Where we get data from

Yandex Business is an open resource. We get information from a variety of sources.

Every day, we collect data about companies as they open and close, change their business hours, or start providing new services. We track all changes so that users can see up-to-date information.

The Yandex robot

One source of data is company websites.

You can check the changes made by the Yandex robot in About the business → Changes.

External partners

We accept data for updates from partners and agents around the world. To become a partner, accept the offer and contact us.

We check data from partners on general grounds. In some cases, we may ask a partner to provide a power of attorney that authorizes them to transfer data about businesses that are already in Yandex Business.

Yandex Maps, Yandex Navigator, and Yandex Search users

If a user sees an error in the company card, they can click Edit information and enter their changes. We check all changes before publication.

Call center

The call center helps us update information: Yandex employees call the business to verify the suggested changes. If everything is correct, the changes are published.

Walking assessors

Assessors come and check whether the business works and if its business hours and address are correct.

Mirrors and panoramas in Yandex Maps

We receive visual information from Yandex Maps that helps us verify the address and the location of entrances to the building.

Business owner

The business owner can confirm or reject changes suggested by users. For more information, see Change history.