Logo, photos, and videos

You can upload a logo, photos, and videos to your Yandex Business account. They are added to the company profile in Yandex Maps and to the Yandex search results page. You can divide photos into categories or reorder them.

High-quality photos and videos attract user attention. Companies with a completed profile and a variety of photos and videos are the first to be added to Yandex search results. Such companies are more trustworthy: photos and videos help users to evaluate the interior, as well as view the products or business location.

Add at least three photos to get the Verified icon.

Photo and video requirements

  • Format: JPG, PNG.

  • Size: up to 10 MB.

  • Image parameters:

    Image type Resolution
    Logo At least 200×200 pixels with an aspect ratio of 1:1
    Other photos Between 320×240 pixels and 5000×5000 pixels
  • The logo should be square.
  • Profiles can have a maximum of 500 photos.

All uploaded photos have to pass moderation. Once photos are approved, they appear in Yandex Maps and on the Yandex search results page within an hour.

Rules for photo and video moderation

Photos and videos won't pass moderation if they:

  • Are not related to the business.
  • Are duplicates of previous uploads.
  • Have low quality (for example, are dark or blurry).
  • Have text that obstructs the picture (unless the text is part of the logo).
  • Contain pornography.
  • Violate the rights of third parties.
  • Contain information prohibited for dissemination by law and the User Agreement for Yandex Services.

Add panorama

We take street panoramas for Yandex Maps and show them in the company profile automatically when you link the address. If there is no panorama for your address in Yandex Maps, you can add one:

  1. On the Businesses page, click the link with the company name.

  2. In the left menu, go to About the business → Photos and videos.

  3. Go to the Panorama section and click Upload panorama.

Add photos

  1. On the Businesses page, click the link with the company name.

  2. In the left menu, go to About the business → Photos and videos.

  3. Click Upload photos to add multiple photos at once and divide them into categories later. Below you can find information on how to add images to each category separately.

Uploaded photos appear in Yandex Maps and on the Yandex search results page after moderation.

Photos from published Yandex user reviews are automatically added to the company profile. If you don't want them to be displayed in the Photo section, delete them in your Yandex Business account.

Divide photos into categories

If you divide photos into categories, users will only see the pictures they are interested in (for example, photos of dishes or the building entrance). The more photos you upload, the more likely it is that customers will decide to visit.

In the About the business → Photos and videos section, each category is displayed in a separate section. The number of categories depends on the type of business. Main categories:

  • Logo: An image, emblem, or symbol of your company.

  • Accessibility: Photos of ramps, elevators, passageways, public bathrooms, and anything else that can help people with disabilities, the elderly, and parents with strollers understand how accessible the place is for them.
  • Entrance: Photos of the entrance and landmarks customers can use to find your business.
  • Interior: Photos of the interior. In Yandex Maps, this category is also called Interior.

  • Exterior: The exterior of the company building. In Yandex Maps, this category is also called Exterior.

Go to the section with the category you're looking for and click Upload photo.

How to set the category for an uploaded photo
  1. Go to the Photos without a category section and find the photo.
  2. Click it and select a category.
Example of a company profile in Yandex Maps with categorized photos

Change the order of photos

You can change the order of photos in your Yandex Business account:

  1. Go to About the business → Photos and videos.
  2. Click Change order next to the Upload photos button.
  3. Rearrange the photos however you want and click Save.

Delete photos

Important. You can't restore deleted photos. The only option is to reupload them.
  1. In the About the business → Photos and videos section, find the photo you need.

  2. Click on its card.

If the photo has already passed moderation and appeared in Yandex Maps, it will be removed within a day.

Add a video

  1. On the Businesses page, click the link with the company name.

  2. In the left menu, go to About the business → Photos and videos.

  3. Click Upload video.

The video will appear in Yandex Maps within eight hours.

Videos from Yandex user reviews are automatically added to the company profile. If you don't want them to be displayed in the Photo → Video section, delete them in your Yandex Business account.

Change the video cover image

Video cover image is an image that illustrates the content of the video. Users see it before the video starts. An attractive cover image that matches the theme of the video draws attention of users who saw your profile in Yandex Maps and in Yandex Search and motivates them to watch the video.

By default, videos have a cover image from a random frame. Any representative of the company can change the cover image for any video in the Yandex Business profile. It doesn't matter if the video was uploaded by a representative or by a Yandex Maps user.

To edit the cover image:

  1. On the Businesses page, click the link in the company name.

  2. In the left menu, go to About the business → Photos and videos.

  3. Select the video. The Edit video window will open.

  4. Select the desired cover image and click Save.

    Cover images are generated automatically from video frames. You can't add your own cover image. The number of cover images may vary for different videos.

The new cover will be updated in about 12 hours in Yandex Maps and in Yandex Search.

Delete a video

  1. On the Businesses page, click the link with the company name.

  2. In the left menu, go to About the business → Photos and videos.

  3. In the Video section, click in the video's card.


Where does Yandex get photos from?

We publish photos provided by business owners, users with a Yandex ID, and our partners. To learn more, see Photos of businesses in Yandex Maps Help.

Why are photos cropped in Yandex Maps?
Photos may be displayed differently on different devices. If you click a photo, it will open in full size.
Why there's no logo in Yandex Maps or in Yandex Search?

The photo might not have been categorized as a Logo. To set the category in your Yandex Business account:

  1. Go to About the business → Photos and videos and select the photo.
  2. Click the photo and select the Logo category.
Why there's no photo in Yandex Maps or in Yandex Search?
  • It takes one hour to moderate your photo. And it might take several days to fully update information in Yandex Maps and in Yandex Search. So, you might have to wait a little longer.
  • The photo didn't pass moderation. Upload a new photo and make sure it meets the requirements for the category you're adding it to.
What do I do if the photo was rejected during moderation?

Upload a new photo that meets the requirements for the category you're adding it to.