For film site owners

What movie information can be displayed in the search results?

Page snippets with movie information can contain:

  • Genre.

  • Original language.

  • Short description.

  • Indication if the film is suitable for family viewing.

  • Age restriction.

  • Movie length.

  • Release date.

  • Release year.

  • Names of actors, directors, producers, composers.

  • Name of the film company.

Snippet example:

Text generated from the marked up information can exceed the allowed snippet size. In this case the snippet includes only the most important information or the part of the text most relevant to the search query.

Structured snippets may not be generated if the page contains the text that is more informative or relevant to the search query and therefore better suits as a snippet. All things being equal, preference is always given to structured snippets.

How do I make movie snippets more informative?

Mark up your page using to let the Yandex robot know which page fragments contain the movie attributes. The standard Movie schema supported by Yandex is described in the Movie descriptions section.

No attributes are required, but the more information about the movie you give to Yandex, the more likely the snippet is displayed in the search results.

Each page should list information about only one movie: in other words, the markup should only have one block of the type.

Tell us what your question is about so we can direct you to the right specialist:

The markup is created within two weeks. If Yandex doesn't support any of the markup types on the page or the markup is incorrect, it skips it.

The Yandex robot will be able to index the site information even without markup, and it doesn't affect displaying pages in the search results. To set the desired page description in the search results, use the Description meta tag.

For a detailed description of errors, see Structured data validator.

This feedback form is intended for questions about Yandex partner programs and markup. If you are in doubt whether you should use a particular partner program provided by other services (not Yandex), we can't comment on how it influences your site's state in the search.