Domain on

To link a domain, you need to be its owner and verify it.

If you plan to use the domain to send and receive corporate mail, configure the DNS records for it. If you delegate your domain to Yandex DNS servers, the records are configured automatically, and you can manage them directly in Yandex 360 for Business.

Important. It can take up to 72 hours for records to update. To check if a record has been updated, click Check in Yandex 360 for Business.
  1. Verify your domain
  2. Configure DNS records

Verify your domain

Attention. If you transfer your company data from another platform, we recommend that you first import mailboxes, and then configure DNS records. After the records are configured, mail will be delivered to Yandex Mail mailboxes.

Configure DNS records

There are two ways to configure the DNS records required for Yandex Mail for Business:
  • If you delegate your domain to Yandex servers, all records are configured automatically.

  • If you don't want to delegate the domain to Yandex servers, set up the DNS records for your domain on .

Delegating a domain means transferring domain management to the selected DNS server. You can delegate the domain to Yandex DNS servers, which will then store and manage service information about your domain.

If you delegate your domain:

  • The DNS records required for Yandex Mail (MX, SPF, and DKIM) are configured automatically.

  • You can manage DNS records directly in Yandex 360 for Business.

To delegate your domain to Yandex servers:

  1. In the DNS servers and zone management section (Step 3 of the domain verification instructions), click Change.
  2. In the pop-up window, select Your DNS server list and specify the following values:
    • NS1:
    • NS2:
  3. Go to the domain management page and make sure your domain status is Delegated.

If you want your domain address to redirect users to your website, make sure that the website address is linked to the domain name. To do this, check the domain A records in the DNS editor in Yandex 360 for Business.