Information about site quality

Yandex.Webmaster collects information about the site based on data from other Yandex services. This information helps calculate site quality indicators. They reflect how useful the site is for users.

  1. Viewing site information
  2. FAQ

You can find the data on the Site information page. It is also available in Yandex search results: click the button in the site snippet.

In addition, if you added your site to Yandex.Webmaster, you can view information on the Quality indicators page. To learn more, see Tracking quality indicators.

On the “Site information” page, you can track:

  • If the site has Turbo pages.
  • The site's rating on Yandex.Market, if the site is a partner. Store rating shows how satisfied customers are with its work.
  • Site's ratings and reviews. 1–3 are considered bad ratings and 4 and 5 are considered good. When rating a site, users can leave a review about it. Ratings can be displayed on the Quality indicators page if there's more than 10 site reviews.
  • Progress in getting badges. Some badges may already be awarded and their label is shown. For other badges, there is a progress bar showing the site's current progress towards obtaining the badge. The label may be gray if there is not enough data to confirm it. Some badges may not be displayed if they haven't been awarded yet.

    Note. The badges available and site's progress to receiving them may differ from country to country.

Viewing site information

  1. Go to the Site information page.
  2. Click next to the title. A search bar appears.
  3. Enter the site URL and click the icon.


Why did SQI drop?

The SQI value is recalculated regularly based on many factors. During the time between recalculations, site-related factors may change. Therefore, we recommend improving the site, filling it with useful content, and so on. Over time, SQI may increase.

Check out the site development recommendations.