
In Yandex Messenger, you can discuss any message in a separate thread to avoid unnecessary information in the main chat.

  1. Enable communication in threads
  2. Create a thread
  3. Open a thread
  4. Follow a thread
  5. View the list of threads
  6. Unfollow a thread
  7. Find a message

Enable communication in threads

The feature is available to chat or channel administrators by default. Other chat or channel members can see threads created by the administrators but can't send messages there. To allow all members to chat in threads:

  1. Open a chat or channel.
  2. Press the name of the chat or channel at the top to open chat info.
  3. Go to Chat settings.
  4. Enable the Chat in threads option.

Create a thread

  1. Right-click the message or select it on your mobile device.
  2. Press Discuss.

This opens a separate thread screen where you can send messages as usual.

Open a thread

The message the thread was created for displays the number of responses. To go to the thread, press this icon.

Follow a thread

You automatically follow a thread if:

  • You're the author of the thread (the original message).
  • You send messages to the thread.
  • A thread member mentions you.

You can also follow any thread manually:

  1. Open the thread.
  2. Press in the upper-right corner.

You'll get notifications about new messages in the threads you follow.

View the list of threads

You can view the threads you follow in the Threads section. To the right of the section name, you can see how many unread messages you have.

In the web and the desktop versions, you can enable the Unread option to see the threads with new messages only.

  1. Open the chat list.
  2. Under the search bar, click Threads.

Unfollow a thread

  1. Press Threads.
  2. Go to the thread you no longer want to follow.
  3. Press the icon in the upper-right corner.

Find a message

You can enter a fragment of a message in the Search field above the contact list or use search inside a thread. Search by messages in threads works the same way as in ordinary chats or channels.

  1. Open the thread.
  2. Click the icon in the upper-right corner.

Threads are developing, and we appreciate your feedback. Contact us if you have a suggestion or encounter a problem.

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