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We try to filter erotic content in search results if the query isn't explicitly aimed at finding it. To learn more, see our Principles.

To avoid seeing these kinds of videos in search results as much as possible, enable Family mode in the settings.

If you found an adult video (18+) while searching with the filter enabled, let us know.

Yandex video search results show publicly available videos from the internet. Yandex automatically provides users with search results according to their queries. It doesn't control video content and isn't responsible for it.

If you find a video with your personal data in Yandex search results, please contact the support service of the site where it's hosted or the hosting provider and request that they remove the video. The Yandex search engine will stop finding it soon after the video is removed from the source site.

If the video has already been removed from the source site, but the Yandex video search results still show it, please contact us.

Yandex video search results show publicly available content from the internet. Search engines can't remove content from other people's site pages, and even if Yandex search results don't provide links to such pages, the content is still publicly available on the internet. Unfortunately, this doesn't stop the violation of your rights.

Yandex automatically provides users with search results according to their queries. It doesn't control the content of the pages it finds, and isn't responsible for it. If you find violations of your exclusive rights on any pages in Yandex search results, please contact the administrators or hosting providers of the sites that contain those pages. If problematic content is blocked or removed from such pages, or the access is restricted in another way, the links are automatically excluded from search results after a certain amount of time.

If you want to report the illegal online placement and use of audiovisual works that you own exclusive rights or an exclusive license to, use the form below.

The robot searches for videos on sites automatically and at certain intervals. If a video is removed from the source site, it's automatically excluded from the search results after a certain amount of time.

Indexing in the search engine may be delayed, so information about the removed video may remain in Yandex search results for some time. If you find videos in the search results that have already been removed from the source site, please let us know.

An application to remove from the search results: links to information that has been spread in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation; information which is unreliable, irrelevant, or has lost significance for the applicant; information about events containing indications of criminal offences where the time limitations for laying charges have already expired, and information that the applicant committed a crime for which a criminal record was destroyed or expunged.

By submitting this application, you can exclude links to information about a citizen from Yandex search results for queries that contain the citizen's first and/or last name (“The right to be forgotten”).

There is sexual content, erotic and pornographic photos and videos (for example, depictions of naked bodies or sexual intercourse) on the internet, including fake content that's created using technology (such as deepfakes). Explicit photos and videos published without the knowledge and consent of the people depicted can harm them and violate their right to privacy.

Yandex can remove links to explicit materials from search results if the photos or videos involve you. To do this, we need to make sure that:
  • You're in the photo or video.
  • An explicit photo or video in the public domain may lead to a violation of your rights and interests.
  • The content has been published without your permission.

To report this kind of content, fill out the form below:

You can tell us about this in the following ways:

In search results
  1. Hover over the video snippet and click .
  2. Enter what you want to report (the video or the entire page) and why.
  3. Click Complain.
In the selection of recommended videos
  1. Under the player, hover over the video preview and click .
  2. Enter what you want to report (the video or the entire page) and why.
  3. Click Complain.

After verification, your feedback will be taken into account by the Search automatic algorithms to improve the quality of search results.

Please describe in detail exactly what is wrong. If you've noticed page elements that are displayed incorrectly, or you're getting an error message when loading a page, attach a screenshot to your message. We'll do our best to fix the error.

Please describe in detail what you'd like to improve in Yandex Video. We'll try to incorporate your feedback as we continue to develop the service.