Shared disks

Shared disks are special disks in Yandex 360 for Business that let employees store files, collaborate on them, and search for information. Each shared disk has a separate Trash folder.

Shared disks are available to employees granted access to them by the company administrator. Only the administrator can create, manage, and configure access to shared disks.

Employees can upload files to shared disks and perform the same actions with them as on their personal Yandex Disk: view, edit, move, and delete.

  1. Actions with shared disks
  2. Actions with files on a shared disk
  3. Download a large folder
  4. Not enough space on the personal Yandex Disk

Actions with shared disks

To log in to a shared disk, click Shared access → Shared disks in the left panel and select the disk you need. Other actions with shared disks are only available to the company administrator.

  • Users cannot search or sort shared folders.
  • Folders in the shared disk tab can only be displayed as tiles.

Actions with files on a shared disk

To view files on a shared disk, go to Shared access → Shared disks and select the disk you need.

You can perform the same actions with files and folders on a shared disk as on your personal Yandex Disk:
  • View, edit, upload, move, and delete files within the disk where the files are stored.
  • Copy files and folders from a shared disk to your personal Yandex Disk and back.
  • Create files and folders.
  • Search for files.
  • Change the sorting and display settings for files and folders.
Shared disk restrictions
  • No shared folders, photos, albums, archives, or other system folders (email attachments and so on).;
  • Users cannot:
    • Create links. Share files.
    • Add files to Favorites.
    • Configure access to folders.
    • Move files outside the shared disk.
    • Empty the Trash. To empty the Trash, contact the company administrator.

Download a large folder

For shared disks, you can only download folders up to 50 GB in size that contain less than 10,000 files. If you need to download a larger folder, download the files one by one.

Not enough space on the personal Yandex Disk

  • If your access to your personal Yandex Disk has been restricted, you can access and use shared disks as usual.
  • If your access to your personal Yandex Disk is blocked, you can't access shared disks.