Price list

Products are displayed in your Yandex Search company card and in Yandex Maps.

Users search Yandex Search and Yandex Maps for businesses by category, product, or service. They can interact with products the same way they interact with other content in the company card.

To convert more potential customers, upload high-quality price lists and specify current prices.

Yandex Maps lets you add products and services to the Photos section. For more information, see Add photos.

You can fill out your price list manually in the Yandex Business interface or upload an XLS/XLSX or YML (Yandex Market Language) file.

Note. For more information about uploading chain price lists, see Manage chain price lists.

Uploading a new price list deletes old pricing.

  1. Price list requirements
  2. Add products to the price list
  3. Uploading an XLS/XLSX file
  4. Uploading a YML file
  5. Adding products and services via a YML feed automatically
  6. How to upload a price list from another source
  7. FAQ

Price list requirements

All products are reviewed before publication.

The products must meet the publication rules and not violate the User Agreement for Yandex services. We do not publish price lists that contain prohibited products or content. If you notice products in Yandex Maps that violate our rules, please let us know. We'll check the business profiles you report.

Add products to the price list

  1. Select a business, go to About the business → Products and services, and click + Add products and services.

  2. Complete the fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    Fields that you need to fill in
    Photo A JPG or PNG image, maximum 10 MB and between 320×240 and 5000×5000 pixels.


    The name of the product or service, maximum 250 characters.


    The section of the price list the product or service belongs to, maximum 250 characters. In the company card, the price list is published with a breakdown by category.

    If photos are only added for two or fewer category items, products and services in the category are published in the Yandex Search company card without a photo.


    The cost of the product or service, maximum 20 characters. You can only use numbers and delimiters (dot or comma). The currency is added when information is published depending on your business location. You can only enter exact prices (no price ranges).

    Specify the quantity of the product or service for this price. To do so, fill in the Number field (maximum 15 digits separated by a dot or comma) and select measurement units. Examples: 1 pc., 0.9 kg, 0.5 l, 30 min.

    Products and services with a price of 0 won't be published in the company card.


    A description of the product or service, maximum 3000 characters.

    The full description is displayed on the landing page.

    The product card displays the first 250 characters of the description.

    Popular product A product or service for the gallery of popular products or services in the profile on the About the business tab. You can mark a maximum of 10 popular items on the price list.
    In stock

    This option is enabled by default.

    To prevent a product from being shown in the card, disable this option.

  3. Click Add product.

You can edit the information in the price list at any time. Once the information is placed, it appears in the company card in Yandex Maps within 24 hours.

Uploading an XLS/XLSX file

  1. Select a business, go to About the business → Products and services, and click Upload XLS/YML.

  2. In the tab that opens, select XLS and click Upload XLS.

  3. Enter information about products and services in the template. Each item should be placed on a separate line, maximum 30,000 lines total. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    Fields that you need to fill in

    The section of the price list the product or service belongs to, maximum 250 characters. In the company card, the price list is published with a breakdown by category.

    If photos are only added for two or fewer category items, products and services in the category are published in the Yandex Search company card without a photo.


    The name of the product or service, maximum 250 characters.

    ID The unique stock-keeping unit for the product (SKU), maximum 80 characters. It can contain numbers, Latin and Russian letters, and the following characters: , \ / ( ) [ ] - =.
    Description A description of the product or service, maximum 3000 characters.
    Short description A brief description of the product or service to display in Yandex Maps and in Yandex Search, maximum 250 characters. If you leave this blank, the first 250 characters of the Description field will be used.

    The cost of the product or service, maximum 20 characters. You can only use numbers and delimiters (dot or comma). The currency is added when information is published depending on your business location. You can only enter exact prices (no price ranges).

    Products and services with a price of 0 won't be published in the company card.


    One direct link to an image file. You can't use a link to Yandex Disk here because it points to an HTML page rather than an image.

    You can provide a link:

    • Without explicitly specifying a TCP port.
    • With a port from the set: 80, 443, or 8080.

    We only support downloading over HTTP and HTTPS. Downloading over FTP, SMB, and other protocols isn't supported.

    Link examples

    Popular product Select “Yes” to display the product or service in the popular product gallery, which is in the company card's About the business tab. You can mark a maximum of 10 popular products or services on the price list. For the remaining items, leave the field empty.
    In stock Select “No” for products and services you don't want to be published in the company card. For the remaining items, leave the field empty.
    Number You can specify the weight of the product, the number of pieces in the package, the duration of the service, and so on. The number can't contain more than 15 characters. Use a dot or comma as a separator.
    Measurement units Specify the units of measurement for the Number field. Write down the units of measurement as indicated in the table below without making any changes to them. For example, write “piece” rather than “pc.”, “pieces”, “pcs”, or something else.
    Available measurement units
    • Weight: gram, kilogram, ton.
    • Volume: cubic centimeter, cubic meter.
    • Liquid volume: milliliter, liter.
    • Length: millimeter, centimeter, meter.
    • Area: sq. centimeter, sq. meter.
    • Time: minute, hour, academichour, day.
    • Piece goods: unit.
  4. Upload the completed XLS/XLSX file. File processing takes up to an hour.

Once you upload the file, you'll be able to edit the price list right in the Yandex Business interface: add or remove items, upload photos, and mark popular and out-of-stock products. Once the information is placed, it appears in the company card in Yandex Maps within 24 hours.

Uploading a YML file

  1. Select a business, go to About the business → Products and services, and click Upload XLS/YML.

  2. In the tab that opens, select YML and click Upload YML.

  3. Enter information about products and services in the template. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    Fields that you need to fill in
    Element Description

    The main group of products or services.

    For each category, use a separate element and the root category ID from the id attribute.

    In the company card, the price list is published with a breakdown by category.


    The product category ID, maximum 18 characters. Each product offering can only belong to one category.


    The name of the product or service, maximum 250 characters.

    Names must follow this format: what (product type) + who (manufacturer or brand) + product (model, name) + distinctive characteristics if any (size, weight, color). For example: “LEO Jumpsuit, size 62, pink”.


    The manufacturer or brand (trademark).

    offer id*

    The unique stock-keeping unit for the product (SKU), maximum 80 characters. It can contain numbers, Latin and Russian letters (except “ё”), and the following characters: , \ / ( ) [ ] - =.


    A description of the product or service, maximum 3000 characters.

    If there are multiple pieces that make up the product, add the number of components and their measurement units to this field. That way, this information will be displayed in the product description. There are no dedicated fields for component parts in the YML file yet. If you need to add them separately, upload the price list as an XLS/XLSX file.


    A brief description of the product or service to display in Yandex Maps and in Yandex Search, maximum 250 characters. If you leave this blank, the first 250 characters of the description field will be used.


    The cost of the product or service, maximum 20 characters. You can only use numbers and delimiters (dot or comma). You can only enter exact prices (no price ranges).

    Products and services with a price of 0 won't be published in the company card.


    The currency code. Specify one of the following values: RUB, KZT, UAH, BYN, USD, UZS, TRY, or EUR.


    The address of your website page that contains the description and photos of the product, maximum 512 characters, in accordance with the RFC 3986 standard.


    Photo: One direct link to the image file. You can't use a link to Yandex Disk here because it points to an HTML page rather than an image.

    You can provide a link:

    • Without explicitly specifying a TCP port.
    • With a port from the set: 80, 443, or 8080.

    We only support downloading over HTTP and HTTPS. Downloading over FTP, SMB, and other protocols isn't supported.

    Link examples

    Example of a completed price list
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <category id="101">Sandwich makers and baking devices</category>
          <offer id="9012">
            <name>Brand 3811 Ice cream maker</name>
              People with a sweet tooth love this device 
              because you can use it to make delicious homemade ice cream 
              from natural ingredients.
          <offer id="12346" type="vendor.model">
            <typePrefix>Sandwich maker</typePrefix>
            <description>2-in-1 sandwich maker: you can make sandwiches 
            and waffles.</description>
  4. Upload the completed YML file. File processing takes up to an hour.

Adding products and services via a YML feed automatically

  1. Prepare a feed in YML format. The number of products or services in the feed cannot exceed 10,000, and the maximum file size is 15 MB.
  2. Go to About the business → Products and services and click Manually, from file in the Source line.

  3. Select YML feed as the source of products and services.
  4. In the YML feed window, specify a link to the YML.

The feed is checked automatically. Products with errors won't load. Once the check is complete, the system notifies you how many products were added.

Uploaded products appear in the interface within a couple of minutes, and you can manage their placement immediately.

How to upload a price list from another source

Yandex Business can use information from partners' price lists. This data is uploaded to Yandex Business automatically.

You can manage your source:

  1. On the Products and services tab click Source.
  2. Choose another partner.
  3. Click Save.

You can also:

  • Make changes on the partner's platform: the data in your Yandex Business personal account will update automatically within a few days.
  • Select Added manually: In this case, product data on third-party platforms won't be used.
  • Hide your products and services from being displayed.


Why aren't the products I uploaded in Yandex Webmaster displayed in Yandex Maps?

Information about the products uploaded in Yandex Webmaster may be unavailable if:

  • The company is an online company.
  • The company is not located in the region specified in Yandex Webmaster.
  • The company's website in Yandex Maps:

    • Doesn't match the one listed in Yandex Webmaster.
    • Was added recently.

Certain products may not be available if:

  • When uploading, the product is displayed as out of stock.
  • The price isn't specified.
  • The product information was blocked by Yandex Webmaster: Contact the service to resolve the issue.

To avoid issues while uploading, use adding products and services via a YML feed in your Yandex Business account.

Why aren't all the products I uploaded displayed on Yandex Maps?

Yandex Maps has a limit in bytes on the total amount of information about products and services displayed in a company's profile. The limit is approximately 500 items.

The actual number of items depends on different factors, such as the length of titles and descriptions, availability of links to photos in the price list, and others. That's why fewer products may sometimes be displayed than were uploaded in the price list even if only 500 items were uploaded. If items have short names and prices, the profile can fit more than 500 items.

How do search results work for uploaded products?

All products uploaded to Yandex Business can be searched. If a product was uploaded but not displayed in the profile, it still continues to affect the company's ranking in search results: the company can be included in search results even without displaying the product.

How do I change the product display order in the price list?

You can't change the display order of uploaded products. To change the order, generate a price list with a new order and upload it.

If the company has the Closed temporarily status, will it be displayed in the price list?

Yes, the price list will be visible to users. If you upload a new price list, it will also be published.