View mode in Yandex 360 for Business


As of April 17, 2023, the free version of Yandex 360 for Business is no longer available.

If your company used the free version or has any arrears, it can only access Yandex 360 for Business in view mode.

  1. Which features are unavailable
  2. How to remove restrictions
  3. Who was affected by the changes
  4. Who wasn't affected by the changes
  5. FAQ

Which features are unavailable

For Yandex 360 for Business admins
  • Add employees.
  • Add a new domain.
  • Create a mailing list.
For Yandex Mail and Yandex Disk users
  • Send a new email.
  • Reply to an email.
  • Forward an email.
  • Upload files to Yandex Disk.
  • Share files on Yandex Disk.
  • Create a shared folder on Yandex Disk.

Yandex 360 services are only available in view mode. For example, you can view files on Yandex Disk and emails in Yandex Mail but can't upload and share files or reply to emails.

How to remove restrictions

If you lost access to your organization in Yandex 360 for Business, you can restore access to it from another account.

If you use the free version of Yandex 360 for Business, select one of the service plans in Yandex 360 for Business.

If you have any arrears, top up your balance, and then activate a service planactivate a service plan. After that, all Yandex 360 for Business services will be available to you without any restrictions.

Who was affected by the changes

  • Legal entities that used the free version of Yandex 360 for Business.
  • Individuals who used Yandex 360 for Business.
  • Individuals who previously used Yandex Mail for Domain.
  • Individual entrepreneurs who used Yandex 360 for Business.
  • Users previously connected to Yandex Connect.

Who wasn't affected by the changes

  • Organizations with no more than 3 users, including the admin.
  • Organizations that have non-resident of Russia status.
  • Organizations connected to the services through a partner program.
  • State-owned schools and preschool educational institutions connected to the services on the terms of the special offer.
  • Socially-oriented non-profit organizations that use Yandex 360 for Business services for free. If your organization belongs to this category, fill in the special form.
  • Users whose email is linked to their personal account in the corresponding service.
  • Organizations with a written agreement (not an offer).
  • Users with mailboxes of the "[email protected]" type, even if they are members of an organization.
  • Users with active Yandex 360 Premium plans.


Will my access to the services be disabled if I don't top up my balance on time?

Restrictions won't apply immediately. After you run out of funds, you will have 21 days to top up your balance, and the services will remain available for that period.

How can I change my company details or contract type from an individual to a legal entity?

You can correct any information or change the contract type in your company account using the special form.

If you have funds on your balance or overdue payments, sign an assignment agreement and enter into a new contract by filling out the appropriate form in your personal account. The new contract will come into effect on the first day of the next month.

Until all changes come into effect, Yandex 360 for Business will continue to operate as usual.

Will anything change in the current service plans (the plan that my company uses)?

If you use an existing service plan and pay for it regularly, all Yandex 360 for Business services will remain available to you at the same price.

Will the changes affect new Yandex 360 for Business users who have not yet activated the free version?

The free version of Yandex 360 for Business is no longer available. New users can choose between Basic, Optimal, or Advanced service plans that have different sets of available functions, Yandex Disk space volumes, and message limits in Send. For more information, see Service plans.

How do I top up my company's account balance?
  1. Go to the Service plan and payment page.
  2. Click Top up and enter the amount.
  3. Click Download invoice.
  4. Pay the received invoice using the details specified therein.
Important. Payments are processed within 3 business days. For more information, contact your bank's office. While your payment is processed, Yandex 360 for Business services continue to operate as usual.
The Download invoice button may be missing from the interface if:
  • Your contract is concluded for an individual. You can check this in the Details tab in your company admin account. If your contract is really concluded for an individual, you can only top up your company's balance with a bank card. If you want to pay by invoice, follow the instructions for changing your company details.
  • When entering your company details, you clicked No documents required. As a result, the contract was concluded for an individual, and you can only top up your company's balance with a bank card. If you want to pay by invoice, follow the instructions for changing your company details.
Where can I find the form for changing my company details or contract type?

You can find your personal account or contract number in the Details tab in your company admin account.

How can I recover a deleted user's data?

Deleted data cannot be recovered.

How can I change the details of a specific organization (if several organizations have the same details)?

The details are assigned not to the organization, but to the owner who first accepted the offer, activated the service plan, and entered the company details.

You can check whether the details are linked to an account in the Details tab. If the details are linked to an account and all organizations have service plans enabled, the details will be the same for all organizations.

If you need to change the details for your organizations:
  1. Register a new organization with a account.
  2. Specify the organization's details.
  3. Add employee mailboxes.
  4. Import emails from old mailboxes to new ones using a mail importer.
  5. Transfer files from Yandex Disk.

If the organizations don't have a service plan enabled and the details are not yet linked, you can change the company owner and accept the offer in each of them from different accounts. Then your organizations will have different details.

How do I top up my balance if I can't pay by invoice?

You can top up your company's balance with a bank card. For more information, see Top up balance.

When will I get a response to my request for changing the company details?

Requests are processed by our document management team in a queue. If we get more requests than usual, the response time may be longer. While your request is being processed, you can use Yandex 360 for Business as usual.

How can I issue invoices to organizations with different details if they are registered under the same account?

All organizations created under the same account share the details that were specified during registration. You need to create a new account for each organization, specify the details, and transfer the data to the new account. The invoice usually includes the details of the organization that accepted the offer and is issued to that organization rather than separately to each organization in the account.

Do I need to pay for inactive or blocked users in my organization?

The total service plan cost includes the company owner's account and all employee accounts, including those of blocked or inactive users. You can delete blocked and inactive accounts and pay less. For more information, see Calculating the monthly cost of services.

The list of all employee accounts is available in the Employees tab in the admin account.

Attention. If you delete the mailbox on the domain, all data stored in Yandex services and associated with this account (messages in Yandex Mail, files on Yandex Disk, personal subscriptions linked to this account, and so on) will be lost. Before deleting the mailbox, make sure you have transferred all of your important information.
What should I do if the service plan wasn't activated after I paid for the services?

Wait for the funds to appear on your company's account balance. After that, activate the service plan manually.

How am I charged for services?

Yandex 360 for Business operates on a prepayment system and has per-second billing. For more information, see Calculating the monthly cost of services.