How to correctly construct an offer for the “Косметика, парфюмерия и уход (Cosmetics, perfumes, and personal care)” category

Recommendations apply to all categories of the Косметика, парфюмерия и уход (Cosmetics, perfumes, and personal care) section, except the Парфюмерия (Perfumes) category.

Tip. To more effectively distribute your orders across product profiles, enter your data in YML format.

How to link an offer to a product profile

In order for the system to correlate your offer with the product profile on Yandex.Market, enter the following data for the offer:

  1. Product-model type.

  2. Full name of manufacturer or brand.

    Note. If a product is produced under a brand, you need to specify the brand instead of the manufacturer. For example, the manufacturer Schwarzkopf Professional sells hair spray under the brand got2b. The manufacturer of this hair spray should be specified as “got2b”.
  3. Name of product-model.

  4. Manufacturer's code, if available.


You want to place an offer with the following data:

  • Product type: lipstick.

  • Manufacturer: Christian Dior.

  • Model: Dior Addict.

  • Manufacturer code: CDADDICT.

The offer title in YML should look like this:

Simplified offer type
<vendor>Christian Dior</vendor>
<name>Dior Addict Lipstick</name>
Custom offer type
<vendor>Christian Dior</vendor>
<model>Dior Addict</model>
Note. Detailed description of offer types: simplified type, custom type.

How to enter product specifications

Enter the product specifications using the param element. If you don't enter a product's specifications, the offer won't be included in filtered results or in the product profile (for categories that have profiles).

Manufacturer's product line

If possible, specify the product line (series) of the manufacturer.

Example in YML format
<param name="Линейка">Acqua di Gioia</param>

For personal care products (for example, creams, serums, and lotions), the line is considered to be the product series without specification of type (cream or lotion) or intended use (daily use, anti-aging, lifting).


If possible, enter the color of the product. Specify the color code and color name that is used by the product manufacturer.

To more accurately display the color in the product profile, enter its value as an RGB code.

Example in YML format
<param name="Цвет">445 Createur</param>
<param name="RGB">255,255,255</param>

If you specify multiple colors for a single product, only the first color will be used for searches and filtering.


If possible, enter the volume of the product.

Example in YML format
<param name="Объем" unit="мл">150</param>


Если товар предназначен для определенного пола, передавайте это в элементе param. Возможные значения элемента: “Женский” и “Мужской”.

Example in YML format
<param name="Пол">Female</param>

SPF for creams and lotions

If a cream or lotion has an SPF, it must be entered in the param element to ensure that the offer appears in the filtered results on the category page.

Example in YML format
<param name="SPF">50</param>

Other specifications

You can specify other product information in the param elements — for example, country of origin, type of effect (moisturizing, cleansing, and so on), or the type of skin for which the product is intended.

Example in YML format
<param name="Тип кожи">Сухая</param>
<param name="Действие">Увлажнение</param>

Product images

Enter links to product images using the picture element. This element is required for this category.

Link requirements
  • Acceptable protocols for image URLs: HTTP and HTTPS.

  • The link to the image should be absolute. Relative links are not permitted.

  • Cyrillic links are permitted.

  • The specified link should lead to a product image that corresponds to the description of the offer. You can't use the image of another product.

  • It's not allowed to use a link to the same image in the descriptions of different products. Exception: variants of a single model that do not differ in appearance. For example, the Apple iPhone 6 Silver 16 GB and Apple iPhone 6 Silver 32 GB.

  • Links to HTML pages that contain images are not permitted.

  • Links to a store logo or “placeholder” (a page with the message “image missing”, etc.) are not permitted.

  • The maximum URL length is 512 characters.

  • The URL address must conform to the RFC 3986 standard.
Image requirements
  • The image should be in JPEG or PNG format. When converting images, we recommend saving them in JPEG format with at least 90% quality.

  • The maximum size is 3,500 pixels on the longest side. We recommend that images be no less than 600 pixels on the shortest side. Images may not be smaller than 300 pixels along any side.

  • It is forbidden to superimpose information about the price of the model or discounts, the brand or store name, the phone number of the store or other distracting text on the image.

  • The color of the product presented on the image should be the same color as specified in the description (for example, it is not permitted to provide an image of a red product when the description states that it is green).

  • You are allowed to submit images on a white or transparent background. (Yandex.Market will convert images with a transparent background to ones with a white background).

  • If there are watermarks in the image, they cannot take up more than 10% of the entire image area.

  • The main (first) image should show the entire product. A photo of a detail on the product is better placed in the extra images.

Requirements for images of dish ware and accessories for alcohol
The following images are permitted:
  • Images of glasses containing liquids, in the case that there is no demonstration of alcohol consumption (a person drinking alcohol from a glass, or open bottles with filled glasses).
  • Images of wine racks and dispensers with alcohol bottles, in the case that logos or brands of alcohol products are not displayed.
The following images are not permitted:
  • Images of glasses displaying logos or brands of alcoholic products.
  • Images of glasses or shot glasses along with bottles and containers that are associated with alcohol.

    Attention. This image is not permitted.
  • Images of glasses and accessories that may be regarded as a demonstration of alcohol consumption (a person drinking alcohol from a glass, or open bottles with filled glasses).
    Attention. This image is not permitted.
    Attention. This image is not permitted.

How to construct offers that are different versions of a single model

If you have several offers that are different versions of a single model (for example, mascara in several colors), describe each version in a separate offer element.

In YML format, use the attribute group_id in the offer element to assure that all the versions are included in one product profile. The attribute value must be an integer with no more than 9 digits. For all offers that need to be associated with a single model, be sure to specify the same group_id. Note that all offers which are not associated with that model must have a different group_id value.

Example in YML format

If a mascara comes in two colors, and each color is available in two volumes, add four offers to the price list. For all four offers, specify the same group_id value:

<offer group_id="11">
  <param name="Цвет">01 Black</param>
  <param name="Объем" unit="мл">50</param>
<offer group_id="11">
  <param name="Цвет">01 Black</param>
  <param name="Объем" unit="мл">70</param>
<offer group_id="11">
  <param name="Цвет">02 Crey</param>
  <param name="Объем" unit="мл">50</param>
<offer group_id="11">
  <param name="Цвет">02 Crey</param>
  <param name="Объем" unit="мл">70</param>
Note. For each version of the model, enter a separate image.

How to enter links to products that are different versions of a single model

If a single model is available in different sizes or in different colors, enter different links for each variant. Then users who search for the model in a specific color or size will see the offer they are looking for.

We recommend creating links using on the color and size specified in the offer, for example,

Attention. When creating links, adhere to the YML file requirements. Replace the symbol & with the equivalent character code — &.

Examples of offers in YML

Skin tonic

<offer id="1234145" type="vendor.model" available="true" bid="80" cbid="90" group_id="12345">
    <option cost="200" days="1" />
  <vendor>L'Oreal Paris</vendor>
  <model>Trio Active soft toner for dry and sensitive skin</model>
    <p>Gently tones skin, neutralizes toxins, and removes dirt and impurities.
    Creates a feeling of freshness and comfort. Moisturizes skin and keeps it from drying out, giving it a healthy glow.</p>
  <param name="Объем" unit="мл">200</param>
  <param name="Тип кожи">For dry and sensitive skin</param>
  <param name="Линейка">Trio Active</param>
  <param name="Пол">Female</param>
  <param name="Возраст">Adult</param>
  <sales_notes>Prepayment required.</sales_notes>

Lipstick in two colors

  <offer id="1234148" type="vendor.model" available="true" bid="80" cbid="90" group_id="12345">
      <option cost="200" days="1"/>
    <typePrefix>Губная помада</typePrefix>
    <vendor>Christian Dior</vendor>
    <model>Dior Addict</model>
      <p>Новая губная помада Dior Addict – это признание в любви красоте и стилю, цвету и его вдохновению, энергии и магнетизму Dior. Палитра, включающая 44 оттенка, позволяет создать настоящий подиумный образ. Невесомая текстура и волнующая гамма оттенков Addict отвечает последним модным тенденциям. Новая помада отличается более нежной текстурой и интенсивным блеском, в нее влюбляешься с первого взгляда.</p>
    <param name="Цвет">445 Createur</param>
    <param name="RGB">250,162,57</param>
    <param name="Пол">Женский</param>
    <param name="Возраст">Взрослый</param>   
    <sales_notes>Необходима предоплата.</sales_notes>
  <offer id="1234145" type="vendor.model" available="true" bid="80" group_id="12345">
      <option cost="200" days="1"/>
    <typePrefix>Губная помада</typePrefix>
    <vendor>Christian Dior</vendor>
    <model>Dior Addict</model>
      <p>Новая губная помада Dior Addict – это признание в любви красоте и стилю, цвету и его вдохновению, энергии и магнетизму Dior. Палитра, включающая 44 оттенка, позволяет создать настоящий подиумный образ. Невесомая текстура и волнующая гамма оттенков Addict отвечает последним модным тенденциям. Новая помада отличается более нежной текстурой и интенсивным блеском, в нее влюбляешься с первого взгляда.</p>
    <param name="Цвет">530 Bobo</param>
    <param name="RGB">245,62,49</param>
    <param name="Пол">Женский</param>
    <param name="Возраст">Взрослый</param>
    <sales_notes>Необходима предоплата.</sales_notes>