovels, pitchforks, rakes, etc.

5.9.6. Garden furniture

Garden furniture stores.

5.10. Point of delivery


5.10.1. Point of delivery

Pickup points where items bought on the internet are delivered.

5.10.2. Automated postal center

Postal vending machines (automated terminals that deliver packages and items ordered from online stores and catalogs). Equipped with compartments for storing orders and consoles to manage the process of receiving orders.

5.11. Cosmetics, perfumes


5.11.1. Perfume and cosmetics shop

Specialty stores that sell perfumes and cosmetics including professional-grade items and handmade cosmetics.

5.11.2. Personal hygiene products

Sales of personal hygiene products.

5.11.3. Distributors of cosmetics and household chemicals

This category only includes individual entrepreneurs who sell cosmetics and cleaning supplies.

5.11.4. Perfume and cosmetic company

Manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetic products.

5.12. Sports goods


5.12.1. ATVs, water scooters and snowmobiles

All-terrain vehicles, personal watercrafts, snowmobiles, ATVs, swamp buggies, etc.

5.12.2. Bicycle shop

Stores that sell bicycles, scooters, accessories and spare parts.

5.12.3. Boats, motor boats, yachts

Sales of all types of boats, kayaks, yachts, and equipment and parts for them.

5.12.4. Billiard shop

Sales of billiard tables and accessories for playing billiards.

5.12.5. Electric transport store

Sales of Segways, electric bikes, electric scooters, monowheels, electric cars and other types of personal electric vehicles.

5.12.6. Sportswear and shoes

Specialty stores that sell athletic clothing and footwear.

5.12.7. Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition stores: protein powders, gainers, amino acids, fat burners, etc.

5.12.8. Sports equipment

Specialty stores that sell sporting goods.

5.12.9. Sports store

Department stores that sell athletic clothing, shoes, and sporting goods.

5.12.10. Balance bicycles and scooters shop

Stores that sell balance bikes and scooters.

5.13. Market


5.13.1. Farmers' market

Markets that sell food products.

5.13.2. Clothing market

Markets that sell clothes; flea markets.

5.13.3. Flower market

Flower markets where you can purchase seeds, flowers, seedlings, ornamental bushes, berry bushes, and trees.

5.13.4. Market

Various markets and fairs: flea markets, electronics markets, and so on. There are separate categories for some types of markets, such as "Farmers' market", "Clothing market", "Hardware market", "Flower market", and "Car market".

5.14. Literature


5.14.1. Secondhand bookshop

Specialty stores that sell old books and antique printed literature.

5.14.2. Bookstore

Book stores and shops.

5.14.3. Educational literature

Textbooks for schools and higher educational institutions.

5.14.4. Newsagents

Places where newspapers and magazines are sold, newspaper kiosks.

5.14.5. Visual teaching aids store

Stores that sell textbooks and teaching aids.

5.14.6. Comic book store

Stores that sell comic books. Stores selling all kinds of books belong in the "Bookstore" category.

5.14.7. Educational equipment

Furniture and other equipment for educational institutions.

5.14.8. Anime shop

Stores that sell Japanese anime merchandise. For example, cosplay, dakimakura, figurines, accessories, badges, and other anime items.

5.15. Wholesale shopping


5.15.1. Clothes wholesale

Wholesale clothing of all types for adults.

5.15.2. Home appliances wholesale

Wholesale appliances.

5.15.3. Dairy products wholesale

Wholesale dairy products.

5.15.4. Vegetables and fruit wholesale

Wholesale vegetable and fruit.

5.15.5. Fish and seafood wholesale

Wholesale fish and seafood.

5.15.6. Household chemicals wholesale

Wholesale cleaning supplies.

5.15.7. Plumbing wholesale

Wholesale bathroom fixtures.

5.15.8. Building materials wholesale

Wholesale building materials.

5.15.9. Haberdashery wholesale

Wholesale textiles.

5.15.10. Pet products wholesale

Wholesale pet supplies.

5.15.11. Children's goods wholesale

Wholesale children's goods: clothing, shoes, toys.

5.15.12. Baby food wholesale

Wholesale baby food.

5.15.13. Stationery wholesale

Wholesale stationery supplies.

5.15.14. Computers and computer components wholesale

Wholesale computers and accessories.

5.15.15. Jewelry wholesale

Wholesale jewelry.

5.15.16. Wholesale company

Wholesale goods for companies.

5.16. Info


5.16.1. Information terminal

A place with kiosks that provide information.

5.16.2. Tourist information centre

A place that provides information for tourists.

5.16.3. Reference service

Directories, telephone and address-information services, concierge services.

5.16.4. Public center for legal information

Legal information centers provide citizens with free access to legal information in electronic form.

5.17. Hardware market, construction materials


5.17.1. Aluminum, aluminum construction

Sales of aluminum and aluminum products: aluminum sheets, sidings, window frames, doors, balconies, showcases, etc.

5.17.2. Concrete, concrete products

Sales of concrete (mortar, sand concrete, expanded-clay concrete, etc.) and products made from it, including decorative items (decorative blocks, concrete balusters, pedestals, etc.).

5.17.3. Road materials

Sales of road construction materials such as gravel and asphalt.

5.17.4. Stone products

Sales of all types of natural and artificial stones from slabs to countertops and souvenirs.

5.17.5. Insulation materials

Sales of acoustic insulation materials, vapor barriers, waterproofing, and electrical insulation.

5.17.6. Adhesives products and materials

Sales of adhesives, mastics, and all types of resins for domestic, industrial, building, office, etc. use.

5.17.7. Cast iron works

Artistic cast iron works such as fences, railings, window grates, canopies, and household items.

5.17.8. Roofs and roofing materials

Sales of roofs and roofing materials.

5.17.9. Paint materials

Sales of paint materials.

5.17.10. Stairs and stair railings

Sales and installations of stairs and stair railings of all types of materials.

5.17.11. Fiberglass

Sales of fiberglass items

5.17.12. Dry Building Mixes

Sales of building mixes like cement, gypsum, lime, sand, crushed limestone sand, marble, etc.

5.17.13. Paving slabs

Sales of paving slabs

5.17.14. Lumber

Sales of various items made from wood: beams, planks, clapboard, etc.

5.17.15. Construction Fittings

Sale of building accessories.

5.18. Apparel, footwear, accessories


5.18.1. Military uniform, camouflage

Sales of a military uniforms, camouflage clothing, and accessories like gloves, belts, pouches, cases, etc.

5.18.2. Carnival, theater and dance costumes

Sales of stage and carnival costumes, clothes and shoes for dancing.

5.18.3. Lingerie and swimwear shop

Specialty stores that sell underwear and swimwear.

5.18.4. Jewerly shop

Specialty stores that sell costume jewelry.

5.18.5. Haberdashery and accessories shop

Specialty stores that sell clothing accessories and personal effects: ties, gloves, scarves, handbags, purses, wallets, etc.

5.18.6. Hat shop

Specialty stores that sell various types of hats and head coverings.

5.18.7. Jeans store

Specialty stores that sell jeans.

5.18.9. Maternity store

Specialty stores for expectant mothers.

5.18.10. Fur and leather shop

Specialty stores that sell leather, fur, and sheepskin.

5.18.11. Shoe store

Stores that sell men's and women's shoes.

5.18.12. Clothing store

Stores that sell clothing for men and women.

5.18.13. Bags and suitcases store

Specialty stores that sell bags and suitcases.

5.18.14. Watch shop

Specialty stores that sell various types of watches.

5.18.15. Stockings and tights shop

Specialty stores that sell tights, stockings, and socks.

5.18.16. Plus size clothing

Specialty stores that sell plus size clothing.

5.18.17. Evening dresses salon

Stores that sell or rent evening dresses and formal wear for men (coats, tuxedos).

5.18.18. Second-hand shop

Stores that sell second-hand clothing and shoes for adults and children.

5.18.19. Workwear

Specialty stores that sell work clothes for various professionals such as manual laborers, medical personnel, chefs, etc.

5.18.20. Felt products

Stores that sell felt products, primarily valenki. For the stores that sell valenki, add "Shoe store" as the second category.

5.18.21. Outerwear shop

Stores that sell outerwear: coats, jackets, windbreakers, raincoats, and so on. Department stores belong in the "Clothing store" category.

5.18.22. Beach goods store

Stores that sell everything for the beach: masks, goggles, snorkels, masks, fins, rubber rings and mattresses, umbrellas, and so on.

5.18.23. Shoe studio

Sales of custom shoes.

5.18.24. Tailor

Tailoring and repairs of clothing made from various fabrics.

5.18.25. Fashion house

Fashion houses and design workshops are places where clothing, shoe, and accessory collections are created and displayed.

5.18.26. Fur studio

Ateliers for sewing and repairing fur clothing.

5.18.27. Embroidery services

Embroidery factories, workshops, studios, and ateliers.

5.18.28. Thrift store

Specialty stores that buy and sell used items.

5.19. Pets


5.19.1. Pet shop

Stores that sell household pets and pet supplies.

5.19.2. Pet salon

Beauty salons for pets.

5.19.3. Aquarium store

Specialty stores that sell aquariums and related items.

5.19.4. Pet hotel

Places that provide short-term housing, food, and care for pets.

If the pet hotel is part of a veterinary clinic, add the second category as well. Animal shelters are a separate category.

5.19.5. Animal shelter

Shelters for homeless animals.

5.19.6. Animal nursery

Breeding and training various types of animals.

5.19.7. Terrarium store

Manufacturing and sales of terrariums.

5.19.8. Cremation of animals

Euthanasia, removal, and cremation of pets.

5.19.9. Sale of live butterflies

Sales of live butterflies.

5.19.10. Zoo center

Clubs for animal enthusiasts. This includes dog training centers and services.

5.19.11. Swimming pool for animals

Pools that are for pets only.

5.20. Baby and kid stuff


5.20.1. Toys and games

Specialty stores that sell toys and games for children.

5.20.2. Children's store

Department stores that sell children's items.

5.20.3. Video game consoles

Sales of video game consoles and games and accessories for them.

5.20.4. Baby food store

Specialty stores that sell baby food.

5.20.5. Children's shoe shop

Specialty stores that sell children's shoes.

5.20.6. Children's clothing store

Specialty stores that sell children's clothing and school uniforms.

5.20.7. Board games

Specialty stores that sell board games and games that mentally-engage children.

5.21. Jewelry


5.21.1. Jewelry store

Stores that sell items made from precious metals.

5.22. Vending


5.22.1. Coffee machine

Vending machines for coffee, tea, and hot chocolate.

5.22.2. Grocery machine

Vending machines with food: snacks, drinks (juices, water, soda, kvass, beer), ice cream, cotton candy.

5.22.3. Ticket machine

Vending machines that sell and print tickets to museums, theaters, cinemas, parks, and so on.

5.22.4. Vending machine

Vending machines for non-food products: appliances, contact lenses, cosmetics, stationery, souvenirs, medical products, and so on.

Name the machines by brand. If there's no brand, name them by the type of products they sell.

5.23. Leisure and tourist products


5.23.1. Leisure and tourist products

Stores that sell recreation and tourism-related items, professional equipment, various hiking accessories, etc.

5.23.2. Hunting supplies

Stores that sell hunting gear.

5.23.3. Fishing gear and supplies

Stores that sell fishing gear.

5.23.4. Barbecue grills

Stores that sell coal, gas, ceramic, electric, and other barbecue grills and other equipment for outdoor recreation such as tandoors.

5.23.5. Equipment for scuba diving

Stores that sell scuba diving and spearfishing gear.

5.24. Office supplies


5.24.1. Consumables for office equipment

Supplies for office equipment: ink cartridges, toners, paper and film for printing, hard drives, and so on.

5.24.2. Stationery store

Specialty stores that sell stationary.

5.24.3. Office equipment

Stores that sell office equipment: printers, plotters, copiers, paper shredders, and so on.

5.24.4. Projectors and multimedia equipment

Sales of various types of projectors (multimedia, video, slides, etc.) and the accessories that accompany them (screen projectors, lamps, stands, lenses, and so on).

5.24.5. Office furniture

Office furniture stores.

5.24.6. Partition systems

Production, sale, and installation of all types of partitions: stationary, mobile, desktop, interior, office, room divider, and so on.

5.25. Hobbies


5.25.1. Radio parts shop

Specialty stores that sell supplies for radio/electronics enthusiasts.

5.25.2. Coin dealers

Stores for coin collectors.

5.25.3. Philately

Stores and clubs for stamp collectors. Organizations that collect and study postage stamps.

5.25.4. Radio-controlled and building models

Models that are controlled using a remote: remote-controlled cars, planes, helicopters, tanks, etc.

5.25.5. Threads, yarn

Specialty stores that sell thread and yarn.

5.25.6. Art supplies and crafts

Stores that sell craft supplies. For example: for embroidery, knitting, beadwork, soap and candle making, etc.

5.26. Houseware, household chemicals, etc


5.26.1. Kitchen knife store

Specialty stores that sell kitchen knives.

5.26.2. Disposable tableware

Production and sale of disposable tableware.

5.26.3. Plastic and plastic products

Retail sale of plastic goods.

5.27. Areas

This subcategory is only available for indoor maps:


5.27.1. Vending machine

Vending machines with drinks, snacks, flowers, vapes, masks, and so on.

5.27.2. Trolley parking

Area where shopping carts are left.

5.27.3. Aquarium

Decorative aquariums.

5.27.4. Stage

Stages, dance floors, and other places for performing and filming programs in shopping malls.

5.27.5. Auditorium

Lecture halls. Indoor areas used for educational purposes.

5.27.6. Bill-to-coin change machine

Vending machines for making donations, converting coins to bills and vice versa, buying gift certificates, and so on.

5.27.7. Tax Free points

Official points where value added tax (VAT) is refunded for purchases.

6. State and society


6.1. Authorities


6.1.1. Administrations

Government authorities, administrative bodies from the regional to the local level, including those for cities (and surrounding areas), city districts, villages, etc.

6.1.2. Government ministries, services

Governments, state parliaments, state agencies, service organizations, ministries and their departments.

This category also includes official residences owned by the state. Private residences and households are not marked on the map.

6.1.3. Council of deputies

Councils of deputies and public deputies, legislative assemblies.

6.1.4. Mukhtars

Regional administration in Turkey. This category is only used in Turkey.

6.1.5. Treasury

State services that monitor the government's budget.

6.2. Community services


6.2.1. Emergency service

State and commercial agencies that respond to emergencies in residential buildings involving the electrical grid, water supply, gas pipes, the sewer system, elevators, and so on.

6.2.2. Water utilities

Communal services including water delivery to consumers.

6.2.3. Municipal housing authority

Residential public utilities.

In Russia: DEZ — local housing maintenance office (formerly the housing office, ZHEU, REU, RAP).

6.2.4. Gas supply services

Gas supply services: gas supply, maintenance, and network repairs.

6.2.5. District heating

Public utilities that provide heat to residential, public, and industrial buildings.

6.2.6. Energy supply

Organizations that supply electricity, process electricity payments, transmit and distribute electrical power, connect locations to the electrical grid, or repair grid equipment.

This category can include companies that design, develop, or operate the heat or electricity system or work to modernize existing energy systems.

6.2.7. Engineering infrastructure
All infrastructure related to utility facilities. In particular:
  • Electrical substations, traction substations, main step-down substations, switching substations, distribution points, transformer substations.
  • Boiler houses, heat supply units, heat pumping stations, booster pump stations, heat chambers, gate valve utility structures, storage tanks.
  • Water intake facilities, water intake sites, water supply wells, water supply stations.
  • Water stations, water treatment stations, water pumping stations, bypass regulators, clean water reservoirs, water towers (if operational and is not considered an attraction).
  • Sewerage pumping stations, stormwater pumping stations, drainage pumping stations, aeration plants, biological waste water treatment plants, water treatment plants, spillways, floodgates, engineering blocks, engineering facility blocks, snowmelters.
  • Gas distribution stations, gas control stations, gas filling stations.
  • Hydro-technical structures (dams, levees, floodgates, and other prominent structures).
  • TV and radio towers (when not considered a tourist attraction, such as Ostankino Tower), cellular communications towers, antenna masts, ATX, reference amplifying stations, satellite communication stations (and other communication-related items where no customer service is offered), and towers higher than 10 meters located on the roof of a building.
6.2.8. Waste management area

Landfills for solid waste disposal.

6.3. Social sphere


6.3.1. Orphanage

Homes where children between 3 and 18 years of age are raised. Children's villages are also in this category.

6.3.2. Children's shelter

Places where children live temporarily away from their parents (for various reasons). Usually children are temporarily removed from their families and placed in shelters while social workers determine how best to handle the situation.

6.3.3. Nursing home

State and commercial institutions that provide permanent housing for the elderly or disabled people who require constant care.

6.3.4. Children's home

Social organizations that take care of orphaned children from birth through 3–4 years of age. Older children are transferred to orphanages.

6.3.5. Homeless shelter

Establishments that offer places for the homeless to sleep and sometimes also provide food, clothing or money.

6.3.6. Pension fund

State social security institutions.

6.3.7. Aid collection point

Donation drop-off points for people in difficult situations.

6.3.8. Social rehabilitation centre

State, private, or public centers for social adjustment and recovery that help restore a person's rights, legal capacity, or social status.

Medical centers are placed in a separate category.

6.3.9. Social service

State and public organizations that provide social services to citizens. This category contains departments that manage the following areas: social services, housing subsidies, custody and guardianship issues, elderly services, rehabilitation centers, cultural adaption services, etc.

6.3.10. Social insurance fund

A state entitlement program that provides mandatory social insurance to citizens. The main function of this program is to provide insurance in cases where individuals become unable to work or suffer from work-related accidents or illnesses. This program provides vouchers for treatment at health resorts to certain categories of citizens.

6.3.11. Social research

Public opinion surveys run to obtain reliable data on the phenomenon being studied for practical application.

6.3.12. Adult daycare center

Centers that provide medical, social, legal, and other assistance or leisure and recreation to elderly and disabled people.

6.3.13. Temporary accommodation point

Centers for temporary accommodation of people who suffered in emergencies are a complex of technical and material means, facilities, and equipment for essential life support of the people affected by emergencies, internally displaced people (refugees), and people evacuated from emergency zones.

6.4. Government agencies


6.4.1. Consumer protection

State organizations that protect consumer rights: administrative divisions that are responsible for protecting the consumer, the Russian consumer protection structures.

6.4.2. Forestry

Organizations that restore and cultivate forests, take care of artificial stands, designate cutting areas, and protect the forests.

6.4.3. State supervisory bodies

State agencies that ensure that individuals and legal entities follow laws and other regulations.

6.4.4. Companies house

State agencies that register real estate titles and transactions.

6.4.5. Statistical organization

State statistics organizations that produce official statistics measuring social, economic, demographic and environmental phenomena in a given country.

6.4.6. Inspection

State inspections: land, housing, administrative, technical, and so on. Tax inspections are in a separate category.

6.4.7. Sanitary epidemiological service

State health surveillance institutions. This category includes disease control and prevention centers, epidemiology centers, consumer rights services, etc.

6.4.8. Departments of education

Departments that manage education, divisions of education within administrations.

6.5. Law enforcement


6.5.1. Private security

Structural divisions of the state security services.

6.5.2. Interdistrict registration and examination office

State vehicle registration and registration/examination divisions of the traffic police and road safety offices. They also perform the following functions: changing license plates and issuing driver's licenses.

6.5.3. Community policing point

State-community partnerships for the purpose of maintaining public order and preventing crime on the territories that they monitor.

6.5.4. Militia department

Sub-divisions of Ministries of Internal Affairs: departments, divisions, and police stations in Belarus, Abkhazia, Kyrgyzstan, and other countries.

Note: For Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, use the “Police department” category.

6.5.5. Police department

Sub-divisions of Ministries of Internal Affairs: departments, divisions, and police stations in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other countries.

Note: For Belarus, Abkhazia, and Kyrgyzstan, use the "Militia department" category.

6.5.6. State security service

National security services: the FSB, the National Guard of Russia, the SBU, the KGB, the NSC, etc.

6.5.7. Border checkpoint

All points where people pass between state borders.

6.5.8. Customs

Customs posts: passenger, cargo, railway, or specialized.

6.5.9. State penitentiary institution

State organizations that execute punishments: prison services, penitentiary services.

6.6. Public records office


6.6.1. Registery office

Public records and civil registry offices.

6.7. Embassy, consulate, visa application center


6.7.1. Visa centers of foreign countries

Visa service centers: both freestanding centers and consulates and embassies of foreign states.

6.7.2. Embassy, consulate

Embassies, consulates, trade and economic activity representatives for foreign countries.

6.8. Tax auditing


6.8.1. Tax auditing

Sub-divisions of state tax inspection services.

6.9. Post office


6.9.1. Post office

Divisions of the state postal service that receive, sort, send, process, and deliver mail and packages.

6.9.2. Postal services

Postal service organizations: preparing, packaging, and sending letters, parcels and packages. Not to be confused with branches of the state postal service.

6.9.3. Main mail transportation

Delivery of mail to mainline postal sorting centers. Postal and sorting units, courier service departments.

6.10. Passport service


6.10.1. Passport and migration authorities

Management offices and territorial divisions of migration service offices, passport offices.

6.11. Court, Prosecutor's office


6.11.1. Prosecutor's office

Agencies that ensure compliance with legislation in the name of the state.

6.11.2. Court

State and specialized judicial bodies (i.e. court-martial). This section must not list any lawyers.

6.11.3. Bailiffs

State bailiff services.

6.11.4. Arbitration court

Arbitral tribunals.

6.11.5. Justice of the Peace

Justices of the peace.

6.11.6. Investigation committee

State organizations that investigate very important criminal cases and ensure that the law is followed when crimes are reported and registered, when reports of criminal activity are verified, when criminal cases are initiated, and when preliminary investigations take place. They also protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and other individuals.

6.12. Fire, rescue services


6.12.1. Civil defense

Ministries of civil defense, emergencies, and natural disaster response.

6.12.2. Fire department

State fire and rescue organizations that prevent and extinguish fires. Voluntary firefighter groups.

6.12.3. Search and rescue

Professional teams that conduct rescue operations in emergency situations clean up after disasters. Examples of emergencies: fires, harmful chemical spills, road traffic accidents, industrial accidents, etc.

6.13. State services, government service center


6.13.1. Centers of state and municipal services

Multifunction centers provide state and municipal services. These include organizations that meet certain requirements and have the authority to provide various state and municipal services (including in electronic form).

6.14. Military enlistment office


6.14.1. Military commissariat

Military services, enlistment and draft offices, and other agencies responsible for conscripting citizens for military service.

6.15. Correctional institution


6.15.1. Correctional institution

Prisons of various security levels.

6.16. Railway station duty officer


6.16.1. Railway station duty officer

Railway station attendant. Only available for indoor maps.

6.17. Administrations


6.17.1. Administrations

Administrations of shopping centers and other items with indoor maps. Only available for indoor maps.

6.18. Commandant's service


6.18.1. Commandant's service

Military commandant office. Only available for indoor maps.

6.19. Customs control zone


6.19.1. Customs control zone

Customs control. Only available for indoor maps.

6.20. Immigration office


6.20.1. Immigration office

Immigration office. Only available for indoor maps.

6.21. Passport control


6.21.1. Passport control

Passport control. Only available for indoor maps.

6.22. Currency declaration point


6.22.1. Currency declaration point

Currency declaration point. Only available for indoor maps.

6.23. Phytosanitary, veterinary control


6.23.1. Phytosanitary, veterinary control

Plant and animal control. Only available for indoor maps.

6.24. Psychology, self-development


6.24.1. Heraldry and genealogy

Organizations that study and describe coats of arms and their history. This category also includes organizations that research ancestry and compile family trees.

6.24.2. Group therapy

Organizations that provide psychological help and support to groups of people, conduct relaxation and self-discovery sessions aimed at studying and developing interpersonal relationships within a group, and offer other forms of group therapy.

6.24.3. Psychological service

Paid and free psychological services. Assistance in times of crisis: suicidal thoughts, gambling or drug abuse, violence, and so on. Social and psychological help is also included in this category. Psychotherapy services belong in the "Psychotherapy" category.

6.24.4. Psychological center

Institutions designed to provide psychological assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation (family problems, personal crisis, violence, disaster exposure, and more). Psychological help centers employ specialists who work in the relevant areas and provide services to all categories of people regardless of how complicated their problems are.

6.24.5. Psychological counseling

Organizations that provide psychological services to help people overcome their personal, social, and psychological problems, change their behavior, or enhance their personal or professional development.

6.24.7. Systemic family constellations

Organizations that use the Hellinger family constellations method, searching for the cause of problems in a person's ancestry with the assumption that a life task unsolved by one or more generations has manifested itself in the client's present.

6.24.8. Body therapy

Organizations that practice body psychotherapy, a field of psychology focused on the awareness and liberation of one's body, knowing it, working with mind states through body changes, and achieving integrity in reacting to and experiencing the present moment.

6.24.9. Family сounseling

Psychological help centers that provide assistance to families, search for ways to preserve happy family relationships, solve parent-child relationship problems, and so on.

6.24.10. Retreat center

Spiritual practice centers where meditation and silence training take place. Retreats are often held in the country, the mountains, or somewhere similarly remote.

6.25. Organizations, associations, parties


6.25.1. Associations and industrial unions

Non-profit associations of entrepreneurs. For example, construction associations, timber industry unions, aircraft engineers associations, baker guilds, and so on. Self-regulating organizations belong in the Self-regulating organization category.

6.25.2. Charity fund

Non-profit organizations that use donations to support charities that offer social services, promote science and education, support culture and the arts, advocate for public health or the environment, etc.

6.25.3. Community organization

Non-governmental, non-profit societies such as the Red Cross Society, societies of motorists, veterans' organizations, various creative groups (unions of cinematographers, writers), professional unions (associations of florists, vascular surgeons), etc.

6.25.4. Political parties

Central offices and regional divisions of political parties.

6.25.5. Consumer cooperative

A type of corporation that unites consumers in order to make joint purchases and manufacture consumer goods that are then purchased by members of the co-op and the population at large.

6.25.6. Labor union

Unions that connect people who work in a particular industry in order to protect their socio-economic rights and interests.

6.25.7. Self-governing organization

Self-regulating organizations are non-commercial associations of entrepreneurs in particular trades that issue licenses to conduct business in those trades. Other entrepreneur associations belong in the "Associations and industrial unions" category.

6.25.8. Chamber of commerce

Non-state, non-profit organizations that unite companies with entrepreneurs.

6.25.9. Environmental organization

Communities that strive to preserve nature, fight against nuclear hazards, and aim to eliminate threats caused by chemical and genetic pollutants. This category includes organizations like Green Peace, environmental organizations, centers the monitor ecological conditions, ecology laboratories, environmental funds, etc.

6.25.10. International organization

Intergovernmental (interstate) organizations and international non-governmental organizations such as the UN, OSCE, and UNICEF.

6.25.12. Homeowner association

Associations that serve groups of homeowners. You must indicate the management company for this category.

6.25.13. Auto club

Auto clubs that offer solutions to members' vehicle problems, road services, insurance options, lawyers that handle cases involving vehicles, etc.

6.25.14. Social group

Groups of people who share common social or civic interests. Communities for solving socially important problems such as alcoholism and drug addiction, homeless animals, and poor ecology.

6.25.15. Public fund

Non-profit organizations that manage capital intended to fulfill goals that benefit society.

6.25.16. Foreign trade and foreign economic organizations

Organizations that work with foreign countries to export and import goods and services.

7. Religion


7.1. Church

7.1.1. Catholic church

Catholic churches, cathedrals, basilicas.

7.1.2. Monastery, convent, abbey

A complex of religious buildings, workplaces, and living quarters inhabited by monks (monasteries, monk settlements, and hermitages of various Christian denominations).

7.1.3. Orthodox church

Orthodox churches and cathedrals.

7.1.4. Armenian Apostolic Church

Christian and Armenian Apostolic churches.

7.1.5. Protestant church

Evangelical Lutheran churches, Evangelical churches, Methodist churches, Presbyterian churches, Protestant churches, Seventh-Day Adventist churches, Evangelical Christian churches, and Baptist churches.

Other faiths are categorized under Catholic churches, Orthodox churches, The Armenian Apostolic church, synagogues, mosques, and pagodas.

Associations of believers of different faiths, religious offices, communities, and parishes belong in section “7.2.1. Religious organization”.

7.1.6. Chapel, memorial cross

This category includes chapels and wayside crosses of various Christian denominations: chapel, wayside shrine (Orthodox), chapel (for Orthodox Christians), chapel (for Old Believers), khachkar (for the Armenian Church), and baptismal fonts and baths at sacred springs.

7.1.7. Catholic monastery

A complex of buildings inhabited by monks.

The territory of monasteries includes religious buildings, living quarters, and workplaces.

7.1.8. Armenian monastery

A complex of buildings inhabited by monks. The territory of monasteries includes religious buildings, living quarters, and workplaces.

7.2. Religion


7.2.1. Religious organization

Voluntary associations of believers of various faiths (religious administrations, communities, and parishes) formed for the purpose of jointly practicing and propagating religion. These associations should possess the following attributes relevant to this purpose: religious practice, worship service, other religious rites and ceremonies, religious education of their followers.

Religious institutions and buildings that are not associated with worship services.

Structural divisions of churches: diocese, diocesan offices, bishopric, deanery, metropolia, episcopacy.

Standalone buildings on temple or monastery grounds where services are not held: cells, the Metropolitan Archbishop's chambers, Episcopal buildings, Bishop homes, rectory buildings, houses of the clergy, parishes, monastic outbuildings, novitiates.

Religious centers: spiritual enlightenment centers, Orthodox centers.

Oboo (obo) and other buildings of worship.

7.2.2. Sunday School

Institutions of various faiths where children go to be indoctrinated.

7.2.3. Religious goods

Production and sale of religious symbols and devotional items of various faiths, including religious clothing.

7.2.4. Goods and services for pilgrims

Organizations that arrange pilgrimage tours and products for people of faith.

7.3. Synagogue


7.3.1. Synagogue

Jewish temples (synagogues), Jewish community centers.

7.3.2 Mikveh

A ritual bath for purification in Judaism (translates to a “collection of water” in Hebrew).

7.4. Mosque


7.4.1. Mosque

Muslim mosques, mahalla mosques, local Muslim organizations.

7.4.2. Bathing place

Places used for ablution as part of ritual purification in Islam.

7.4.3. Prayer room

Only use this category for areas where salah and other prayers are read.

7.5. Pagoda


7.5.1. Pagoda

Buddhist, Hindu Or Taoist buildings of worship: dugans, temples, datsans, hurdes, stupas, etc.

8. Food


8.1. Cafe, restaurant


8.1.1. Cafe

Establishments that serve food in the mid-range price category.

This type also includes cafes within supermarkets and hypermarkets that have a separate cash register and an eating area.

8.1.2. Pizzeria

Establishments whose menus feature pizza primarily.

8.1.3. Restaurant

Establishments that serve food in the upper-range price category and contain the word "restaurant" in their names.

8.1.4. Sushi bar

Establishments that serve Japanese cuisine, featuring sushi and rolls on their menus.

8.1.5. Food and lunch delivery

Delivery of ready-made meals like sushi, chinese food, or pizza. Organizations that deliver meals to offices are also included in this category.

8.1.6. Foodmall, gastro market

Restaurants, cafes, food courts, canteens, and coffee shops with a common seating area. You can also buy prepared meals and food (gastromarket).

8.2. Bar, beer hall


8.2.1. Bar, pub

Various drinking establishments.

8.2.2. Hookah lounge

Establishments where you can smoke hookah.

8.2.3. Sports bar

Bars where sports fans gather to watch games.

8.3. Cafeteria


8.3.1. Canteen

Establishments that serve food based on a system of self-service and pre-pay. Dishes are selected based on what is offered on that day; there are several options for the first, second, and third courses.

8.4. Fast food


8.4.1. Fast food

Establishments that serve ready-made foods that you can consume quickly. The most famous restaurants of this kind are McDonald's, Subway, Burger King, and so on. Other types of fast food joints, such as pelmeni, and chebureki establishments, are also included in this category.

8.5. Coffee shop, tea room


8.5.1. Coffee shop

Coffee shops, tea shops, bakeries.

8.5.2. Coffee to go

Small coffee shops that only serve coffee to go.

9. Auto


9.1. Transportation, freight services


9.1.1. Airline

Offices of companies that manage passenger air transportation.

9.1.2. Intercity bus transportation

Passenger long-distance bus transport.

9.1.3. Bus depot

Passenger bus-service stations where buses can be dispatched in the right numbers for routes. Drivers, dispatchers, and service personnel typically work at these service stations.

9.1.4. Haulage

Services that transport cargo either within city limits or over long distances. There are separate categories for the transport of goods alone versus transport involving related services such as cargo protection, customs clearance, and warehousing.

9.1.5. Transport company, car depot

Transportation companies: freight and passenger.

9.1.6. Rental of construction and special equipment

Companies that rent all types of equipment and machinery for road and construction works.

9.1.7. Air cargo

Cargo transport by air.

9.1.8. Rail freight transport

Cargo transport by railway.

9.1.9. Logistics company

Companies that provide various logistics services. For example, procurement, transport, storage, production, or information logistics.

9.1.10. Maritime agency

Agencies that service vessels at ports. For example, they process loading and unloading documents, organize repairs, provide fuel and food, etc.

9.1.11. Transportation of goods by water

Cargo transport by sea and river.

9.1.12. Car rental

Rentals of various vehicles.

9.1.13. Taxi service

Designated desks for calling a taxi. A common service at airports.

9.1.14. Taxi rank

Official taxi stands equipped with special signs.

9.1.15. Taxis

Offices and dispatch stations.

9.1.16. Tram depot

Tram depots and servicing.

9.1.17. Transport infrastructure

All infrastructure-related items for all types of transportation: locomotive and train depots, electric train and metro depots, utility buildings and railway items, hump yards, rotary car dumpers, railway scales, truck scales, and electric bus charging stations.

9.1.18. Trolley park

Places where trolleys are stored and serviced.

9.1.19. Public transportation department

Administrative bodies that manage city passenger transport (buses, trolleys, trams, metros).

9.1.20. Railroad department

Railway management organizations and companies that service railways: passenger service directorates, etc.

Railway cargo transport belongs in section 9.1.13. Rail freight transport.

9.1.21. Roadside rest area

Designated rest areas along the road.

9.1.22. Water base, boat station

Places where you can rent, lease, or store boats, catamarans and other vessels.

9.1.23. Management and maintenance of air transport

This category includes centers that organize and service air traffic and manage air transport.

9.1.24. Management and maintenance of waterways

Organizations that use and develop waterways. These organizations include maritime and river administrative bodies, hydraulic structures and shipping areas, river registers, agencies for operational sea route management, and so on.

9.1.25. Seaplane base

This category is used to mark official seaplane bases located in a body of water, usually a river, bay, harbor, or lake, where seaplanes and other amphibious aircraft take off and land.

9.1.26. Spaceport

Only civilian spaceports are marked in this category. Spaceports usually occupy large areas and are located at a distance from densely populated places to avoid residential areas and neighboring launch pads being damaged by stages as they detach from rockets during flight.

9.1.27. Carsharing operator

Short-term car rentals with per-minute or hourly rates with the possibility of ending the trip anywhere convenient for drivers provided there is a parking sign. This category only contains the offices of short-term car rental companies.

9.1.28. Taxi depot

Companies that organize passenger transportation by taxi and have parking lots and workshops for car repairs.

9.1.29. Monitoring of motor vehicles

Satellite monitoring systems for vehicles like shuttle buses. GPS navigators belong to a separate category.

9.1.30. Container shipping

Cargo transportation in containers by different types of transport: auto, railway, air, and water.

9.1.31. Transportation of oil products

Services for transporting gasoline, oil, kerosene, and other petroleum products.

9.1.32. Parking meter

Automatic devices that calculate fees and accept payments for the period of time the car remains in the parking lot.

9.1.33. Weight control post

A checkpoint for checking the weight of vehicles.

9.2. Driving schools


9.2.1. Driving school

Driver training courses led by non-governmental organizations that prepare people to pass their drivers examinations. There are also courses in defensive driving and extreme driving.

9.2.2. Motorcycle school

Motorcycle training courses.

9.3. Filling station


9.3.1. Gasoline stations

Gas filling stations.

9.3.2. Gas station

Petrol filling stations.

9.3.3. Vehicle charging stations

Stations where you can charge electric cars.

9.4. Car service


9.4.1. Car service, auto repair

Full-service car repairs and servicing.

9.4.2. Roadside assistance, car towing

Assistance in cases of emergencies on the road. Auto repair services and tow trucks.

9.4.3. Auto body repair

Car repair shops that specialize in body work.

9.4.4. Re-equipment of vehicles

Organizations that specialize in refurbishing vehicles for specific purposes.

9.4.5. Automatic transmission repair

Car repair shops that specialize in repairing automatic transmissions.

9.4.6. Engine repairs

Workshops that specialize in repairing vehicle engines.

9.4.7. Motorcycle repair

Workshops that specialize in repairing motorcycles.

9.4.8. Agricultural equipment repairs

Repairs of farming machinery (tractors, combines, planters, cultivators, and so on).

9.4.9. Car tuning studio

Workshops that specialize in vehicle maintenance.

9.4.10. Car window tinting

Car glass tinting services.

9.4.11. Installation of LPG

Installations of gas cylinder equipment for vehicles.

9.4.12. Express oil change

Places where car oil can be replaced (only express replacement), normally in the presence of the client.

If the oil is replaced at a car service, use category “9.4.1. Auto repair, auto shop”.

9.4.13. Car selection

Assistance choosing a car. Vehicle check and on-site diagnostics before purchase.

9.4.14. Auto detailing

Deep vehicle cleaning that includes comprehensive car wash, degreasing, claying, restorative and protective polishing, headlight and taillight polishing, wheel cleaning and polishing, dry cleaning of the interior, luggage and engine compartments, and covering the body of the car with a protective coating (nanoceramics, wax). If the organization also has a regular car wash, add "Car wash" as the second category. If the organization only provides detailing services, don't add the second category.

9.4.15. Repair and copying of car keys and remotes

Repair and duplication of chip keys and remote car starters.

9.4.16. Turbine repair

Repair of automobile turbines.

9.4.17. Auto studio

Re-upholstering car interiors, including steering wheels, instrument panels, and ceilings, making custom seat covers, sewing car canopies, etc.

9.4.18. Car wrapping

Vehicle vinyl wrapping.

9.4.19. Auto cleaning
Car interior and exterior cleaning, waxing, and polishing.
9.4.20. Auto electrics repair
Services that repair electrics in cars (such as starters, generators, and so on).
9.4.21. Autodiagnostics
Organizations that provide car diagnostics services.
9.4.22. Refueling of car air conditioners
Companies that regas air conditioners for cars. Sales and installation of air conditioning systems belong in category “9.6.2 Automobile air conditioning”.
9.4.23. Car painting
Services and centers that provide car painting services. Workshops that provide all types of repairs belong in category “9.4.1. Auto repair, auto shop”.

9.5. Car sales


9.5.1. Car market

Car markets and fairs.

9.5.2. Car dealership

Stores that sell new and/or pre-owned vehicles.

9.5.3. Used car dealer

Organizations that buy out vehicles.

9.5.4. Motorcycle dealership

Stores that sell motorcycles and other motorized transport items: scooters, buggies, snowmobiles, etc.

9.5.5. Vehicle assessment

Services that evaluate the technical condition of vehicles.

9.5.6. Car pawnshop

Specialized pawn shops that give credit against a vehicle of any type.

9.6. Repair parts, accessories


9.6.1. Auto acoustics

Sales and installations of car audio systems.

9.6.2. Automobile air conditioning

Sales and installations of car air-conditioning systems.

9.6.3. Autocosmetics, auto chemical goods

Speciality stores that sell cleaning and detailing supplies for cars.

9.6.4. Car seats

Sales and installations of car seats for children.

9.6.5. Tires and wheels

Sales of car wheels and tires.

9.6.6. Car heaters

Sales of car heaters of all types: for engines and passenger salons, autonomous and dependent, water and air, etc.

9.6.7. Car radiators

Sales of radiator cooling systems and parts.

9.6.8. Car tachometers

Sales of tachographs (monitoring devices installed in vehicles) that are designed to record the driver's speed, activity, and choice of driving modes.

9.6.9. Car disassembly

Places where you can buy used car parts. These parts are taken from vehicles that were in accidents or can not be repaired.

9.6.10. Car alarm

Sales and installations of car alarm systems.

9.6.11. Auto glass

Sales, installations, and repairs of all car windows.

9.6.12. Automotive enamels, car paints

Sales of enamels and paints for cars.

9.6.13. Bus spare parts

Sales of bus parts.

9.6.14. Motorcycle spare parts

Sales of spare parts for motorcycles.

9.6.15. Auto parts and auto goods store

Department stores that sell auto parts.

9.6.16. Manufacture of license plates

Organizations that manufacture license plates.

9.6.17. Auto accessories

Wholesale and retail stores that sell car accessories: trunks, mats, tow bars, first aid kits, ropes, and so on. For retailers, you can also add "Auto parts and auto goods store" as the second category. Note that there is a separate category for automotive lighting.

9.6.18. Auto light

Sales and installation of automotive lighting and signaling devices: headlights and taillights, turn signals, and so on.

9.6.19. Engine oils

Retail stores that sell engine oils. Retail stores that sell car parts and other accessories belong in category “9.6.15. Auto parts and auto goods store”.

9.6.20. Engine dealer

Companies that sell automobile engines.

9.6.21. Car moldings

Stores that sell moldings (profiled plastic, metal (chrome-plated), or hard rubber stripes placed along the windows, body, and its elements as a decoration).

9.7. Driving area


9.7.1. Driving area

Specially equipped areas where people can learn to drive.

9.8. Tire service


9.8.1. Tire service

Organizations that primarily specialize in tire and disk repairs and alignments.

9.9. State Traffic Safety Inspectorates, Driver Licensing Offices


9.9.1. Traffic police checkpoint

Permanent traffic police posts along roadways.

9.9.2. Traffic police

Divisions and departments of the traffic police and road safety service, sub-divisions of the road patrol services. Only organizations that relate to the state auto-inspection structure.

9.9.3. Interdistrict registration and examination office

State vehicle registration and registration/examination divisions of the traffic police and road safety offices. They also perform the following functions: changing license plates and issuing driver's licenses.

9.10. Car wash


9.10.1. Car wash

Organizations that specialize in washing cars, detailing car interiors, etc.

9.11. Garage co-ops


9.11.1. Garage co-ops

Garage construction cooperatives.

9.12. Impound lots


9.12.1. Impound lots

Specially equipped areas where towed vehicles are stored.

9.13. Technical inspection points


9.13.1. Technical inspection points

Authorized venues and structures for car inspections (both state and licensed commercial establishments). They can issue diagnostic cards.

9.14. Special appliances


9.14.1. Bus sales and repairs

Bus sales and servicing.

9.14.2. Car trailers

Sales of trailers and semi-trailers for cars, trucks, and motorcycles.

9.14.3. Vans and trailers

Sales and rentals of "homes on wheels" (RVs) for tourism or other purposes.

9.14.4. Trucks

Sales and repairs of trucks, dump trucks, and other special equipment intended for cargo transport.

9.14.5. Agricultural machinery

Sales of farming equipment: tractors, combines, planters, cultivators, etc. and related parts.

9.14.6. Special equipment and special vehicles

Sales of equipment that serves special functions: armored carriers, vehicles that transport dangerous cargo, ambulances, tow trucks, etc.

9.14.7. Autotents and canopies

Production and sale of car covers made of various materials: tarpaulin, PVC, polypropylene, polyethylene.

9.14.8. Repair of special machinery

Repair of special vehicles such as bulldozers, excavators, armored cars, dangerous goods vehicles, ambulances, tow trucks, and construction vehicles.

9.14.9. Repair of trucks

Specialized car repair shops for trucks.

10. Sport


10.1. Athletic facilities


10.1.1. Ice rink

Indoor and outdoor skating rinks.

Neighborhood rinks belong in category 11.2.1. Sports field, outdoor workout area.

10.1.2. Sports center

Sports palaces. Multi-functional sports complexes that include several types of athletic buildings (such as stadiums, pools, ice rinks, tennis courts, and so on). Health and fitness complexes.

10.1.3. Stadium

Stadiums and sports palaces, grandstands.

10.1.4. Block

Detailed division into blocks, sectors, and stands to improve search and navigation inside the stadium.

10.1.5. Shooting club, shooting range

Shooting ranges, sport-shooting clubs, rifle ranges.

10.1.6. Tennis court
Areas for playing tennis, whether covered or open.
10.1.7. Sports ticket office

Offices that sell tickets to sports events.

10.1.8. Skatepark

Specially equipped areas for extreme sports such as skateboarding, streetboarding, vert skating, aggressive street skating, BMX biking, scootering, and MTB.

This category also includes pump tracks.

10.2. Sport clubs and camps


10.2.1. Golf club

Golf clubs and fields.

10.2.2. Sports base

Places where sports retreats, training camps for sports teams, and other recreational events for athletes take place.

10.2.3. Sports club

Professional and amateur clubs and groups for different types of sports such as football, ice-hockey, martial arts, etc.

10.2.4. Tennis сlub

Courts and clubs for tennis and ping-pong.

10.2.5. Squash court

Platforms for playing squash.

10.2.6. Curling club

Ice rinks for curling.

10.2.7. Wake club

Wakeboarding is a water sport that combines snowboarding, surfing, and water skiing.

10.2.8. Windsurfing

Windsurfing is a sailing and water sport where it is important to control a small, light board mounted with a sail.

10.2.9. Kitesurfing

Kitesurfing (kiteboarding, kiting) is sliding over snow or water pulled by a kite.

10.2.10. Cybersport

Cyber clubs and cyber arenas that host computer and video game competitions.

10.2.11. SUP surfing

Standup paddleboarding (SUP surfing), a type of surfing where surfers propel themselves across water using a paddle while standing on a surfboard.

10.2.12. Auto auction

Auctions that sell cars.

10.2.13. Sale of used cars

Stores that sell used cars. Stores that sell new cars belong in the "Car dealership" category. Motorcycles and other vehicles belong in the "Motocycle dealership" category. It can't be combined with the "Car market" category.

10.2.14. Sports association

Athletic federations, associations, committees, sports associations.

10.2.15. Hunters and fishers clubs

Places where people can hunt and fish (both for a fee and for free). Societies of hunters and fishermen belong in the “Community organization” category.

10.3. Fitness and yoga


10.3.1. Sports hall, gym

Gyms, workout rooms, free-weight areas, fitness centers.

10.3.2. Fitness club

Commercial organizations that provide space where people can work out individually or with an instructor using weights and cardio equipment.

10.3.3. Yoga center

Places where you can do yoga.

10.3.4. Stretching

Clubs, gyms, and centers that specialize in special stretching exercises aimed at improving flexibility, joint mobility, and muscle elasticity.

10.4. Horse riding


10.4.1. Horse racing track

Places where horse racing and equestrian shows take place.

10.4.2. Horse riding

Places where people train in horseback riding.

10.4.3. Horse harness

Sales of equipment for equestrian sports: bridles, reins, saddles, girths, harnesses, etc.

10.5. Autodrom, motodrom


10.5.1. Motordrome

Specially equipped tracks where car races are held, including related facilities: areas where cars are serviced, bleachers, track administration buildings, etc.

10.5.2. Motor race track

Specially equipped tracks for motorcycle racing, including for motocross, and related facilities: areas where cars are serviced, bleachers, track administration buildings, etc.

10.5.3. Karting

Go cart tracks and clubs.

10.5.4. Bike track, velodrome

This category is used to mark open and closed velodromes with tracks and stands for training and cycling competitions (mainly track cycling).

10.6. Watersports


10.6.1. Pool

Free-standing pools or pools attached to public facilities that are available to everyone. Indoor or outdoor pools.

10.6.2. Diving

Scuba diving centers.

10.6.3. Yacht club

Organizations for yacht enthusiasts. Yacht clubs allow members to rent yachts and equipment, and offer to repair and moor the vessels as well.

10.7. Ski sport


10.7.1. Ski lodge

Centers for cross-country skiing and centers for downhill skiing with specially equipped slopes for skiers.

10.7.2. Ski resort

Places for skiing and snowboarding with developed infrastructure and specially equipped trails and lifts.

10.7.3. Ski school

Schools that teach children and adults to ski and snowboard.

10.8. Sports entertainment


10.8.1. Minigolf

Outdoor or indoor areas for playing mini-golf.

10.8.2. Flying club

Flight clubs, pilot schools, parachuting, paragliding, hang-gliding, etc.

10.8.3. Wind tunnel

Places where you can fly in an air tube.

10.8.4. Climbing centre

Artificial structures for climbing, wholly or partly imitating the relief of the mountains.

10.8.5. Adventure park

A set of attractions, located at an altitude of more than two meters. Rides are connected in a single logical chain with the General conditions of passage.

10.8.6. Laser tag

Clubs and establishments where you play laser tag or laser paintball.

10.8.7. Paintball

Clubs and establishments where you play paintball.

10.8.8. Strikeball

Clubs and establishments where you play strikeball (Airsoft).

10.8.9. Trampoline center

Specialized parks and centers where you can jump on trampolines.

10.8.10. Billiard hall

Places to play games and billiards.

10.8.11. Bowling

Places to play games and bowling.

10.8.12. Sports and entertainment center

Covered sports and entertainment and sport-and-leisure centers that combine sports activities at the Amateur and semi-professional levels: a skate Park, a rollerdrom, and so on.

10.8.13. Rollerdrome

A specially equipped outdoor or indoor area with ramps of various slopes and heights designed for roller skating, skateboarding, and roller sport competitions.

10.8.14. Extreme sports center
Organizations that provide services related to extreme sports. For example: trial, skateboarding, snowboarding, skydiving, rock climbing, caving, rope jumping.

11. Yard and park infrastructure


11.1. Playgrounds


11.1.1. Playgrounds

Outdoor playgrounds, usually located in courtyards and parks, as well as freestanding bench swings that provide entertainment for kids outside of children's playgrounds:

Athletic fields that also work as playgrounds (that feature at least one attribute of a children's playground, such as a swing, a carousel, and more) belong to this category:

11.2. Sports ground


11.2.1. Sports ground

Outdoor athletic fields and workout areas with special equipment as well as seasonal neighborhood ice rinks.

Playgrounds designed for team games (such as small basketball courts or soccer fields of non-standard size) also belong to this category:

Basketball court located on the premises of a kindergarten:

11.3. Dog park


11.3.1. Dog park

Specially equipped areas for walking dogs.

11.4. Trash and garbage disposal area


11.4.1. Trash and garbage disposal area

Specially equipped areas for trash collection, dumpsters.

11.4.2. Waste sorting

Areas where waste can be sorted into different containers, including those located inside stores, social institutions, and residential areas. Containers for hazardous waste (mercury vapor lamps, thermometers, batteries) also belong in this category.

11.5. Bicycle parking


11.5.1. Bicycle parking

Bike parking.

11.6. Bench


11.6.1. Bench

Benches, deck chairs, and other outdoor seating.

This type also includes standalone benches equipped with a roof or awning and not including any additional space other than the bench itself, as well as fixed-location chairs.

Do not mark on the map summer veranda chairs and those that are put away for the night.

Swing benches and hand-made structures that are located in one place and used as benches also belong in this category.

Swing benches can be named "Swing".

Free-standing swing benches that provide entertainment for kids outside of children's playgrounds belong in the Playground category.

Examples of self-made stationary structures that can be marked on the map as benches:

Each bench is marked with a separate placemark on the map, even if there is a cluster of such items or they stand on a single base:

Benches of complex shape are marked as one object:

Benches that are part of larger objects (amphitheaters, stadiums, public transport stops, and so on) or inside buildings are not marked on the map.


Free-standing benches that are not part of larger objects are marked on the map, even if they are located in front of a stage or another map item:

11.7. Gazebo


11.7.1. Gazebo

Gazebos are free-standing structures that have a roof or canopy and at least one open side.

Each gazebo is marked with a separate placemark on the map even if there is a cluster of items of this type.

11.8. Barbecue area


11.8.1. Barbecue area

Recreation areas equipped for making barbecue. If the area has standalone gazebos or benches equipped with barbecues, each of them is marked with a separate "Barbecue area" placemark. If barbecues are placed in groups separately from gazebos and benches, each group is marked with a "Barbecue area" placemark, and gazebos and benches are marked as separate items.

11.9. Laundry area


11.9.1. Laundry area

Specially equipped household utility areas with racks for drying and airing laundry, as well as areas designed for carpet cleaning. Marking laundry areas on private territories is prohibited.

11.10. Aviary


11.10.1. Aviary

Stationary bird aviaries in yards, with dovecotes being the most common type. You can also mark out park aviaries and decorative aviaries (for swans or peacocks).

Agricultural aviaries (such as henhouses) belong in the Agricultural infrastructure category.

12. Business and services


12.1. Advertising


12.1.1. PR agency
Agencies that handle public relations. Organizations that attempt to foster a favorable public opinion regarding products, people, companies, or events.
12.1.2. Catering

On-location event catering (including food and service staff).

12.1.3. Marketing services

Collection, processing and analysis of data on markets, competitors, consumers, prices, including planning PR events, organizing presentations, etc.

12.1.4. Advertising agency

Full-cycle ad agencies

12.1.5. Encashment

Services that collect and transport cash, delivery-service sites and management.

12.1.6. Exhibition stands

Production and installation of exhibition stands (stationary or mobile).

12.1.7. Billboard manufacturers

Production of facade and interior signage of all types: plaques, illuminated signs, 3D letters, and so on.

12.1.8. Outdoor advertising

Organizations that install advertising on outdoor structures, over roadbeds, and on buildings.

12.1.9. Promotional merchandise

Manufacture of products with company logos such as clothing, packaging, labels, tags, brochures, booklets, and souvenirs.

12.1.10. LED systems

Organizations that sell LED light sources: lamps, spotlights, LED strips, and decorative lighting equipment. They are used to illuminate buildings, vehicles, streets, advertising structures, fountains, tunnels, and bridges.

12.1.11. Registration of outdoor advertising

Registration of outdoor advertising with the relevant authorities.

12.1.12. Advertising equipment and materials

Equipment and materials for advertising and promotion. For example, equipment for the production of outdoor advertising, souvenirs, stands, exhibition equipment, mobile exhibition stands, banners, and so on.

12.2. Industrial facility, plant


12.2.1. Lighting

Production of projectors, lamps, and other types of lighting for various purposes. For example: industrial, architectural, or street lighting. Household lighting (chandeliers, floor lamps, etc.)

12.3. Grooming


12.3.1. Makeup artists, stylists

Make-up artists, stylists, and fashion consultants. This includes wardrobe analysis and development, personal shopping services, color-based appearance analyses, etc.

12.3.2. Cosmetology

Specialty beauty and cosmetology salons.

12.3.3. Nail salon

Institutions specializing in nail services: manicure, pedicure, nail treatment, nail design, etc. If the institution provides other services besides nail services, choose a more general category — for example, "Beauty salon".

12.3.4. Hairdresser

Businesses that provide hair care.

12.3.5. Beauty salon

Businesses that provide a full range of cosmetic services for the face and body, including hair and nail care.

12.3.6. Indoor tanning

Tanning salons and studios.

12.3.7. Spa

Specialty salons and clinics that provide a range of procedures using sea, thermal, mineral or fresh water, marine algae, medicinal plants, and therapeutic mud.

12.3.8. Tattoo studio

Tattoo parlors, tattoos and piercings. Body art and scarification also belong in this category.

12.3.9. Barber shop

Hair salons for men only where staff give haircuts, trim beards, shave, and perform other services. Hairdressers that serve all population categories belong in the "Hairdresser" category.

12.3.10. Laser hair removal

You can use this category if the organization only provides this type of service.

12.3.11. Wigs and hair extensions

Sales and manufacture of synthetic and human hair wigs, hairpieces, and hair extensions.

12.3.12. Piercing studio

This category includes salons that specialize in piercings.

12.3.13. Eyebrow and eyelash salon

Salons that specialize in eyebrow and eyelash services.

12.3.14. Float center

Floating is a method of achieving deep relaxation in a special tank filled with salt water that allows the body to float on the surface.

12.3.15. Sugaring

A method of hair removal that uses a thick sugar paste. This category includes organizations that only provide this type of service. If they provide services besides sugaring, use the "Beauty salon" or "Cosmetology" category.

12.3.16. Plastic surgery

Medical institutions that specialize in clinical cosmetology and plastic surgery.

12.3.17. Hair extensions

Production and sale of hair extensions.

12.3.18. Beauty coworking

An equipped area or group of areas where beauty specialists from various fields can rent both equipment and a workplace that meets the requirements of their beauty field.

12.4. Repair shops


12.4.1. Metal items repair

Places where umbrellas, zippers, etc. are repaired, knives are sharpened, metal fittings are installed, etc.

12.4.2. Audio and video devices repair

Service centers and workshops for repairing audio and video equipment and televisions.

12.4.3. Appliance repair

Service centers and workshops where appliances are repaired.

12.4.4. Leather workshop

Ateliers and workshops where leather clothing and accessories are refurbished.

12.4.5. Furniture repair

Workshops where furniture is re-upholstered and repaired.

12.4.6. Shoes repair

Workshops where shoes are repaired and re-sewn.

12.4.7. Computer repairs and services

Repairs of all types of computer equipment, including services involving upgrading computers, removing viruses, installing software, installing networks, and recovering data.

12.4.8. Cell phone repair

Workshops and service centers where cell phones are repaired.

12.4.9. Camera repair

Workshops and service centers where cameras are repaired.

12.4.10. Clock and watch repair

Workshops where watches are repaired.

12.4.11. Jewelry workshop

Workshops where jewelry is created and repaired.

12.4.12. Bicycle repair

Bike repair shops. Bicycle sales belong in the "Bicycle shop" category, and bike rentals in the "Bike rental" category.

12.4.13. Electrical equipment repairs

Repair of electrical equipment and power tools of any kind, both domestic and industrial.

12.4.14. Cash register repairs

Maintenance and repair of cash registers and fiscal devices.

12.4.15. Climate control system repair

Repair of air conditioners, split systems, fans, and other climate control devices.

12.4.16. Boat repairs

Repair of boats (including PVC boats), motorboats, and other water vessels.

12.4.17. Repair of clothes

Minor clothing repairs and alterations. Tailoring services belong in the "Tailor" category. For leather refurbishing, use that category.

12.4.18. Office equipment service and repair

Repair of all office equipment: printers, plotters, copiers, and so on.

12.4.19. Weapons repair

Repair of hunting and sporting guns.

12.4.20. Personal electric transport repair

Repair of self-balancing scooters, electric scooters, Segways, monowheels, electric bicycles, and so on.

12.4.21. Gardening equipment repair

Repair of garden equipment: lawn mowers, cultivators, pumps, sprayers, and so on.

12.4.22. Repair of sports equipment

Repair of sports equipment: skis, skates, snowboards, exercise machines, scooters, and so on. Bicycle repair shops belong to a dedicated category.

12.4.23. Repair of bags and suitcases

Repair of bags and suitcases regardless of the material they're made of.

12.4.24. Repair of goods for fishing

Repair of fishing rods, spinning rods, and other fishing gear.

12.4.25. Retail equipment repairs

Repair and maintenance of retail equipment: glass cases, counters, scales, racks, refrigeration units, bar coding equipment, and so on.

12.4.26. Electronic cigarette repair

Repair of electronic cigarettes and vapes (covers, buttons, electronic parts,) as well as replacement of heating elements and batteries. IQOS repair.

12.4.27. Locks installation, repair, opening

Installation, repair, and opening of door and safe locks.

12.4.28. Manufacture and repair of musical instruments

Musical instrument factories, workshops where musical instruments are repaired and tuned.

12.4.29. Restoration workshop

Workshops that restore antiques, works of fine, decorative and applied art, furniture, and so on.

12.5. Legal services


12.5.1. Attorney

Legal services, law firms, bar associations.

12.5.2. Registration and liquidation of enterprises

Organizations that process and register the documents required to open, reorganize, or close a legal entity.

12.5.3. Legal services

Legal companies, law offices, legal consultations.

12.5.4. Notaries

Notary offices.

12.5.5. Apostille and legalization

Organizations that grant documents legal force for use abroad.

12.5.6. Migration services

This category includes commercial organizations that help individuals obtain citizenship and other immigration services.

12.5.7. Licensing

State agencies that issue licenses to conduct a particular type of economic activity.

12.6. Business services


12.6.1. Coworking

Specially equipped work spaces that are divided into zones and rented out for a particular time period (by the day, week, month).

12.6.2. Business center

Office and business centers, business parks, business districts.

12.6.3. Conference and meeting hall

Rentals of conference halls and meeting/training rooms.

12.6.4. Industrial park

Regional scientific, technological, and technical bases for the implementation of innovative projects.

12.6.5. Business incubator

Organizations that support projects of young entrepreneurs.

12.6.6. Outsourcing

Companies that outsource personnel from third-party companies primarily in the following areas: IT system servicing, HR management, logistics, transport, office cleaning, security, and manufacturing.

12.6.7. Businesses and franchises for sale

Support services for the purchase and sale of ready-made businesses, creating turnkey businesses, selecting franchises, and investment assistance.

12.6.8. Bonded warehouse

Specially equipped areas where goods that were either imported onto the territory of that country or are awaiting export are stored: warehouses, temporary warehouses, and terminals.

12.6.9. Exchange

Places where securities (stocks), currencies, or commodities can be exchanged.

12.6.10. Translation agency

Agencies that offer translating and interpreting services between various languages.

12.6.11. Warehouse services

Various warehouse sites, facilities, hangars, storage complexes for products and valuables, provision of storage services.

12.6.12. Archive services

Commercial services for archival processing, document storage and shredding, electronic archive creation, and archive management. State archives and administration archival departments belong in the "Archive" category.

12.6.13. Stamp maker

All types of seals, stamp products, and facsimiles.

12.6.14. Plastic cards manufacturers

Production of plastic cards of all types: discount, club, gift, payment, insurance, and more.

12.6.15. Organization of auctions and tenders

Auctions and tenders for the sale of any goods. Car auctions are also included in this category.

12.6.16. Customs broker

Organizations that facilitate customs clearance on behalf of the cargo owner and are entitled to fill out customs declarations, make payments, submit documents and cargo for inspection, and arrange for the movement and storage of cargo.

12.6.17. Making layouts

Production of all types of models: architectural, interior, gift, technical, industrial, advertising, educational, medical, landscape, and urban planning.

12.6.18. Cleaning services

Organizations that professionally clean homes, offices, factories, public premises, and surrounding territories.

12.6.19. Courier services

Services offering express delivery of cargo and mail. Urban, suburban, international.

12.6.20. Management company

Companies that manage various businesses and/or manage trusts for other individuals.

This category also includes the HR departments of enterprises and companies.

Property management companies belong in the "Homeowner association" category.

12.6.21. Storage room

A warehouse is an area or a facility (or a complex of facilities) designed for the storage of material assets. Similar categories: "Warehouse services".

12.7. Payment for transportation


12.7.1. Bus tickets

Counters that sell bus tickets.

12.7.2. Railway and air tickets

Railway ticket offices, agency services, and online ticket sales.

12.7.3. Ticket office

Places that sell tickets for all types of public transport.

12.7.4. Toll station

Toll booths on highways and ferry crossings, including frames with cameras that read toll fee data.

Map toll stations:

  • As one item if a single structure is used to collect the payment in both directions.
  • As multiple items if separate structures are used for different directions.

A toll point can contain not only the actual booth where money is collected, but also any related technical service structures.

12.7.5. Transport ticket machine

Vending machines that sell and print tickets for various types of transport (buses, trains, boarding passes at airports, and so on).

12.8. Communication


12.8.1. Cellular companies

Stores that sell mobile phones, digital electronics, mobile operator services.

12.8.2. GPS navigators

Sales of various types of GPS navigators for vehicles, tourism, sports, etc.

12.8.3. Items for mobile phones

Retail sales of mobile phone accessories.

12.8.4. Telecommunication company

Normally provide a wide range of services: internet, TV, cellular, urban communications, etc.

12.8.5. City telephone network

Centers for landline telephone services and telecommunication nodes where customer service is offered.

12.8.6. Mobile network operator

Service and sales offices of mobile carriers. Other communication organizations belong in the "Communications company" category.

12.8.7. Satellite operator

Companies that provide satellite communication services.

12.8.8. Communications company

Organizations that provide communication services: telephony, internet, satellite. Mobile carriers, internet service providers, and satellite operators belong in separate categories.

12.9. Dry cleaning, laundromat


12.9.1. Laundry

Places that launder clothing, commercial laundry facilities, and self-service laundromats.

12.9.2. Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning of textiles, fur, pillows, etc.

12.10. Photo, printing services


12.10.1. Videography

Video shooting, editing, and digitizing.

12.10.2. Copy center

Copy centers, photocopying, document and book printing and lamination, etc.

12.10.3. Photography

Photo studios, photo labs, urgent document photos.

12.10.4. Subscription agency

Distribution of printed materials, promotional materials (leaflets and booklets), and subscriptions to periodicals (newspapers and magazines).

12.10.5. Photo studio rental

Rental of venues specially equipped for photo shoots.

12.10.6. Video production

Video production studios that provide editing, dubbing, casting, and other services.

12.10.7. Creating of virtual tours and panoramas

Shooting of panoramic photos and videos, 360-degree photos and videos, and 3D virtual tours.

12.10.8. Photo studio

Specialized studios for photo shoots. Unlike photo salons, photo studios are equipped with all the equipment needed to take creative and artistic photos in different decorations and with different backgrounds. For photo studio rental, use the corresponding category. Places where you can take, develop, and print photos, belong in the "Photography" category.

12.10.9. 3D printing

Printing of three-dimensional models using all kinds of materials: plastic, ceramics, metal, and so on. 3D printing equipment (printers and scanners) also belongs in this category.

12.10.10. Printing materials

Printing consumables: ink, paper, printing plates, and so on.

12.10.11. Digitization

Digitization of all media: video, audio, photos, texts.

12.10.12. Printing on T-shirts

Printing on fabric, T-shirts, hoodies, and other types of clothing.

12.10.13. Printing services

Printing on all types of products (paper, plastic, metal, glass, wood, fabric).

12.10.14. Duplicating of disks

Replication of CDs and DVDs as well as related services like printing and packaging.

12.10.15. Large format printing

Large-format digital printing on rolled vinyl, paper, fabric, or mesh.

12.10.16. Aerial photography

Organizations that photograph territories using cameras installed on aircraft. Satellite imagery is also included in this category.

12.10.17. Printing house

Manufacturing enterprises that support full-cycle printing work.

12.11. Funeral services


12.11.1. Crematorium

Places where the deceased are cremated.

12.11.2. Monuments and tombstones

Production of monuments and tombstones.

12.11.3. Funeral services

Funeral homes that organize funerals/cremations, hold memorial services, organize burial services, arrange for medical support during funeral services, etc.

12.11.4. Funeral services for animals

Euthanasia, cremation, and home burials of pets.

12.11.5. Ritual accessories

Funeral supply parlors, workshops that produce coffins, wreaths, flowers, and monuments.

12.11.6. Farewell hall

A room for paying last respects to the deceased.

12.12. Waste products, recyclable materials


12.12.1. Recycling

Recycling and disposal of all types of waste (household and industrial).

Cattle burial ground also belongs to this category.

12.12.2. Recycling points

Places that accept scrap metal, glass, paper, plastic, etc. for recycling.

12.12.3. Reception of scrap metal

Points that collect ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

12.12.4. Reception of waste paper

Commercial points that collect and buy waste paper.

12.13. Toilets


12.13.1. Toilets

Mark public and pay toilets separately, as well public toilets in organizations that can be used without making a purchase (for example, at malls or filling stations).

12.14. Mother and child room


12.14.1. Mother and child room

Mother and child room. Only available for indoor maps (in other cases, they are marked on the map as Recreational infrastructure items).

12.15. Disabled toilet


12.15.1. Disabled toilet

Accessible toilet. Only available for indoor maps.

12.16. Wardrobe


12.16.1. Wardrobe

Coat check. Only available for indoor maps.

12.17. Luggage storage


12.17.1. Luggage storage

Only drawn in buildings related to transportation (railway terminals or airports).

Note. Lockers in stores are not included in this category and are not displayed on the map.

12.18. Smoking area


12.18.1. Smoking area

Smoking area. Only available for indoor maps.

12.19. Wheelchair rental


12.19.1. Wheelchair rental

Wheelchair rental. Only available for indoor maps.

12.20. Charging sockets


12.20.1. Charging sockets

Phone charging station. Only available for indoor maps.

12.21. Waiting halls


12.21.1. Waiting halls

Waiting area. Only available for indoor maps.

Lounges also belong to this category and should be marked as "Lounge".

12.22. Luggage service


12.22.1. Luggage service

Baggage service. Only available for indoor maps.

12.23. Reception desk


12.23.1. Reception desk

Check-in. Only available for indoor maps.

12.23.2. Self check-in

Self check-in kiosks. Only available for indoor maps.

12.24. Baggage claim


12.24.1. Baggage claim

Baggage claim. Only available for indoor maps.

12.25. Oversize baggage check-in


12.25.1. Oversize baggage check-in

Oversize baggage check-in. Only available for indoor maps.

12.26. Oversized baggage reclaim


12.26.1. Oversized baggage reclaim

Oversize baggage claim. Only available for indoor maps.

12.27. Shower


12.27.1. Shower

Shower. Only available for indoor maps.

12.28. Security


12.28.1. Radiation monitoring

Monitoring radiation in buildings or other structures.

12.28.2. Detective agency

Detective agencies, private detectives.

12.28.3. Information security

Organizations that ensure the security and confidentiality of information resources.

12.28.4. Polygraph testing

Lie detector tests.

12.28.5. Occupational safety and health

All types of activities related to labor protection: certification of workplaces, assessment of working conditions, safety training and consultations, provision of regulatory documents and labor protection products.

12.28.6. Certification authority

Sale and maintenance of electronic digital signature certificates.

12.28.7. Pass office, security post

Official checkpoints and security posts at hospitals, factories, companies, garage complexes, and so on that a lot of people pass through. These checkpoints process and issue permanent, temporary, or single-use passes and other documents that allow people to enter the premises.

This category can also be assigned to named (numbered) entrances to various territories (residential complexes, organizations).

12.28.8. Security company

Organizations (both private and state) that provide security services for businesses and individuals.

12.28.9. Fire safety systems

Companies that install and service fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems.

12.28.10. Security and alarm systems

Organizations that sell alarm systems, control systems, and other types of security and safety systems.

12.28.11. Canine service

Dog training centers provide security and eliminate threats to human life and health by using specially trained dogs that can detect suspicious objects, check areas, and perform other tasks.

12.29. Everyday services


12.29.1. Gas cylinders

Sale and refueling of household gas cylinders.

12.29.2. Intercoms

Intercom sale, installation, and maintenance. Production of intercom keys.

12.29.3. Cash and settlement center

Centers for processing utility payments.

12.29.4. Everyday services

Personal service centers and organizations that provide a variety of household services: dry cleaning/laundry, clothing repair, appliance repair and installation, cleaning, key making, and so on. Services may be provided inside the organization and at home. Services provided by ad-hoc handymen also belong in this category. There are separate categories for certain types of household services.

12.29.5. Power bank rental

Rental station for mobile phone chargers.

12.29.6. Engraving services

Engraving services of all types: manual, laser, and decorative; for metal, glass, phones, souvenirs, and so on.

12.29.7. Waste management

Collection of garbage of any kind: industrial, construction, and household. Snow removal also belongs in this category. Waste disposal can be found in the eponymous category.

12.29.8. Private experts

This category includes individual specialists and craftspeople who work on their own or out of a rented office. Specialists who work at home in a residential building do not belong in this category. The name must include the type of activity, the person's last name, and their initials. For example: "J. Smith, German translator", "M. Cooper, computer repairs".

Before data can be published for a specialist in this category, they should have an address and phone number. The directory does not publish organizations or individuals without an address.

12.29.9. Carpet cleaning

Carpet cleaning, including on-site.

12.29.10. Rental

Locations where you can rent household items, appliances, tools, audio/video, children's items, tourism and sporting goods, etc.

12.30. Design


12.30.1. Interior design

Companies that design the interiors of apartments and offices.

12.30.2. Landscaping studios

Landscaping design. Gardening and landscaping of land plots and territories.

12.30.3. Industrial design

This category includes organizations that design machinery and equipment models and their interfaces, ground and air transport (including cars, planes, trains), and various inventory. Design of furniture and interior items, tableware, and cutlery as well as unusual designs also belong here.

12.30.4. Graphic design studio

Graphic design services, including the creation of corporate identities, posters, logos, packaging, labels, and print marketing materials.

12.30.5. Design studio

The general category for all types of design.

12.31. Internet


12.31.1. IT company

Companies working in the tech sphere that create, develop and maintain information systems.

12.31.2. Internet cafe

Establishments that provide internet access and computer gaming clubs.

12.31.3. Data center

Centers for data storage and processing. Specialized buildings for hosting server and network equipment and connecting subscribers to internet channels.

This category only applies to the addresses of the actual data centers. Offices of companies that own data centers belong in the IT company or Telecommunications company categories.

12.31.4. Internet marketing

Agencies for promoting businesses online through contextual and banner advertising and social media marketing. Web design services belong in the "Web design studio" category.

12.31.5. Web design studio

Companies that design web interfaces for sites and their artistic layouts. Web design courses belong in the "Computer courses" category. Private web designers belong in the "Private experts" category. Website support and promotion belong in the "Internet marketing" category.

12.31.6. Internet service provider

Organizations that provide internet access services.

12.31.7. Software

Organizations that develop custom software. This includes software producers, as well as software stores and distributors. 1C distributors belong to this category.

12.32. Staffing, consulting service


12.32.1. Business consulting

Management consulting for commercial, legal, manufacturing, technical, or investigative fields.

12.32.2. Employment center

State organizations that help individuals gain employment. These include job centers, agencies, and employment centers.

12.32.3. Work abroad

Services for facilitating employment abroad. There are separate categories for medical treatment and studying abroad.

12.32.4. Recruitment agency

Agencies that recruit employees for organizations.

12.33. Event agencies


12.33.1. Banquet hall

Individual banquet halls (formal banquet rooms) and banquet halls in hotels, restaurants, etc.

12.33.2. Bridal salon

Wedding boutiques that sell dresses and accessories for brides and suits for grooms.

12.33.3. Goods for holiday

Various accessories and items for parties: balloons, paper lanterns, cake candles, confetti, etc.

12.33.4. Fireworks and pyrotechnics

Firework and pyrotechnic sales and productions.

12.33.5. Dowry shop

Dowry stores for brides. Dowries primarily include household items such as bedding, tableware, and interior items. Bridal clothing belongs in the "Bridal salon" category.

12.33.6. Organization of children events

Organizations that arrange children's parties.

12.33.7. Event planning agency

Agencies that organize events.

12.34. TV, radio, print media


12.34.1. Publishing house

All kinds of publishers: books, music, newspapers, magazines, electronic publications, and so on. Not to be confused with the traditional news media!

12.34.2. Information agency

Businesses that provide information to media sources. These companies are mainly focused on providing immediate information to the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, TV channels, and radio broadcasting companies. News compilation and publication

12.34.3. Cable TV providers. Satellite TV is also allowed in this category.

Cable TV providers. Satellite TV is also allowed in this category.

12.34.4. Satellite TV

Providers and equipment for satellite TV as well as installation services.

12.34.5. Radio station

Companies engaged in broadcasting: radio stations, radio programs, radio waves.

12.34.6. Mass media office

Editorial offices for newspapers and magazines.

12.34.7. TV company

Producers of television programs for various channels.

12.35. Show business


12.35.1. Producer center

Production services for theater, music, film, and other projects.

12.35.2. Recording studio

Special areas for sound recording and processing.

12.35.3. Casting agency

Agencies that find actors, models, dancers, musicians, and extras for various projects. There is a separate category for modeling agencies.

12.35.4. Modeling agency

Companies that train and provide models to work in the fashion industry and put together portfolios for them.

12.35.5. Concert and theater agencies

Organizers of concerts, performances, and tours. Booking artists and stars for events.

12.36. Expertise, patenting


12.36.1. Patent services

Patent offices and patent attorneys. Patenting, registering trademark signs and marks, patent research, protection of intellectual property.

12.36.2. Certification center

Services that confirm that a product or service conforms to a certain standard and produce certificates of conformity.

12.36.3. Standardization and metrology

Develop and establish mandatory requirements and standards for products, work, and services.

12.36.4. Expertise

Assessments of a product's conformity to the requirements and standards of industrial safety. Only organizations that have a license to conduct industrial safety inspections can do so.

12.36.5. Veterinary and sanitary examination laboratory

Laboratories that test animal- and plant-based food sold on the market to ensure that it meets quality standards.

12.36.6. Appraisal company

Appraisal services for real estate, land, property, and so on.

12.36.7. Inspection of gas cylinders

Organizations that check gas cylinders for safety.

12.36.8. Examination of industrial safety

Assessments of a product's conformity to the requirements and standards of industrial safety. Only organizations that have a license to conduct industrial safety inspections can do so.

13. Construction and realty


13.1. Architecture and design


13.1.1. Design institute

Organizations that plan projects of varying levels of complexity and in various industries (including construction).

13.1.2. Architectural firm

Companies that design buildings and develop design plans for interiors.

13.2. Installations


13.2.1. Industrial cleaning of facilities and equipment

Cleaning for industrial facilities: building facades (including by sandblasting), factory premises, kiosks and pavilions, utilities, tanks, and reservoirs.

13.2.2. Heating equipment and systems

Sales and installations of heating equipment. For example: boilers, thermal curtains, heat pumps, underfloor heating.

13.2.3. Construction and maintenance of engineering networks

Organizations that construct, repair, and service communications networks used to supply heat, gas, electricity, water, and sanitation.

13.2.4. Engineering

Consultations with professional engineers regarding building operations and maintenance.

13.2.5. Water treatment facilities and equipment

Organizations that dispose of wastewater from consumers.

13.2.6. Installation and maintenance of water supply and sanitation

Construction, installation, repair, and maintenance of internal and external water supply and sewage systems.

13.2.7. Refuse chutes installation and equipment

Production and installation of garbage chutes for residential and public buildings.

13.2.8. Construction and installation of swimming pools, water parks

Design, construction, and installation of swimming pools and water parks.

13.2.9. Portaloos

Sale, production, rental, and maintenance of portable toilet cabins.

13.2.10. Water heaters

All types of household and industrial boilers and water heaters.

13.2.11. Water treatment, water treatment equipment

Industrial water purification equipment as well as water purification stations and systems for country houses, private houses, and so on.

13.2.12. Plumbing equipment

Household and industrial equipment for water supply and sanitation systems: water pipes, check valves, drains, and so on.

13.2.13. Drainage systems

The sale, design, and installation of drains and drainage systems for directing rainwater from roofs to storm drains.

13.2.14. Building automation

Design and construction of smart home systems that can operate without human intervention. For example, they can automatically turn lights on and off and notify about intrusions, fires, or leaks.

13.2.15. Boilers and boiler equipment

Devices for heating water or steam: boilers, burners, chimneys, and their components.

13.2.16. Lifts and equipment

Design, construction, sale, and maintenance of elevators, escalators, and moving walkways.

13.2.17. Air purifiers, humidifiers and fragrances

Devices for purifying indoor air: diffusers, ionizers, humidifiers, ozone generators, and so on.

13.2.18. Sale of swimming pools and equipment

Sale of ready-made swimming pools, inflatable ones included, as well as equipment and accessories: filters, pumps, ladders, lighting, chemicals, awnings, and so on.

13.2.19. Ventilation systems

Sale, installation, and maintenance of ventilation systems and air ducts.

13.2.20. Water supply and sewage systems

Sale and installation of equipment for water supply and sewerage systems.

13.2.21. Building maintenance

Services for the smooth operation of utilities in commercial, industrial, and departmental real estate.

13.2.22. Pipes and pipe fittings

Production and sale of pipes and fittings: valves, taps, and so on.

13.2.23. Water filters

Domestic water filters. Industrial filters belong in the "Water treatment, water treatment equipment" category.

13.2.24. Electric heaters

Organizations that sell electric heating appliances for both residential and commercial use.

13.2.25. Air conditioners

Sales of air conditioners and split systems.

13.3. Realty


13.3.1. Cadastral works

Organizations that work to collect and analyze documents and data from land surveys.

13.3.2. Mortgage agency

Intermediary services that help buyers acquire real estate mortgages, including selecting bank-lenders and mortgage programs, collecting and processing bank documents, and providing legal support. Banks that offer mortgages belong in the "Banks" category.

13.3.3. Sales office

In this category, marked the official offices and sales departments of residential buildings, cottage towns, and so on.

13.3.4. Bureau of technical inventory

Organizations in charge of state record keeping and inventorying real estate.

13.3.5. Housing department

State housing and urban development organizations, housing policy departments. Not to be confused with housing inspections (organizations that monitor compliance with the rules for technical operation of residential premises).

13.3.6. Real estate agency

Realtor agencies. All real estate transactions related to purchases, sales, rentals, and exchanges of private property.

13.3.7. Housing complex

Residential complexes and new buildings. Sales offices belong in a separate category. If a residential complex and a sales office are located at the same address, create two separate items.

13.3.8. Apartments in new buildings

Sales of new housing.

13.3.9. Cottage settlement

Suburban communities. Sales offices belong in a separate category. If a cottage settlement and a sales office are located at the same address, create two separate items.

13.3.10. Sales of land plots

Sales of land plots under construction or other services rendered to owners, builders, or intermediaries involved in the sale of land.

13.3.11. Sale and lease of commercial real estate

Organizations that specialize in selling and renting commercial real estate and non-residential premises: offices, retail, industrial and manufacturing premises. They can also be owners of premises.

13.3.12. Horticultural associations and societies

Garden and country house partnerships, associations, and cooperatives.

13.3.13. Registration of alterations

Intermediary services for obtaining permits for redecoration and making changes to an apartment's technical passport.

13.4. Windows, doors, fences


13.4.1. Glazing of balconies and loggias

Services for glazing with all types of materials: aluminum, plastic, wood, and so on. Glazing winter gardens belongs in a separate category.

13.4.2. Automatic doors and gates

Sales and installations of all types of automatic doors and gates, including barrier (lifting) gates.

13.4.3. Doors

Sales, installations, and repairs of all types of doors.

13.4.4. Windows

Sales, installations, and repairs of all types of windows.

13.4.5. Roller shutter

Sales and installations of roller shutters and blinds.

13.4.6. Fences and barriers

Sales and installations of metal gates and fencing.

13.4.7. Windows installation

Constructions made out of aluminum framing and glass. Used to encase buildings in glass (glass facades, roofs) for constructing winter gardens, etc.

13.4.8. Glass, glass products

Glass factories.

13.4.9. Hardware for windows

Accessories and components for windows: double glazing, slopes, drips, window sills, window bays. Window installation belongs in the "Windows" category.

13.4.10. Mosquito nets

Production and sale of mosquito nets for windows and doors.

13.4.11. Glass doors

Production, sale, and installation of interior and entrance glass doors.

13.4.12. Glass workshop

Workshops that produce custom glass items. Glass-cutting services.

13.5. Finishing materials


13.5.1. Plywood

Production and sale of plywood (wood-laminated boards).

13.5.2. Ceramic tile

Sales of ceramic tiles.

13.5.3. Paint materials

Sales of paint materials.

13.5.4. Flooring

Sales and installations of all types of flooring (both for residential and industrial use), self-leveling floors, parquet, laminate, linoleum.

13.5.5. Ceiling coverings

Sales and installations of ceiling coverings.

13.5.6. Claddings

Sales of materials for the exterior and interior finishings of buildings: finishing solutions, natural and artificial rocks, sidings, bricks, veneers, tiles, etc.

13.5.7. Facades and facade systems

Goods and services related to constructing building facades.

13.5.8. Antisplash covers

Sales of and renting of special covers to protect premises from dirt and moisture: grilles, rubber or pile mats, barrier mats, and so on.

13.5.9. Decorative coatings

All types of finishing coatings for walls and ceilings: decorative plaster, trim stone, speckle paint, frescoes, and so on.

13.5.10. Mirror manufacture and installation

Organizations that produce and install mirrors.

13.5.11. Laminate

Organizations that sell laminate flooring.

13.5.12. Linoleum

Organizations that sell linoleum.

13.5.13. Parquet

Organizations that sell parquet flooring.

13.5.14. Window films

Various types of films: for cars and glass, tinting film, stained glass film, solar film, and so on.

13.5.15. Photo wallpapers and murals

Specialty stores that sell photo wallpapers and murals.

13.5.16. Wall and roof panels

Organizations that sell wall and roof panels.

13.6. Construction equipment and machinery


13.6.1. Construction tools

Tools used for construction, installation and repair projects.

13.6.2. Electric and gas powered tools

Handheld electric and gas-powered tools: drills, screwdrivers, chainsaws, etc.

13.6.3. Road construction machines

Organizations that sell and repair equipment for road construction, operation, and maintenance.

13.6.4. Construction equipment and machinery

Production, sale, and repair of professional equipment and machinery for construction and finishing.

13.7. Construction shops


13.7.1. Hardware market

Construction markets, pavilions with various building materials.

13.7.2. Wallpaper stores

Specialty stores that sell wallpaper.

13.7.3. Plumbing shop

Stores that sell fixtures and/or various items for bathrooms such as replaceable parts.

13.7.4. Construction hypermarket

Hardware hypermarkets and large hardware retailers.

13.7.5. Hardware store

Stores that sell building and finishing materials, tools.

13.7.6. Electronic goods store

Specialty stores that sell electric-power accessories: outlets, light switches, power cables, etc.

13.8. Construction services


13.8.1. Prefabricated buildings

Buildings made of light metal structures and modules. For example, cabins, hangars, trade pavilions, block containers, modular buildings, and so on.

13.8.2. Awnings, tents, and canopies

Sales of awnings, canopies, and tents for sun and rain protection. Car covers belong in the "Autotents and canopies" category.

13.8.3. Construction of baths and saunas

Construction services for bath houses and saunas. Sale of ready-made log cabins. Equipment and accessories for baths and saunas belong in the "Goods for bath and sauna" category.

13.8.4. Construction of country houses and cottages

Companies that build country houses.

13.8.5. Construction and equipment of gas stations

Sale, installation, and maintenance of equipment for filling stations: fuel dispensers, tanks, meters, and so on.

13.8.6. Installation works

Installation work of various types: installation in construction, installation of various industrial equipment.

13.8.7. Construction and finishing works

Organizations that specialize in carrying out construction and finishing work: repairing and refurbishing sections of buildings.

13.8.8. Insulation works

All types of insulation work: waterproofing, vapor barrier installation, heat insulation, sound proofing, electrical insulation.

13.8.9. Plumbing works

All types of plumbing services: installation, blockage removal, sewer line cleaning, pipe installation, heater replacement, and so on.

13.8.10. Welding services

Companies that offer all types of welding services: gas and electric welding, argon-arc and contact welding, soldering and plasma cutting, etc.

13.8.11. Building cooperative

Private organizations that build residential developments for specific shareholders and then manage the building co-op.

13.8.12. Construction and repair of roads

Organizations that construct, repair, or pave roads.

13.8.13. Urban improvement

Municipal services that deal with urban landscaping beautification. Landscaping items include streets, sidewalks, parks, squares, courtyards, and others.

13.8.14. Construction company

Multidisciplinary companies that carry out the full range of construction work from constructing buildings to completing the finishing treatments. Building repairs belong in the "Construction and finishing works" category.

13.8.15. Drilling operations

All types of drilling: water well drilling, foundation drilling, pile drilling, and so on. Well repair and maintenance also belong in this category.

13.8.16. Blasting

Preparation and execution of all types of blasting operations for the mining industry as well as frozen soil mellowing, tree felling, and building demolition.

13.8.17. Survey works

Surveying of locations where construction or reconstruction is planned. For example, ground surveying, studying underground utilities, checking whether future buildings are arranged in accordance with the plan, and so on. The main objective of a site survey is obtaining reliable data to prepare construction documentation.

13.8.18. Roofing

Roof installation, repair, and insulation.

13.8.19. Reclamation works

Improving ground conditions with soil fertilization, erosion prevention, liming, watering, or draining soil.

13.8.20. Underwater works

Organizations that provide diving and underwater engineering services.

13.8.21. Underground works

All types of underground work, including construction and mining.

13.8.22. Industrial construction

Construction of industrial facilities: factories, plants, warehouses, hangars, and so on.

13.8.23. Specialized construction works

Construction that require special skills or equipment. For example, installing piles, foundations, frames, concrete, bricks, stone, underwinding, and roofs.

13.8.24. Construction and repair of railway tracks

Design, construction, reconstruction, and repair of railways.

13.8.25. Electrical works

Installation of internal and external electrical networks and electrical equipment.

13.8.26. Winter gardens, verandas, terraces

Design, manufacture and installation of winter gardens, porches, and terraces.

13.8.27. Construction expertise and technical supervision

Supervision of buildings and structures with the goal of understanding all facets of a building's present technical condition.

13.8.28. Cabling

Cable laying and installation of cable systems. Cable laying equipment is also included in this category.

13.8.29. Installation of networks

Installation, setup, and maintenance of all types of networks: computer, telephone, office, and so on.

13.8.30. Floor screed

Organizations that only provide floor screeding services.

13.8.31. Diamond cutting

Processing of hard materials with a diamond tool. Usually used for cutting and drilling concrete and reinforced concrete.

13.9. Construction materials


13.9.1. Lumber

Sales of various items made from wood: beams, planks, clapboard, etc.

13.9.2. Construction Fittings

Sale of building accessories.

13.9.3. Fasteners

Hardware devices that join objects together: screws, bolts, nuts, and so on.

13.9.4. Metal structures

Manufacture and installation of metal structures: building frames, turnstiles, fences, power line poles, masts, and so on.

13.9.5. Metal rolling

Production and sale of rolled metal products.

13.9.6. Refractories

Materials that maintain their properties at high temperatures. They are used for melting metals, for building furnaces, and in high-temperature applications (for example, in reactors).

13.9.7. Building constructions

Structures used in building construction. There are separate categories for metal and reinforced concrete structures.

13.9.8. Aluminum, aluminum construction

Sales of aluminum and aluminum products: aluminum sheets, sidings, window frames, doors, balconies, showcases, etc.

13.9.9. Concrete, concrete products

Sales of concrete (mortar, sand concrete, expanded-clay concrete, etc.) and products made from it, including decorative items (decorative blocks, concrete balusters, pedestals, etc.).

13.9.10. Road materials

Sales of road construction materials such as gravel and asphalt.

13.9.11. Stone products

Sales of all types of natural and artificial stones from slabs to countertops and souvenirs.

13.9.12. Insulation materials

Sales of acoustic insulation materials, vapor barriers, waterproofing, and electrical insulation.

13.9.13. Adhesives products and materials

Sales of adhesives, mastics, and all types of resins for domestic, industrial, building, office, etc. use.

13.9.14. Cast iron works

Artistic cast iron works such as fences, railings, window grates, canopies, and household items.

13.9.15. Roofs and roofing materials

Sales of roofs and roofing materials.

13.9.16. Stairs and stair railings

Sales and installations of stairs and stair railings of all types of materials.

13.9.17. Fiberglass

Sales of fiberglass items

13.9.18. Dry Building Mixes

Sales of building mixes like cement, gypsum, lime, sand, crushed limestone sand, marble, etc.

13.9.19. Paving slabs

Sales of paving slabs

13.9.20. Precast concrete

Manufacturing of products and structures made from reinforced concrete.

13.9.21. Brick

Production of bricks, brick factories.

13.9.22. Sealants

Building materials for sealing seams and joints, waterproofing, and so on.

13.9.23. Aggregates

These include gravel, sand, limestone, stone screening dust, expanded clay aggregate, marble, chalk, clay. They are used in concrete production, road construction, the preparation of building mixes and mortars, and foundry work.

13.9.24. Plexiglass, polycarbonate

Sales of organic glass, polycarbonate, and polystyrene.

13.9.25. Flooring for playgrounds

Rubber, gravel, and other coatings for playgrounds, sports grounds, cottages, garages, and so on.

13.9.26. Supply of building objects

Companies that manage the supply chain for construction projects, including the selection, procurement and delivery of materials.

13.9.27. Thermal insulation materials

Materials for thermal insulation of buildings, pipelines, industrial equipment, and so on. Other types of insulation materials belong in the "Insulation materials" category.

13.9.28. Cement

Production and sale of cement.

14. Production and materials


14.1. Agribusiness, agriculture


14.1.1. Agricultural infrastructure

All items related to agriculture and agricultural industry that don't sell agricultural products: poultry house, cowshed, sty, stable (the building itself, not an equestrian school!), bee yard, silo pit, silo, silo facility, hayloft, feed storage, manure storage, fertilizer storage, incubator, machine milking facility, slaughterhouse, machine tractor station, agricultural machinery garage, etc.

14.1.2. Mushroom growers and suppliers

Production and sale of mushrooms.

14.1.3. Intensive animal farming

Farms that breed livestock including cows, horses, sheep, pigs, rabbits, etc.

14.1.4. Fur farms

Enterprises where animals are bred in order to cultivate their fur.

14.1.5. Grain and grain waste

Production and sale of grain and grain waste (grain processing waste used to feed poultry and livestock). Grain storages belong in the "Grain elevator" category.

14.1.6. Fodder and feed additives

Compound feed for livestock. Pet food belongs in the "Pet shop" category.

14.1.7. Plant nursery

Cultivation and sale of flower, shrub, and tree seedlings.

14.1.8. Fisheries, fish farming

The branch of agriculture that deals with breeding fish, improving and increasing fish stocks.

14.1.9. Breeding and seed production

Breeding new varieties of seeds and plants and production of seeds.

14.1.10. Agricultural goods

Sale of all types of agricultural products. Producers of agricultural products belong in the "Agricultural enterprise" category.

14.1.11. Agricultural enterprise

Producers of agricultural products: farming companies, collective farms, state farms, field camps, enterprises for growing flowers and seedlings.

14.1.12. Plant protection products

Production and sale of plant protection products: pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides.

14.1.13. Greenhouse equipment
Sales of greenhouses and equipment (for example, for automating greenhouse processes).
14.1.14. Greenhouse

Only put major greenhouses in this category.

You can't put small private greenhouses on the territories of rural (dacha) settlements in this category.

14.1.15. Gear for beekeepers

Beekeeping equipment and supplies. For example, beehives, honey extractors, beekeeping gear, and so on.

14.1.16. Fertilizers

Companies, that produce fertilizers for plants of various types: mineral (nitrogen, phosphorous), organic (manure, earth humus), bacterial.

14.1.17. Cold storage facility

Companies in the food industry with refrigerating equipment that manufacture and distribute ice cream and frozen foods and freeze and store products.

14.1.18. Grain elevator

Structures for storing large quantities of grain, devices for loading and unloading grain, and grain dryers.

14.1.19. Poultry farm

Organizations that produce poultry products.

14.1.20. Field camp

Complexes of buildings used to temporarily accommodate agricultural workers during sowing and harvesting. Field camps do not usually have an exact address or a permanent phone number and are infrastructure objects.

14.1.21. Production of pet food

Production of pet food. Retail sale of pet food belongs in the "Pet shop" category. Livestock feed belongs in the "Fodder and feed additives" category. Veterinary medications and equipment belong in the corresponding category.

14.2. Geophysics, geodesy, geology


14.2.1. Geodetic equipment
Sale, repair, and maintenance of geodesic equipment: theodolites, levels, rangefinders, and so on.
14.2.2. Geology, geophysics

Scientific institutions that primarily study ground composition and the structure of the Earth's crust.

14.2.3. Geological prospecting equipment

Production, sale, and maintenance of tools and equipment for prospecting for oil, gas, metals, and so on.

14.2.4. Geophysical equipment

Devices for determining the main properties of soils and identifying hazardous processes. For example, equipment for soil sampling, georadars, seismic equipment, and mobile laboratories for on-site research.

14.2.5. Hydrometeorology

Centers for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring.

14.2.6. Natural resource extraction

Extraction of minerals (fuels, ores) and other natural resources such as precious metals, stones, and drinking water.

14.2.7. Map production

Production and publishing of paper and digital map, atlases, city plans, etc.

14.3. Consumer goods manufacturing


14.3.1. Rawhide


14.3.2. Fur company

Fur companies, manufacturing of fur products.

14.3.3. Nonwovens

Felt and bonded fabrics These are used for technical purposes (filters, tarpaulins, insulating cloths), in medicine (dressings, surgical gowns), and in everyday life (artificial leather, linoleum, oilcloth).

14.3.4. Light industry equipment

Equipment for the production of light industry products: textiles, clothing, footwear, leather and fur products.

14.3.5. Shoe company

Shoe manufacturing.

14.3.6. Shoe care products

Production of shoe care products.

14.3.7. Shoe materials and accessories

Manufacture of leather, eco leather, shoe insoles, orthoses, taps, zippers, soles, and other shoe making and repair supplies.

14.3.8. Manufacture and sale of textiles

Production and sale of fabrics for light industry.

14.3.9. Hosiery production

Production of stockings and socks.

14.3.10. Raw materials for the textile industry

Production and sale of materials used to make fabrics. For example, cotton (fiber), flax, silk from silkworm cocoons, wool (for example, sheep wool), and so on.

14.3.11. Textile machinery

Equipment for the production of fabrics.

14.3.12. Technical textile

Fabrics used in production. For example: tarpaulin, spunbond, sackcloth, batting, and felt.

14.3.13. Sewing factories

Companies that sew various products from clothing to bedding and table linens.

14.3.14. Sewing equipment

Sewing equipment and machinery for the clothing industry. Sales of home sewing machines belong in the "Sewing and knitting machines" category.

14.4. Timber industry, woodworking


14.4.1. Woodworking enterprise
Businesses that process wood and manufacture lumber and other wood products like furniture, log cabins, windows, picket fences, etc.
14.4.2. Forestry equipment

Special machines used for logging. For example, harvesters, forwarders, skidders, and timber carriers.

14.4.3. Logging, timber sales

Cutting down and selling wood (forests).

14.4.4. Forest management, reforestation

Forest management and restoration.

14.5. Materials, products, equipment


14.5.1. Emergency rescue equipment and machinery
Special equipment used in emergencies, such as firefighting equipment, evacuation devices, door openers, cutters, and so on.
14.5.2. Bulletproof glass

Sale, installation, and production of bulletproof glass for cars, buildings, banks, and so on.

14.5.3. Ropes, cords, cables

Sales of ropes, cords, cables, and slings made of various materials: metal, polypropylene, jute, and so on.

14.5.4. Graphite, technical carbon

Production and sales of natural and artificial graphite, graphite products, and carbon black (soot). They are used as raw materials in various industries. For example, in the production of rubbers, plastics, and lubricants.

14.5.5. Metal detectors

Metal detection devices used for treasure hunting, mine detection, airport security frames, and so on.

14.5.6. Fireproofing

Mitigating the fire hazard of materials and structures using special measures like flame retardants or flame-retardant paints.

14.5.7. Weapons and self defense

Stores that sell weapons and self-defense items of all types: firearms, cold guns, stun guns, gas pistols, etc.

14.5.8. Wax seal kits

Various types of seals: plastic, metal, electronic, lead, for bags, and for meters as well as devices for their installation.

14.5.9. Firefighting equipment

Fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, hoses, hydrants, safety points, stands, and so on.

14.5.10. Gearboxes

Devices for shifting rotational speed. They are used in transportation, lifting, processing, and other machines.

14.5.11. Rubber products

Production and sale of all types of rubber products (both consumer goods such as shoes, shower caps, and gloves, and industrial products such as hoses, tires, and conveyor belts).

14.5.12. Fire hoses

Production and sales of pipes and hoses made of different materials for various purposes: to supply water, air, solutions, mixtures, and so on.

14.5.13. Road safety equipment

Organizations that manufacture and install road safety equipment: traffic lights, barriers, road signs, and so on.

14.5.14. Personal protective equipment

Sale of personal protective equipment: respirators, gas masks, protective shoes and suits. There is a separate category for workwear.

14.5.15. Transporters and conveyors

Mechanical devices for continuous movement of cargo.

14.6. Mechanical engineering


14.6.1. Aviation and airfield equipment
Production of airfield equipment for airports, ground equipment, and tools for aircrafts.
14.6.2. Car factory

Manufacturers of all types of motor vehicles.

14.6.3. Mining equipment

Production of mining equipment: excavators, drilling machines, crushing equipment, and so on.

14.6.4. Railway machinery and equipment

Production, sale, and repair of all types of railway equipment: diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, wagons, track cranes, and so on. Equipment for locomotive maintenance and repair.

14.6.5. Tooling industry

Manufacture of all types of tools.

14.6.6. Machine building

Businesses in the heavy industry sector that manufacture various types of machines and equipment.

14.6.7. Bearings

Production and sale of industrial and vehicle bearings.

14.6.8. Lifting equipment

Specialized lifting devices. For example: cranes, hoists, lifts, etc.

14.6.9. Ship equipment

All devices, appliances, and communication and navigation equipment on board ships.

14.6.10. Shipbuilding, ship repair

Companies that build, repair, and maintain vessels that transport passengers and cargo by water.

14.6.11. Production of auto parts

Production of spare parts for all types of cars: passenger cars, trucks, and more. There is a separate category for bus spare parts.

14.7. Metallurgy


14.7.1. Laser work
Technology for cutting materials with a laser, usually in industrial production. Laser engraving is used in jewelry and advertising.
14.7.2. Foundry

Manufacturing products by filling a mold with a molten substance that solidifies to acquire a shape. This category includes both industrial and artistic castings.

14.7.3. Magnets and magnetic systems

Supply of permanent and resin-bonded magnets and production of magnetic systems.

14.7.4. Metalware

Sales of various hardware: bolts, screws, nuts, washers, rivets, metal wire, mesh, etc.

14.7.5. Metalworking equipment

All types of metalworking equipment: milling machines, lathes, drilling machines, metal cutting shears, steel cutting lines, and so on.

14.7.6. Metalwork

All types of metalworking: cutting, shaping, milling, lathing, drilling, fitting, welding, and so on.

14.7.7. Metallurgical enterprise

Industrial, production and processing enterprises in the field of metallurgy.

14.7.8. Non-ferrous metals

Industrial companies in the non-ferrous metallurgy field that produce and sell copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel, aluminum, titanium, and magnesium.

14.7.9. Ferrous metallurgy

Industrial companies in the ferrous metallurgy field that produce cast iron, steel and ferro-alloys, rolled ferrous metals, steel, products made from cast iron and other metals.

14.8. Service industry facilities


14.8.1. Playground equipment

Sale, production, and maintenance of children's play and sports complexes, swings, carousels, sandboxes, slides, cushioned equipment, and so on. Equipment for kindergartens.

14.8.2. Gambling and entertainment equipment

Sale, installation, and maintenance of all types of entertainment equipment, including children's entertainment. For example, slot machines, video simulators, equipment for sports games (air hockey), prize machines, mazes, soft modules, and so on.

14.8.3. Cinema equipment

Professional equipment for filming and cinemas.

14.8.4. Cleaning equipment and supplies

Equipment and tools for professional cleaning of indoor premises.

14.8.5. Inflatables

Production of, renting, and sale of inflatable products: trampolines, balloons, advertising figures, characters, and so on.

14.8.6. Restaurant equipment

Professional equipment for restaurants, bars, cafes, and canteens, from furniture and tableware to cooking and food storage equipment.

14.8.7. Laundry and dry cleaning equipment

Sales and maintenance of equipment for dry cleaners and laundries.

14.8.8. Beauty salon equipment

Sales and production of cosmetology equipment, furniture, and supplies for beauty salons.

14.8.9. Hotel equipment

Companies that provide hotels with furniture, textiles, uniforms, cosmetics, room equipment (hair dryers, hangers, irons), and so on.

14.8.10. Manufacture and sale of attractions

Equipment for amusement parks, entertainment centers, and playgrounds (swings, carousels, trampolines, and so on).

14.9. Food industry


14.9.1. Darkstore
Special warehouses where online orders are fulfilled and handed over for delivery. Products are usually food, household chemicals, and popular inexpensive everyday items.
14.9.2. Food production facility

Businesses where ready-made food is produced for organizations like schools or airlines.

14.9.3. Flour and rains

Production of grain products: flour, grains, cereals.

14.9.4. Brewery

Enterprises that brew beer and other fermented beverages.

14.9.5. Food raw materials

Companies that produce raw foods made out of plant, animal, microbial, mineral and synthetic products. This category includes the water used to manufacture foodstuffs. For example, fiber, gluten, and animal proteins.

14.9.6. Food ingredients and spices

Production of food ingredients and additives: spices, flavorings, colorings, etc.

14.9.7. Frozen food products

Production of frozen foods, including raw foods and ready-made foods.

14.9.8. Food manufacturers

Production of all types of foodstuffs: meat, dairy, canned goods, macaroni, etc.

14.9.9. Cheese factory

Cheese-making enterprises. Cheese sales belong in the "Cheese shop" category.

14.9.10. Bread factory

Plants and factories that produce baked goods.

14.9.11. Production of alcoholic beverages

Factories and plants that produce alcoholic beverages.

14.10. Food industry facilities


14.10.1. Brewing equipment

Equipment for beer production, breweries, microbreweries. Ingredients for beer production belong in the "Food raw materials" category. There is a separate category for breweries. Sales of draft beer belong in the "Beer shop" category. There is a separate category for moonshine stills.

14.10.2. Moonshine equipment

Stores selling moonshine stills and related goods.

14.10.3. Goods for confectioners

Sales of confectionery equipment and supplies.

14.11. Industrial infrastructure


14.11.1. Industrial infrastructure

All types of industrial facilities: workshops, warehouses, hangars, boathouses, industrial garages, conveyors, chemical plants, flares, oxygen and nitrogen plants, industrial reservoirs, and so on.

14.11.2. Pound lock

Hydraulic devices installed on waterways to raise and lower watercraft between stretches of water of different levels.

14.12. Industrial equipment


14.12.1. Car wash equipment

All types of car wash equipment: car wash machines, vacuum cleaners, steam generators, and related products like curtains, hoses, car wash guns, and chemicals.

14.12.2. Car service and garage equipment

Equipment for car service stations and garages: tire changers, balancing stands, vulcanizers, garage cranes, jacks, car lifts, diagnostic equipment, and so on.

14.12.3. Drilling equipment

Production of equipment and tools for drilling all types of wells.

14.12.4. Vacuum equipment

Production and sale of all types of vacuum equipment: vacuum chambers, installations, pumps, furnaces, and so on.

14.12.5. Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment

Sales of pumps, hydraulic hoses, jackhammers, jacks, and similar equipment.

14.12.6. Woodworking equipment

All types of equipment for wood processing: saws, workbenches, lathes, grinders, and so on.

14.12.7. Sound and lighting equipment

Acoustic systems, players, microphones, karaoke systems, subwoofers, stage effect machines (snow, confetti, soap bubbles), spotlights, strobes, and so on. Concert and theater equipment also belongs in this category.

14.12.8. Stone processing equipment

Equipment for processing natural and artificial stone: cutting and polishing machines, sanders, and so on.

14.12.9. Compressors

Devices designed to compress and supply gases under pressure. They are used in households, manufacturing, construction, medicine, and so on.

14.12.10. Cryogenic equipment

Equipment for reaching and working with ultra-low temperatures. Its main function is gas liquefaction as well as storage and transportation of liquefied gases. It is mainly used in the cryoelectronics and cryobiology industries.

14.12.11. Pumping equipment

Production and sales of all types of pumps for various household and industrial purposes: water supply, swimming pools, sewage, wells, and so on.

14.12.12. Plastic processing equipment

Equipment for processing plastic waste.

14.12.13. Window production machinery

Machines and equipment for the production of window structures made of various materials: PVC, wood, metal, and so on.

14.12.14. Paint equipment

Equipment for applying paint and protective coatings.

14.12.15. Printing equipment

Sales and repair of equipment used in the printing industry. For example: printing machines, plotters, laminators, paper cutters, and so on.

14.12.16. Industrial equipment

Production of industrial equipment that doesn't fit any separate category.

14.12.17. Industrial ovens

Furnaces used to apply heat treatment to various materials in industries like metallurgy, electrical engineering, and vehicle manufacturing.

14.12.18. Welding equipment and materials

Equipment for all types of welding: gas, electric, argon-arc, and contact, soldering, and plasma cutting. Workwear and protective equipment: welding helmets, goggles, and protective gloves.

14.12.19. Lighting

Production of projectors, lamps, and other types of lighting for various purposes. For example: industrial, architectural, or street lighting. Household lighting fixtures (chandeliers, floor lamps) belong in the "Lamps" category.

14.12.20. Warehouse equipment

All types of warehouse equipment, including furniture (such as shelves), cargo transportation equipment, lifting mechanisms, and so on.

14.12.21. Accessories for glass structures

Production and sale of glass fixings for office partitions, shelves, mirrors, shower cabins, and so on.

14.12.22. Environmental equipment and materials

Equipment designed to prevent pollution and avoid environmental accidents in industrial production.

14.13. Industrial services


14.13.1. Waterjet cutting

Cutting various materials using a jet of water or a mixture of water and an abrasive substance, such as metal, plastic, glass, stone, rubber, and so on. Other types of cutting can be found in the following categories: "Milling", "Engraving", "Diamond cutting".

14.13.2. Logistical and technical supply

Providing enterprises with raw materials, supplies, components, and related products.

14.13.3. Coating

Application of various coatings (non-stick, anti-corrosion, vacuum, galvanic, and so on). Sales of coatings also belongs in this category.

14.13.4. Plasma cutting of metal

Cutting metals with plasma.

14.13.5. Industrial enterprise

Factories and other industrial enterprises that do not fit into a more specific category.

14.13.6. Repair of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment

Repair and maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment: pneumatic cylinders, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motors, hydraulic valves, and so on.

14.13.7. Measuring instrument repair

Repair, verification, and maintenance of all types of measuring instruments (household meters, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, and other complex devices).

14.13.8. Industrial equipment repairs

Companies that repair and service any type of industrial equipment.

14.13.9. Industrial refrigerator repairs

Repair and maintenance of industrial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigeration equipment.

14.13.10. Carpentry

Woodwork. Manufacture of furniture, stairs, doors, windows, and other wooden products.

14.13.11. Milling

Milling of various materials: metal, plastic, wood, and so on.

14.14. Packing


14.14.1. Capacitive equipment, tanks

Tanks and cisterns for storing products like oil, food, and gas.

14.14.2. Packing and packaging service

Services for packing and packaging goods.

14.14.3. Containers

Sales and rentals of containers for cargo transportation, garbage, and so on. Container transportation also belongs in this category.

14.14.4. Packing materials

Production and sale of all types of packaging (plastic food containers, cargo containers, and so on) and packaging materials (boxes, film, bags, paper, and so on).

14.14.5. Packing and packaging equipment

Equipment for packaging products from all industries: food, printing, pharmaceutical, furniture, and so on.

14.15. Fuel and energy


14.15.1. NPP, HPP, TPP

Electric stations of all types.

14.15.2. Gas equipment

Production, sale, and installation of household and industrial gas equipment. Household gas cylinders belong in the "Gas cylinders" category.

14.15.3. Oil and gas company

Companies that refine, transport, and store oil, gas, and petroleum products.

14.15.4. Oil and gas equipment

Equipment for extracting, processing, storing, and transporting oil, gas, and petroleum products.

14.15.5. Oil products

Companies that sell petroleum products: gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, lubricants, and so on.

14.15.6. Maintenance of electricity networks

Companies that transfer and distribute electricity, connect buildings to electric networks, and repair power grids.

14.15.7. Lubricants

Production and sales of technical oils and lubricants. Car oils also belong in this category.

14.15.8. Solid fuel

Sales of various solid fuels like firewood, peat, and biofuels.

14.15.9. Coal company

Companies the produce, process, and sell coal.

14.15.10. Energy company

This category can include companies that design, develop, or operate the heat or electricity system or work to modernize existing energy systems.

14.15.11. Energy equipment

Equipment for producing electric power, steam, and hot water. For example: generators, power plant equipment, solar panels, and so on. Power equipment repair also belongs in this category.

14.15.12. Energy saving and energy auditing

Organizations that implement energy conservation and efficiency measures.

14.15.13. Electrolaboratory

Organizations that research, test, and monitor power grids and electrical equipment to prevent accidents and fire hazards caused by wiring overloads, automatic and protective switches malfunctioning, and insufficient insulation resistance.

14.16. Commerce and banking equipment


14.16.1. Banking equipment

Banknote counters, sorters, and packers; currency and document detectors; cash-in-transit equipment; and so on.

14.16.2. Vending machines

Sales, installation, and maintenance of all types of vending machines selling food, beverages, sweets, and so on.

14.16.3. Scales and weighing equipment

Sales, repair, verification, and maintenance of household and industrial scales.

14.16.4. Cash registers and supplies

Sales of cash registers and supplies for them (for example, receipt tapes). Cash register repair and maintenance belongs in a separate category.

14.16.5. Labeling, bar coding

Equipment and services for automated identification and labeling of goods.

14.16.6. Industrial refrigeration equipment

Refrigerating units and freezers for non-household use, for example, for food industry, retail, storage, and so on.

14.16.7. Safes

Production and sale of various types of safes: office, bank, fire-resistant, stationary, portable, and so on.

14.16.8. Retail equipment

Equipment intended for commerce. Commercial equipment is used for the display, storage and sale of products. For example, counters, display cases, racks, mirrors, mannequins, refrigerated display cases, and so on.

14.17. Chemical industry


14.17.1. Explosives

Production and sale of industrial explosives.

14.17.2. Dyes

Production and sale of all types of fabric dyes: powder and liquid, for cold and hot application, and so on.

14.17.3. Polymeric materials

Production of polymers: plastics, polymer composite materials (PCM), plastics.

14.17.4. Paper producers and suppliers

Paper and cardboard production. Pulp and paper mills also belong in this category.

14.17.5. Industrial chemistry

Production of all types of industrial and professional chemicals, chemical raw materials, alcohols, and anti-black ice reagents.

14.17.6. Technical and medical gases

Sale of technical and medical gases (propane, oxygen, acetylene, argon, nitrogen, and so on).

14.17.7. Chemical reagents

Chemical reagents are substances for chemical analysis, scientific research, and medical or laboratory work.

14.17.8. Chemical equipment

Production and sale of industrial equipment for chemical production.

14.17.9. Chemical laboratory

Specially equipped indoor premises used to research various compounds and study the chemical composition and structure of various substances. Water analysis also belongs in this category. Not to be confused with the "Medical laboratory" and "Veterinary laboratory" categories.

14.18. Electronics and electric engineering


14.18.1. Production automation

Companies that develop and implement automated production management systems.

14.18.2. Restaurant automation

Suppliers of equipment and software for business process automation at catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, canteens, fast food restaurants, bars, catering companies).

14.18.3. Batteries and chargers

Batteries and chargers of all types, including car batteries, computer chargers, phone chargers, and so on.

14.18.4. Water, gas, and heat meters

Sales, installation, and verification of water, gas, and heat meters.

14.18.5. Cables and wires

Production and sale of cable products of all types, including industrial (power, optical, shipboard), electrical, telecommunication, and other cables and wires.

14.18.6. Measuring devices

Devices for measuring physical quantities like pressure, current, radiation, and so on (barometers, ammeters, ohmmeters, dosimeters).

14.18.7. Optical instruments and equipment

Production and sale of optical equipment, instruments, and components.

14.18.8. Radio-frequency engineering

Production and sale of radio and radiotelephone equipment: walkie-talkies, radio transmitters, radio stations, radiotelephones, and so on.

14.18.9. Electric motors

Electric motors used in industry to drive machines and mechanisms. Electric motor repair also belongs in this category.

14.18.10. Electrical and wiring accessories

Products used in the installation of electrical wiring: cables, wires, boxes, sockets, switches, and so on.

14.18.11. Electronic devices and components

Production of radio components, microchips, capacitors, and other electronic parts and devices containing them.

14.18.12. Electricity meters

Production, sale, and installation of electricity meters.

14.18.13. Electrical products

All types of products for working with electricity: cables and wires, cable laying equipment, electric installation equipment, low-voltage equipment, transformers, voltage stabilizers, lightning rods, and so on.

14.19. Jewelry industry


14.19.1. Services for jewelers

Services for professional jewelers: jewelry design, production of master models, production of display equipment and boxes, and so on.

14.19.2. Jewellery tools

Production and sale of exhibit, display, packaging, and other equipment for jewelry making.

14.19.3. Precious stones

Companies that process and cut precious stones.

15. Leisure and tourism


15.1. 18+


15.1.1. Vape shop

E-cigarette, steam generator, and smoking accessory stores.

15.1.2. Alcoholic beverage store

Specialty stores that sell alcoholic beverages, wine, and related accessories.

15.1.3. Beer shop

Specialty stores that sell beer and beer snacks, beer stands, places to get beer on tap to go, etc.

15.1.4. Tobacco and smoking accessories shop

Specialty stores that sell cigarettes, other tobacco products, and related accessories.

15.1.5. Sex shop

Stores that sell intimate items for adults.

15.1.6. Dating agency

Wedding agencies, dating and matchmaking services.

15.1.7. Erotic massage

Organizations that provide erotic massage services.

15.1.8. Bookmakers

Places where you can place bets on sporting events, etc.

15.1.9. Casino, gambling house

Casinos, gambling halls, slot machine halls, and poker clubs that are legally allowed to operate in the country where they are located.

15.1.10. Lottery

Instant lotteries and locations where lottery tickets are sold.

15.1.11. Strip club

Clubs that provide entertainment for adults, mainly striptease or other erotic or exotic dances.

15.1.12. Gaming club

Entertainment for adults: slot machine halls, online gambling clubs, poker clubs.

15.2. Hotels, housing


15.2.1. Hotel

Organizations that host guests, offer certain services, and have one or more rooms.

You can add functioning hotels to the map.

15.2.2. Hostel

Organizations that provide places to sleep in communal rooms with few additional services.

15.2.3. Short-term housing rental

Daily and hourly rentals of houses and cottages (provided it's registered as an individual entrepreneurship).

Daily rented apartments and rooms aren't mapped and are to be deleted from the map.

15.2.4. Camping area

Territory equipped to accommodate campers (with places to set up tents, park cars, and outhouses).

15.2.5. Dormitory

Long-term communal housing for families working in factories, dorms for students studying at universities/colleges, temporary communal housing for shift workers, hotel-style dorms with rooms for rent.

15.2.6. Hotel operator

Hotel management companies.

15.3. Spa, wellness center


15.3.1. Resort

Organizations that provide food and comfortable accommodations in resort or scenic areas.

15.3.2. Wellness center

Special establishments that provide services focused on improving the patron's overall health along with food and comfortable accommodations.

15.3.3. Sanatorium

Therapeutic institutions that treat people who need to be supervised by physicians and follow a special regimen. Spas, wellness retreats.

15.3.4. Tourist camp

Places for tourists to rest that are located along tourist routes; they generally do not offer many services or have a developed infrastructure.

15.3.5. Rural tourism

Rustic vacation destinations at farms and in rural villages for eco-tourism enthusiasts.

15.3.6. Place for picnic

Specially equipped locations where you can go for a picnic, barbecue, or to relax in nature. This category also includes furnished rest areas that are located along highways and indicated with 7.11 Rest area road signs.

15.4. Children's recreation camps


15.4.1. Children's recreation camps

All types of children's camps: recreation, wellness, summer, weekend, sports, family, specialized (math, foreign languages, etc.).

15.5. Zoo, dolphinarium


15.5.1. Dolphinarium

Pools used for trained dolphins and killer whales to perform for an audience.

15.5.2. Oceanarium

Scientific and educational institutions for observing marine wildlife.

15.5.3. Zoo

Zoos, zoological gardens, petting zoos, and individual aviaries.

15.5.4. Animal cage

Enclosure for keeping and displaying animals. For example, in zoos.

15.6. Recreation infrastructure


15.6.1. Anti-café

Meeting places where customers rent space for a given amount of time. These places are primarily meant for having conversations (rather than eating food). Customers don't pay for any services at these establishments, but rather for the time (in minutes) that they spend there.

15.6.2. Winter entertainment

Specially equipped seasonal winter recreation places not covered by the skiing topic: tubing, sledding hills.

15.6.4. Karaoke

Karaoke clubs and karaoke bars.

15.6.5. Quests

Organizations that organize real-life quests (i.e. games where you are supposed to follow a certain plot and try to fulfill some kind of mission).

15.6.6. Tourist club

Associations of tourists and sport tourism clubs.

15.6.7. Virtual reality club

Rooms with equipment for virtual reality: screens that display images from computers, special glasses, hats, and controllers in high resolution.

15.6.8. Recreation infrastructure

Composite items in health resorts, summer camps, and hotels (buildings, cottages, small houses, and public facilities), as well as the buildings making up exhibition centers and large museums.

This category also includes mother and child rooms located in separate buildings without indoor maps, as well as other infrastructure facilities located in various recreation areas: changing rooms on the beaches, shelters along hiking trails, and so on.

15.6.9. Dance pavilion

Specially equipped dance halls and dance floors.

15.6.10. Other cash desks

All sales counters that do not fit into one of the other specialized categories.

15.7. Beach


15.7.1. Beach

Specially equipped official locations for bathing, city beaches, beaches at resorts and spas, and unofficial beaches that can be drawn based on satellite images.

15.8. Entertainment park


15.8.1. Amusement park

Amusement parks and theme parks that are intended for entertainment. Park administrations also belong in this group.

15.8.2. Amusement ride

Individual rides. Individual rides can be located in amusement parks (ferris wheels, roller coasters, halls of mirrors, etc.), public parks, or be standalone items.

15.9. Rental of bicycles, scooters


15.9.1. Scooter rental

Scooter rental stations and points.


15.9.2. Bike rental

Bike rental points.

15.9.3. Charger for electric scooters

Stations where you can charge electric scooters.

15.10. Entertainment


15.10.1. Entertainment center

Culture and recreation centres, family recreation centres.

15.10.2. Play room

A specially equipped room where parents can leave their child to play for a set time under adult supervision. They can be found in shopping malls, restaurants located in their own building, and commercial medical centers.

15.10.3. Computer club

Computer clubs provide computers with access to the internet, games, and services like printing or scanning documents.

15.10.4. Leisure club

This category includes hobby clubs, cultural and leisure centers, and places where people who share common interests (most often officially united as a community, organization, or association) can meet up.

15.11. Tourism services


15.11.1. Travel agency

Intermediaries that sell tour packages put together by tour operators.

15.11.2. Excursions

Organizations and agencies that set up excursions, bus tours, and travel itineraries.

15.11.3. Boat tours

Organizations that provide river, sea, and lake tours.

15.12. Water park


15.12.1. Water park

Covered or open parks with water rides, pools, and water slides. Individual slides and rides.

15.13. Night clubs


15.13.1. Night clubs

Organizations that are usually open past 9:00 pm where people can spend their free time. This category includes discos and strip clubs.

15.14. Bath house, sauna


15.14.1. Bathhouse

Public and city bath houses.

15.14.2. Sauna

Saunas and sauna rentals.