Hide adult content (18+)

By default, moderate content filtering is enabled in Yandex Search: adult images, videos, and sites are shown in the search results if the query is explicitly aimed at finding such resources. If your child uses the internet on their own, you can completely exclude 18+ content. To do this, use one of the following methods:

  • Turn on Family mode in Yandex Search. Adult content will be completely excluded from the search results (including when searching for images, videos, and products).
  • Create a child account. For child accounts, family mode with advanced filtering is enabled by default: sites containing obscene language are also hidden, and search results on inappropriate topics (consumption of narcotic substances, alcohol, tobacco, and so on) are limited.
  • Set up Yandex DNS in family mode. Adult content (18+) and obscene language will be removed from the search results and adult sites will be blocked.

If you use Yandex Browser, create a separate profile for your child. In this profile, enable Family mode in Yandex Search or log in to the child account.

How do I add a new profile?
  1. Click Settings.
  2. In the Users section, click Add user.
  3. Select a profile picture.
  4. Enter a name for the profile.
  5. Enable Show a desktop icon for this profile to run Yandex Browser with the new profile in one click.
  6. Click Add.