Tag access

To read about how to manage tag access, see Tag access.

To restore access to the tag, select the situation that best describes your problem:

Click the link Forgot your password? and choose a method for restoring access, such as by answering the secret question you set during registration.

If you couldn't restore access on the first attempt, try other ways of spelling the answer to the secret question or change your keyboard layout. You can try other recovery options, such as a secondary email address or a free SMS to your mobile phone if you previously specified the number in your account settings.

If you couldn't restore your password, support can transfer your tag to a different account.

The Support service can remind you of the username that the Yandex Metrica tag was registered under.

  1. Anywhere in your website's code, add the phrase <!--Yandex Metrica login-->.
  2. Fill in the form below.