Delivery terms settings for typical situations

Delivery period in the local region is unknown

Specify the status “Special order” for these products. This means that Yandex.Market will display information stating that delivery may take up to 60 days (or a “pre-order” label if the Yandex.Market database contains a date when the product will officially start being sold). The delivery date will be agreed upon directly with the customer (the delivery period must not exceed 60 days). This is not required as a part of order placement or confirmation.

If local delivery terms are specified in your store account

Use one of the following methods:

  • When configuring delivery terms in your store account, select the option Special order:

    This method is suitable if you are able to combine products with an unspecified delivery period into groups that share a common feature (weight, price, category, etc.).

  • Specify the delivery period for the group of products as a whole, and for individual offers with an unknown delivery period assign the available element the value false in the price list.

If local delivery terms are specified in the price list

Use the corresponding element with an empty value or a value of 32 or more.

“Special order” status options for YML format
<offer id="12346">
    <option cost="200" days=""/>
<offer id="12346">
    <option cost="200" days="33"/>
“Special order” status options for CSV format

The delivery period for another region hasn't been specified

Specify the “Special order” status for these products in your store account. This means that Yandex.Market will display information stating that delivery may take up to 60 days or a “pre-order” label if the Yandex.Market database contains a date when the product will officially start being sold).Within an hour you must confirm the order. The confirmation must include the product cost and delivery cost. However, specifying an exact date of delivery is not required in the confirmation. You may state a time period (no more than 60 days) in which a delivery date must be agreed upon and the order must be delivered.

Delivery rates to a region other than the local region are unknown

If you haven't specified any data about delivery rates to other regions, then specify the delivery service that you partner with. In this case Yandex.Market users will see the note Verify the delivery period and cost at the time of order.

Configurations are available for each region or group of regions when setting up delivery terms in your store account, on the tab Службы доставки (“Delivery services”):

Select Другая служба (“Other service”) if you can't find the desired service in the list.

If you know the delivery rates for the regions and have specified them, you can optionally add delivery services.

Attention. If you don't configure rates for regions and don't specify a delivery service, offers won't be shown in those regions.

In some cases, Yandex.Market can automatically calculate the delivery time and cost. For more information, see Automatic calculation of delivery terms and customer pickup conditions

Courier delivery is not offered in the local region

You need to specify at least one delivery or pickup method for your local region. If you don't offer delivery of products in your region, set up customer pickup.

You can indicate that no courier delivery is available for individual products by using one of the following methods:

  • When configuring delivery terms in your store account, select Нет курьерской доставки (“No courier delivery”).

    This method is suitable if you are able to combine products that lack delivery options into groups that share a common feature (weight, price, category, etc.).

  • Specify delivery terms for a group of products as a whole, and for individual offers without delivery assign the delivery element the value false in the price list.

If the customer is able to pick up the product at the retail store, configure the Customer Pickup option.

No courier delivery option for another region

When configuring delivery terms in your store account, do the following:

  1. Indicate the option Нет курьерской доставки (“No courier delivery”) for that region.

  2. Check the tab Службы доставки (“Delivery service”): it shouldn't specify any delivery services, otherwise customers will be offered courier delivery options (without exact delivery periods and costs).

  3. If you deliver products to this region, but only to retail stores located there, configure the Customer Pickup option.

Make sure that courier delivery for this region is disabled.

The option to disable courier delivery for this region is provided in your store account. This can be useful in the following types of situations:

  • The store has been discovered to have delivery errors. In order to ensure that your Yandex.Market listing is not taken down, your store can turn off delivery to those regions where errors have been found until a solution is found.

  • Rates for the region have changed significantly and time is needed to update them.

  • The store doesn't wish to display a courier delivery option on Yandex.Market for a particular region (for all products at once).

How to disable courier delivery:

  1. Go to the page Настройки → Доставка и оплата (“Settings → Delivery and payment”).

  2. Click on the relevant region in the section Курьерская доставка и точки продаж → Регионы доставки (“Courier delivery and points of sale → Delivery regions”).

  3. Select Приостановить показ предложений (“Suspend display of offers”) option under the rates table.

  4. Click Сохранить (“Save”).

It will go into effect within 5 minutes. If customer pickup is configured for the selected region, users will be offered to pick up the product themselves from a retail store when they see the product. If there is no customer pickup option, no offers will be displayed for the region.

To re-enable regional delivery, turn off Приостановить показ предложений (“Suspend display of offers”). Offers be shown again as soon as the next indexing takes place (every 3–6 hours).

The store offers nationwide free postal shipping for its products

When configuring delivery terms in your store account, do the following:

  1. Create several regions according to the following principle: each region has approximately the same delivery period.

  2. For each region in the tab Свои тарифы (“Personal rates”) choose “Единый тариф” (“Single rate”) and specify the delivery period and the option Бесплатно (“Free of charge”). For remote regions you can specify the option На заказ (“Special order”): Yandex.Market will display information stating that delivery may take up to 60 days (or a “pre-order” label will be displayed if the Yandex.Market database contains a date when the product will officially start being sold). Don't forget to factor in the number of days that you need in order to assemble the order and deliver it to the post office in the delivery period.

  3. On the tab Службы доставки (“Delivery services”) select Почта России (“Russian Post”).

Attention. When you configure the settings this way, customers will be able to select postal shipping for all of your offers.

The store offers delivery to regions at service rates, but delivery for orders over RUB X are free.

When configuring delivery terms in your store account, do the following:

  1. On the tab Свои тарифы (“Personal rates”) select one of the rates with price division for “Цена” (“Price”), “Вес и цена” (“Weight and price”), and “Категория и цена” (“Category and price”).

  2. Enter “less than RUB X+1 and select Нет курьерской доставки (“No courier delivery”) in the first line.

    The upper limit of the price range is not taken into account. This means that if paid delivery is offered for goods costing RUBX or less, then in the first row, in the field “less than” enter the value X+1, which will be RUB 1 greater than the specified product cost.

  3. Select the option Бесплатно (“Free of charge”) in the second row with the value RUB Х+1 and higher”, which will appear automatically.

  4. On the tab Службы доставки (“Delivery services”) you must select the delivery service that you partner with.

The following delivery terms will be shown:

  • For products costing less than RUB Х(non-inclusive),confirm the delivery period and cost when placing your order. The delivery service can be found in the section containing additional information.

  • For products costing RUB Х or more, delivery is free of charge and the delivery period isX days. The delivery service and these same terms of delivery can be found in the section containing additional information.

The store will only deliver products costing over RUB X to other regions

When configuring delivery terms in your store account, do the following:

  1. For a given region, on the tab Свои тарифы (“Personal rates”) select “Цена” (“Price”).

  2. Enter “less than RUB X+1 and the option Нет курьерской доставки (“No courier delivery”) in the first row.

    The upper limit of the price range is not taken into account. This means that, since you can only send products costing RUB X+1 or more to other regions (RUB 1 more than the specified product cost), in the first row, in the field “less than” enter the number X+1.

  3. Enter the delivery cost in the second row with the value RUB Х+1 and higher”, which will appear automatically.

  4. Make sure that on the tab Службы доставки (“Delivery services”) no delivery services are selected. If certain services have already been selected, then deselect them.

For products costing over RUB Х (non-inclusive), delivery will be offered.

For products costing RUB Х or less, delivery won't be offered. Instead, only the option for customer pickup will be displayed (if configured for the given region). If customer pickup is not configured, the offers won't be shown at all.

The delivery rates differ for various brands and depend on the order size

You can't directly configure rates for a brand or order amount. Possible solutions:

  • Use “Цена” (“Price”) or “Категория и цена” (“Category and price”) rates when configuring your brands (product price can provide a way to distinguish between brands).

  • Place the brands into separate categories and select the “Категория” (“Category”) rate. For example: a Смартфоны (Smartphones) category with a delivery cost of RUB 300 and an iPhone category with free delivery.

  • In the weight element, enter the dimensional weight, not the gross weight.

Delivery cost for products costing less than the minimum order amount

Enter the average delivery cost of orders that include this product (not the minimum cost or the individual unit cost) if:

  • Your store has a minimum order amount.

  • The product cost is less than the minimum order amount.

  • Delivery cost increases with the weight or volume of the order.

  • The store's minimum order amount is RUB 1500.;

  • Product X weighing 4 kg costs RUB 500.;

  • The delivery cost is RUB 200 for orders less than 5 kg and RUB 400 for orders over 5 kg.

Despite the fact that the product falls under the RUB 200 delivery cost (it weighs less than 5 kg), you must enter the RUB 400 delivery cost, since the product can't be ordered alone (its price is less than RUB 1500). The customer must order at least 3 items. This means the order weight will be 12 kg and the delivery cost will increase to RUB 400.