Leave feedback

  1. Rate and review
  2. Add photos or videos
  3. Edit rating or review
  4. Delete rating or review

You can give a rating and add a review, photos, or videos only in an organization card.

Rate and review

  1. In the Reviews tab, tap Write a review.
  2. Select the number of stars.
  3. You can also attach photos or videos.
  4. Tap Submit, and the review will be sent for moderation.

    Your review will appear in Yandex Maps after it passes moderation. You can check its status in the Reviews and edits section.

If you don't want to write a review, you can still submit your rating or attach photos and videos. You can't submit a review without a rating.

How to leave a review for an already rated organization
  1. Tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits → Reviews.
  2. Select an organization and tap Write review.

By submitting reviews, you earn achievements and Local Expert levels. To view your level and list of achievements, tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits.

Add photos or videos

  1. Open the organization card or the Reviews and edits section.
  2. Find the reviews:

    • Open the organization card on the map.
    • Tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits → Reviews. You'll see a list of organizations that you've rated.
  3. Tap Add photo or video.

  4. Add photos or videos of the organization in one of the following ways:

    • Take new photos or videos.
    • Choose existing ones from your device's gallery.
  5. Confirm the action.

The organization card will display all the photos and videos you've uploaded with a moderation label. After moderation, your photos and videos will appear in Yandex Maps and will be visible to all users. You can check its status in the Reviews and edits section.

Edit rating or review

  1. Tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits → Reviews.
  2. To the right of the review, tap  and select Edit review.
  3. In the window that opens, change the rating or the review itself.
  4. Tap Save.

If you change your mind and don't want to save the edits, tap .

Updated review will appear in Yandex Maps after it passes moderation. You can check its status in the Reviews and edits section.

Delete rating or review

  1. Tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits → Reviews.
  2. To the right of the review, tap  and select Delete review.
  3. Confirm the action.