Select a mode


Your location on the map is shown with .

Change the map scale
Turn the digital crown clockwise to zoom in or counterclockwise to zoom out.
Move the map
Drag the map in the direction you want. Your location will shift and the button will appear. Tap it to return the map to its original position.
Return to the home screen
Tap .

Public transport stop

The map shows nearby stops. Tap on the stop to view the stop card.

Scroll through the cards to see all routes for this stop.


Tap on the traffic card to view current traffic data. It is only available for areas where the app has traffic information. Turn the digital crown to view the traffic forecast for the next six hours.


Tap on the weather card to view the weather forecast.

The card shows current weather info. Turn the digital crown or swipe through the cards to view the weather forecast for the next ten days.