Yandex Disk program FAQ

Can I trust third-party programs to work with my Yandex Disk?

For the correct and secure work of Yandex Disk, we recommend using our official apps and programs.

Is there a way to store files on Yandex Disk without saving them to my computer?

In Yandex Disk 3.0, you can synch just the selected files from your Yandex Disk to save space on your computer. For example, if you work with the Documents folder a lot, you can turn on synchronization for it to store the folder on your computer. The rest of the folders are stored only in the cloud, but are also available in the program.

To sync the required folders only, follow the instructions for Custom folder syncing.

You can also manage your files without downloading them on the Yandex Disk website.

What happens if I delete files from the Yandex Disk folder?

When you delete files in the program, they are moved to the Trash and stored there for 30 days. They are then automatically deleted from the server. Once deleted from the server, these files cannot be restored. You can only restore files from the Trash in the Yandex Disk web interface.

Attention. Files in the Trash still take up space on Yandex Disk. Empty the Trash if you're running out of space.

If you want to delete a file from your computer, but save it on the server, follow the instructions to set up Custom folder syncing.

Can I restrict access to the Yandex Disk folder?

If you want to protect this folder from other users on your computer, you can restrict folder access in the same way as for any standard folder on Windows. However, you should be aware that restricting access may interfere with how the app works.

How can I select a different folder for syncing with the server?

  1. Click the Disk icon in the notifications area.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Set folder location.
  4. Specify a different folder for synchronization with the server.
Can I use removable media as a folder for syncing?
We do not recommend using removable media as a folder for syncing, as Yandex.Drive might not work correctly. The program needs permanent storage space on the computer for syncing, and removable media does not provide that.

How can I find out how much free space is available on my Disk?

You can check how much disk space is used and how much is still available only on the Yandex Disk page, in the bottom-left corner.

How do I set up the web app to work through a proxy server?

  1. Click the Disk icon in the notifications area.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Go to the Proxy tab.
  4. Select Manual proxy configuration.

How do I set up the web app to update automatically?

  1. Click the Disk icon in the notifications area.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Go to the Advanced tab.
  4. Enable the Install updates automatically option.