List of exported data fields: hits (pageviews)

Field Type Description
WatchID UInt64 Hit ID
pageViewID UInt32 ID of the pageview in which the event occurred
HitVersion UInt32 Version of the hit
Sign Int8 Indicator of the recording status in the incremental log
EventDate Date Date of the hit
UTCEventTime DateTime Date and time in UTC format
Title String Page titles
CounterID UInt32 ID of the tag
ClientIP UInt32 IPv4 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established
ClientIP6 FixedString(16) IPv6 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established
RegionID UInt32 ID of the user's region
OS UInt8 ID of the user's operating system (detailed)
UserAgent UInt8 ID of the user's browser
URL String Page URL
Referer String Referrer
ResolutionWidth UInt16 Screen width
ResolutionHeight UInt16 Screen height
ResolutionDepth UInt8 Resolution depth
UserAgentMajor UInt16 Major version number of the browser
CookieEnable UInt8 Whether cookies are enabled
JavascriptEnable UInt8 Whether JavaScript is enabled
IsMobile UInt8 Whether the hit originated from a desktop browser or mobile browser
IsTablet UInt8 Whether the hit originated from a tablet
MobilePhoneModel String Full name of the mobile phone model
TraficSourceID Int8 Traffic source ID
SearchEngineID UInt16 Search engine ID (detailed)
AdvEngineID UInt8 Ad system ID
Experiment.SystemID Array(Integer) Array of variant IDs for Varioqub experiments The variants are linked to visits of the users included in the sample. Consider only positive values. Negative values are technical.
IsArtifical UInt8 Artificial hit made by hit(), event(), or other functions.
WindowClientWidth UInt16 Client window width
WindowClientHeight UInt16 Client window height
ClientTimeZone Int16 Time zone on the client
PageCharset String Page encoding
IsLink UInt8 Whether the hit is a link click
IsDownload UInt8 Whether the hit is a file download
IsNotBounce UInt8 Special non-bounce event for accurate bounce rate calculation
IsParameter UInt8 Whether the hit has a parameter
BrowserLanguage FixedString(2) Language selected in the browser settings
BrowserCountry FixedString(2) Country selected in the browser settings
HTTPError UInt16 Error code
SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8 ID of the social network the click came from
SocialSourceNetworkStrID String String ID of the social network the click came from
SocialSourcePage String Social network page the click came from
GoalsReached Array(UInt32) IDs of the completed goals
OpenstatServiceName String Name of the openstat tag, site
OpenstatCampaignID String ID of the openstat campaign
OpenstatAdID String ID of the openstat ad
OpenstatSourceID String Type of the openstat ad
UTMSource String Name of the UTM tag, site
UTMMedium String UTM ad type
UTMCampaign String Name of the UTM ad campaign
UTMContent String Additional UTM details
UTMTerm String UTM keyword
FromTag String from value obtained from the URL
HasGCLID UInt8 Whether the adWords tag (Google Click ID) is present
GCLID String adWords tag (Google Click ID)
CLID UInt32 URL clid parameter
ShareService String “Share” button, service name
ShareURL String “Share” button, URL
ShareTitle String “Share” button, page title
ecommerce String E-commerce events
params String Parameters
ParsedParams.Key1 Array(String) Parameter, level 1
ParsedParams.Key2 Array(String) Parameter, level 2
ParsedParams.Key3 Array(String) Parameter, level 3
ParsedParams.Key4 Array(String) Parameter, level 4
ParsedParams.Key5 Array(String) Parameter, level 5
ParsedParams.Key6 Array(String) Parameter, level 6
ParsedParams.Key7 Array(String) Parameter, level 7
ParsedParams.Key8 Array(String) Parameter, level 8
ParsedParams.Key9 Array(String) Parameter, level 9
ParsedParams.Key10 Array(String) Parameter, level 10
ParsedParams.Quantity Array(UInt32) Number of parameters
DevicePixelRatio Float32 Pixel ratio
BrowserEngineID UInt8 Browser engine ID
BrowserEngineVersion1 UInt16 Browser engine version
BrowserEngineVersion2 UInt16 Browser engine version
BrowserEngineVersion3 UInt16 Browser engine version
BrowserEngineVersion4 UInt16 Browser engine version
IsTV UInt8 Whether the session is from a TV
DirectCLID UInt64 Yandex Direct ad click ID. YCLID
IsIFrame UInt8 Whether the hit originated from an iframe
FirstPartyCookie UInt64 Domain cookie
MobilePhoneVendor UInt16 Mobile phone vendor
OriginalURL String Full URL if the URL was truncated
NetworkType UInt8 Connection type ID
UserAgentVersion2 UInt32 Full browser version, number 2
UserAgentVersion3 UInt32 Full browser version, number 3
UserAgentVersion4 UInt32 Full browser version, number 4
RecommendationSystemID UInt8 Recommendation system ID
MessengerID UInt8 Messenger ID
OSFamily String Operating system family
OSName String Operating system name
YQRID String Unique tag added by the Yandex QR generator
QRCodeProviderID UInt16 ID of the QR code provider
IsPageView UInt8 Whether the hit is a pageview
OSStr String String ID of the user's operating system (detailed)
OSRoot UInt8 ID of the user's operating system group
OSRootStr String String ID of the user's operating system group
UserAgentStr String String ID of the user's browser
TrafficSourceStrID String String ID of the traffic source
SearchEngineStrID String String ID of the search engine (detailed)
SearchEngineRootID UInt16 Search engine ID
SearchEngineRootStrID String String ID of the search engine
AdvEngineStrID String String ID of the ad system
BrowserEngineStrID String String ID of the browser engine
MobilePhoneVendorStr String String ID of the mobile phone
NetworkTypeStr String String ID of the network connection type
RecommendationSystemStrID String String ID of the recommendation system
MessengerStrID String String ID of the messenger
QRCodeProviderStrID String String ID of the QR code provider
CounterUserIDHash UInt64 User ID that is unique per tag, even if the tag is installed on different domains