My transport

  1. Save a stop
  2. View list
  3. Remove from list

To quickly find the and stops you need on the map, add them to the My transport list.

Save a stop

  1. Tap the icon of a stop ().
  2. Tap  in the stop card.

Saved stops are highlighted in yellow on the map. They're displayed even on the small-scale map and remain visible when Transport mode is turned off.

View list

Tap Transport at the bottom of the home screen, then the tap at the bottom right.

You can edit the name of the saved stop:

  1. On the Transport stops tab, tap   → Edit to the right of the stop.
  2. Edit the stop name and tap Save.

Remove from list

  1. Tap Transport at the bottom of the home screen.
  2. Tap  at the bottom right.
  3. Open the Transport stops tab.
  4. Tap  → Delete to the right of the stop.