How to compose a condition

In order for a filter to work properly, you need to define the condition correctly. The condition specifies the parameter, its value, and how strict the condition is.

  1. Parameters and values
  2. The strictness of the conditions

Parameters and values

Parameter What to specify in a parameter's value Example of parameter value
From Sender address
To or Сс Recipient address or Cc recipient address
To Recipient address
Cc Cc recipient address
Subject Email subject Madmen
Email body Email text We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Attachment name Name of attached file document.pdf
Header Information from message headers To:

The strictness of the conditions

There are four strictness levels:

Email to filter Applicable for parameters Example of filtering
Emails with parameters strictly matching the specified value (username or address).




To or Сс

For example, when filtering the From parameter, you can either specify the address value of or the name value of “Mad Hatter”. In both cases, an email sent by “Mad Hatter” with the address of will be filtered. For example, when filtering the From parameter, you can either specify the address value of or the name value of “Igor Markov”. In both cases, an email sent by “Igor Markov” with the address of will be filtered.
Emails with parameters that strictly match the specified value.


Email body

Attachment name


If the Subject parameter has the value “we're mad”, an email with the subject “We're mad” will be filtered.
Emails with bodies matching the specified value (standalone or in a phrase, the initial word and its word forms).

Email body

If the Email body parameter has the value “mad”, emails containing the text like “We're all mad in our own way” or “We're all mad will also be filtered.

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