Where businesses are shown

Information about your company will be displayed in several Yandex services:

  • In Yandex Search for computers and mobile devices.
  • In the web version of Yandex Maps for computers and mobile devices.
  • In the Yandex Maps mobile app for Android and iOS.
  • In the Yandex Navigator mobile app for Android and iOS.
  • In the Yandex Go mobile app for Android and iOS so users can find your company by name.
  1. Profile
  2. Yandex Maps
  3. Mobile Yandex Maps and Yandex Navigator
  4. FAQ


The profile is the company page in Yandex. It's available via a link that looks like this:

  • https://yandex.ru/maps/org/<profile id>: For businesses on the map.
  • https://yandex.ru/profile/<profile id>: For online businesses.

There are two ways to share a link to your company profile:

  1. Open Businesses and choose a business.
  2. In your account, go to Home → Your business in Yandex.
  3. Click:
    • Profile if your business works online only.
    • Yandex Maps if you have a physical address that your customers can visit.
    You'll be redirected to your company profile.
  4. Click and copy the link to your profile

Company profile structure

The profile page has all the information about your company. It's presented in the following tabs:

Tab Description
Overview Basic information about the company: address, contact information, website, location on the map. Some companies can also activate the About the place section. For more information, see Features.
Reviews Reviews about the company. They can be sorted by date or rating. Users can also rate reviews. For more information, see Manage reviews.
Photo All images of your company or products. For more information, see Manage photos.
News News about the company that you publish. The latest news is displayed at the top. For more information, see Posts.
Features Details that may be important to your customers, such as:
  • Accessibility.
  • Wi-Fi.
  • Whether your business is child-friendly or not.
  • Parking.
  • Payment options.
Branches The list of company branches: names, addresses, ratings, and links to profiles.
Products and services Prices for products and services. For more information, see Price list.
Interesting Facts about the company that may be of interest to your customers.

The set of tabs depends on the company's business category and information from Yandex Business.

Only business owners can add information about the company to Yandex Business in the personal account, but any user can add information about the company in Yandex Maps. For more information, see How company cards are updated.

Yandex Maps

If users search for the company by name or category, the results are a list of company cards and their locations on the map.

Clicking on a company card opens detailed information about the company distributed across a set of tabs. For more information, see Profile.

Mobile Yandex Maps and Yandex Navigator

The company card in Yandex Navigator and the mobile version of Yandex Maps is similar to the company profile. It consists of tabs that contain information from Yandex Business.

Companies on Yandex Maps are marked with placemarks with different designs, like in Yandex Maps for browsers, including photoPOI . Placemarks of some companies also include text. For more information, see Features.


Why doesn't my company profile have an "About the place" section and the map placemark is displayed without a photo or text?

We enable these options gradually. If you want your profile to include the About the place section and the placemark to include a photo and accompanying text, contact support.

Note that for these options to work, your company profile should have a sufficient number of reviews and quality photos and videos.

For more information, see Features.