Monitoring access to tags

In your organization account, you can grant or revoke access to tags, change roles, monitor quota usage for requests to the Reports API, and track user activity in the Yandex Metrica interface.

The section with users and their access rights displays, for each user:
  • List of tags the user has access to.
  • The user's roles for the tags.
  • Number of times the user accessed the Report API for each tag within the current day.

Viewing user list

  1. Above the tag list table, select Group by users. You'll see a list of users who have access to the tags added to your Yandex Metrica Pro plan.
  2. To see the tags a user has access to, click on the left of their login.
The following details are displayed in the tag list:
  • Tag name.
  • API daily requests • interface: The number of API requests from the interface for the current day.
  • API daily requests • direct: The number of direct API requests for the current day.
  • User's role.

Manage access to tags

Restriction. You can manage access to a tag if you have edit rights to it.
  1. Above the tag list table, select Group by users.
  2. In the user list, click the three dots icon Configure access.
    The access configuration window opens, showing by default:
    • Selected user.
    • Tags the user has access to.
  3. If needed, edit the list of accessible tags and add user logins, separating them by commas.
  4. Specify the type of access rights. To revoke all rights, select Revoke access.
  5. Click Save. Access rights will be updated or revoked for the selected users.

For more details on managing access to tags, see Centralized management of access to Yandex Metrica tags.