Product information

Information on products provided on your online store's site can be used in snippets for Yandex search results. For the search robot to recognize such data, mark up the pages using the Product and Offer schemas or the AggregateOffer schema.

Snippet without semantic markup:

Snippet using semantic markup (shows the price and product description):

Marked up pages should have one or more offers for a single product. If different products are shown on the page, structured snippets are not formed. The page language can be Russian, English, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Tatar, or Kazakh.

Supported markup types and schema fields

Special snippets are shown for pages that have the Product type markup. In this type, the offers property must be present for either the Offer type (for a single offer) or the AggregateOffer type (for a list of offers).

The property types that are recognized by Yandex are listed below. The data type that the property value should correspond to is indicated in parentheses, followed by details on which scheme it should be. Required:

  • name (Text) — The product name. Specified as a property of Product.
  • description (Text) — Description of the product. Specified as a property of Product.
  • price or lowPrice (Number) — Price. Price is specified as a property of Offer, and lowPrice is specified as a property of AggregateOffer. If lowPrice is used, the price in the snippet is shown as “from N rubles”. We recommend that you specify a minimum price if the product does not have a single price and the price varies depending on volume, size or other parameters. If you participate in the Yandex.Market partner program, the snippet will display the price received from Yandex.Market.
  • priceCurrency (Text) — The currency used. Specified as a property of AggregateOffer or Offer. For the currency, use currency codes according to ISO 4217.

To form a snippet, you need to use at least two schemas: Product and Offer or Product and AggregateOffer.

The price is not shown in the snippet if Offer has the availability property indicating that the product is not in stock.

Example of markup

<!--Specifies the Product schema.-->
<div itemscope itemtype="">

<!--The product name is specified in the 'name' field.-->
  <h1 itemprop="name">iPhone 6 Plus 16 GB</h1>

<!--The product description is set in the 'description' field.-->
  <span itemprop="description">The iPhone 6 isn't just bigger. It's better in every way. Bigger, but much thinner. More powerful, but extremely efficient. Its smooth metallic surface merges with the glass of the new Retina HD display, creating a seamless, finished design. Its hardware works perfectly with its software. This is the new generation of iPhone, improved in every way</span>

<!--The link to a picture of the product is specified in the 'image' field.-->
  <img src="" itemprop="image">

<!--The Offer schema is specified.-->
  <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> 

<!--The product price is specified in the 'price' field.-->
    <span itemprop="price">36,990</span>

<!--The currency is specified in the priceCurrency field.-->
    <span itemprop="priceCurrency">RUB</span>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <div itemprop="name"><h1>Melissa bed with soft headboard</h1></div>
  <a itemprop="image" href=​"products_pictures/large_mellisa-bed-withsoftheadb.jpg">
    <img src=​"products_pictures/medium_mellisa-bed-withsoftheadb.jpg" title="Melissa bed with soft headboard">
  <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="">
    <meta itemprop="price" content="7150.00">
    <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="RUB">
    <div>В наличии</div>
    <link itemprop="availability" href="">
  <div itemprop="description">The price is for a Melissa bed with a soft headboard. The size of the bed is 900x2000 mm. Headboard pillows made of artificial leather. The set includes orthopedic base support on legs.</div>

You can check your markup using the validator.


Yandex does not guarantee that the information it receives will show up in the search results. Yandex reserves the right to use or not use information marked using the standard (either in its entirety or in part) for any of the company's services. This information can be used separately or collectively with information obtained from other sources. In addition, Yandex is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided in snippets. The conditions releasing Yandex from the guarantees listed in the User Agreement, also fully apply to information contained in snippets.

If a site is found to be providing low-quality or incorrect information using semantic markup, the site will be banned from this partner program and will lose its structured snippets.

Tell us what your question is about so we can direct you to the right specialist:

The markup is created within two weeks. If Yandex doesn't support any of the markup types on the page or the markup is incorrect, it skips it.

The Yandex robot will be able to index the site information even without markup, and it doesn't affect displaying pages in the search results. To set the desired page description in the search results, use the Description meta tag.

For a detailed description of errors, see Structured data validator.

This feedback form is intended for questions about Yandex partner programs and markup. If you are in doubt whether you should use a particular partner program provided by other services (not Yandex), we can't comment on how it influences your site's state in the search.