Create a company

  1. Log in to the Yandex account that you are going to use for Yandex 360 for Business.

    If you don't have a Yandex account, create one.

    Restriction. Only a user with an account of the [email protected] type can be the company owner. Accounts with domain names other than can't create and register new companies.
  2. Choose a service plan and click Activate.
  3. Select the owner of the new company and click Continue.
  4. If you are a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, specify your company details. Enter your TIN: the details will be filled in automatically. At the end of each calendar month, Yandex will send you closing documents: a service delivery report and an invoice.

    If you are an individual, you don't need to enter your bank details. Click I don't need closing documents.

  5. Pay for your plan with a bank card or by invoice. The available payment methods depend on the company status. If you registered your company as a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur and specified the TIN, you can pay for the plan with a bank card or by invoice. If you use Yandex 360 for Business as an individual, you can only pay for services with a card. After you make a payment, your company will be registered and the selected plan will be activated.
    Note. If you choose to pay by invoice, it may take from several hours to several days to activate the plan, depending on the payment processing time. You won't be able to manage your company until your payment is processed.
  6. Specify your company name that will be displayed in the settings.
Attention. To use corporate mail and messenger, link a domain.