Manage reviews

Any user with a Yandex ID can leave a review about your company. Reviews help other users make good choices.

Reviews about your company in Yandex Maps are added to your Yandex Business account. You can find them in the About the business → Reviews section. If you don't want to miss new reviews, enable notifications to your email address.

Restriction. You can only see the last 600 published reviews in Yandex Maps and in your Yandex Business account.
  1. How reviews work
  2. Get more reviews
  3. Share a review
  4. Review requirements
  5. Respond to reviews
  6. Report a review
  7. Analyze reviews
  8. Why can't I find some reviews?

How reviews work

A review contains:

  • A score between 1 and 5.
  • Comment.

The user can give a score without a comment, but they can't leave a comment without a score. There could therefore be more scores than reviews in the company profile. You can view scores without comments in Yandex Maps.

Your business rating is calculated based on reviews and scores. The higher it is, the more your users trust your business.

What it looks like:

You can add a review widget to your website or blog. For more information, see Yandex Maps Help.

The business owner or representative can:

  • Respond to reviews on behalf of the business.
  • Edit or delete the response.
  • Use promo materials to make it easier for users to leave reviews.
  • Report an inappropriate review.

Users can:

  • Write a review about any business they've interacted with.
  • Edit or delete their review.
  • Evaluate other users' reviews using the "like" and  "dislike" buttons.
  • Report reviews that violate the rules .

Get more reviews

To get more reviews, use promotional materials from Yandex Business:

  1. Open Businesses and select a company.
  2. Click About the business → Promotional materials.
  3. Choose:
    • Mockup of a business or table tent card.
    • QR code with a link to the feedback form.
    • Code for a rating badge to be installed on the website.

      Users can click the badge to visit your company profile and give a score or leave a review.

Share a review

You can share a review on the website, on social media, or in a messenger:

  1. Find the business in Yandex Maps.
  2. Select the review.
  3. Click  → Share to the right of the review.
  4. Copy the link or select a social network.

Review requirements

Reviews of your business must not violate the rules. Reviews must not include:


We consider reviews to be fraudulent if the author hasn't interacted with the business. Do not offer money in exchange for reviews, and do not ask friends or acquaintances who have never been to your location to leave a comment.

Trying to guide users

Don't prompt users to rate you. Never ask anyone to write about a new delicious dessert or fast and convenient delivery.

Suggest the focus of the review, not its content. For example, you can ask users to rate your menu and mention the dishes they liked.

Aggressive motivation of users

Do not ask users to show reviews to you and never offer discounts for positive comments.

We do not publish fraudulently solicited reviews.

Respond to reviews

You can respond to reviews in your Yandex Business account. The response must comply with the rules , otherwise it won't pass moderation.

If the reviewer has deleted their page, their comment will become anonymous. You can't respond to anonymous reviews or mark them as read.

How to respond:

  1. Open Businesses and select a company.
  2. Click About the business → Reviews.
  3. Select the review you want to respond to and write a message.
  4. Click Send.
Restriction. You can only respond to reviews with a single comment. Communicating with reviewers is not allowed.

Each new or edited response needs to pass moderation, which generally takes three days. After moderation, the response will appear in the company profile. If this didn't happen, look up the reason in your account and try to fix the error. Only the business owner can see the reason.

For reviews with scores of 4 or 5, you can use boilerplate thank-you responses to show your thanks. However, it's better to respond to each reviewer personally.

What you can do with your response:

  1. Find the review and your response to it.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Make changes and save the response.

Your changes will be published after moderation.

Delete a post

Only the person who wrote the response can delete it.

  1. Find the review and your response to it.
  2. Select Delete.

Report a review

If a review violates the rules , you can report it:

  1. Open Businesses and select a company.
  2. Click About the business → Reviews.
  3. Select a review and click .
  4. Specify exactly how the review violates the rules.

We will review your complaint within a day. If the complaint is true, we will remove the review from publication.

We try to be objective, so we don't delete negative reviews if they don't violate the publication rules . You can reply to such a review to find out the cause of discontent and sort the situation out.

Analyze reviews

We collect statistics to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your business from the customer perspective. To view the data, go to About the business → Reviews → Visitors rated.

How it works:

  1. The algorithm analyzes all the reviews and selects the main characteristics by which your visitors rate your business. They may be different for different business types.

    Example: Staff, Meal, Atmosphere, Child-friendly.

  2. For each characteristic, it counts the total number of reviews and calculates the ratio of positive and negative reviews.
Note. A single visitor's review may contain several characteristics rated differently.

By default, reviews are displayed from newer to older. Under Visitors rated, you can filter and sort reviews:

  • Click a characteristic to view it.
  • To see positive reviews first, click or .
  • To see negative reviews first, click or .
  • To return to the whole list, click Reset.

Why can't I find some reviews?

There are a few reasons why reviews might disappear from your company profile:

  • The user deleted the review.
  • The review was removed from publication because it violates the rules .