
Use the pickup-options element in the price list with YML format to specify the delivery period and cost for delivery of the product to your pickup points (in your region). This data will be displayed on Yandex.Market next to each of your store's product offers.

Note. If customer pickup conditions are specified in both the price list and in your store account, the price list is given priority and the data from it will be published on Yandex.Market. For more information, see Additional information below.

How to indicate data in the element

The pickup-options element structure:

   <option cost="cost" days="period" order-before="if you order before"/>

Attribute cost

Collection cost:

  • You can only specify integers as values for this attribute.

  • The pickup-options element can be used in a price list twice (see the section below). This is why in pickup-options at the offer level you must specify the delivery cost in the currency of the offer. At the shop level, in the price list main currency.

  • For free customer pickup enter a value of 0.

Attribute days

Delivery time to the pickup point on business days:

Specific delivery period

If customers can pick up the product at the pickup point on the day they place their order (today), enter the value 0: days="0". For next-day pickup (tomorrow), enter the value 1, and so forth. The maximum period shown on Yandex.Market is 31 days.

You can specify both a specific number of days and a “range” of days. For example, describe a pickup period from 2 to 4 days as follows: days="2-4".

Attention. When you specify a “range” for your delivery window, you can't indicate more than three days.
Unknown period (up to 60 days)

If the exact delivery period of the product to the pickup point is unknown, enter a value of 32 or greater into the days attribute (or leave it empty). For such products, Yandex.Market will display information stating that delivery may take up to 60 days or a “pre-order” label will be displayed if the Yandex.Market database contains a date when the product will officially start being sold).

If a user purchases an item in your store without a specific delivery period, within an hour you must confirm their order. The confirmation must specify the product cost and customer collection cost. However, specifying a pickup date is not required. You may state a time period (no more than 60 days) in which a delivery date must be agreed upon and the order must be delivered to the point of sale.

Attribute order-before

The time before which customers must place their order if they want to be able to collect it at the pickup point within the indicated period:

  • Specify the customer pickup cut-off time (in your store's time zone), before which customers must place their order if they want to be able to collect it within the indicated period. Use only integers between 0 and 24 as the value.

    For example, the time 18:00 is displayed as order-before="18". If the pickup timeframe is two days, then until 18:00 users will see that the delivery period is two days, and at times after 18:00 they will see the delivery period as three days.

  • If the attribute is not specified, the default value "13" is used (corresponding to 13:00).

How to use the element in the price list

General pickup conditions for all products

You can specify general pickup conditions in the pickup-options element as part of the shop element. These conditions apply to all your store's offers with the exception of offers that have product-specific conditions.

Note. The pickup-options element is optional both at the shop level and for offer.

Product-specific conditions for customer pickup

If a product has individual pickup conditions, specify them in the pickup-options element as part of the corresponding offer element:

    <offer id="1"> 
    <offer id="2"> 

In this example, the first offer with id="1" has individual pickup conditions, whereas the second offer with id="2" has general pickup conditions that are specified within the shop element. The pickup-options element that is part of the offer element is always of higher priority.

Usage examples

Specific pickup timeframe

All products can be collected at the pickup point on the following day, regardless of the time an order is placed. The collection cost is RUB 300.

    <option cost="300" days="1"/>

Approximate pickup timeframe of several days

All products can be collected at the pickup point within three days, with a collection cost of RUB 300.

    <option cost="300" days="1-3"/>

If the pickup timeframe varies greatly, for example from two to seven days, the days attribute should specify the maximum period and an interval of no more than three days (allowed periods: 1–3, 2–4, 3–5, 4–6, etc.). This means that for a delivery period of 2–7 days, you should enter days="5-7":

    <option cost="300" days="5-7"/>

Product-specific conditions for customer pickup

All products can be collected at the pickup point within a day, at a collection cost of RUB 300. But a certain product is having a promo and it can be collected for RUB 150 on the day following the placement of an order.

   <option cost="300" days="2"/> 
        <option cost="150" days="1"/> 

The customer will see the following on Yandex.Market for the offer with the promo: RUB 150, tomorrow”. For the other offers: “300 rubles, 2 days”.

The pickup timeframes depends on the time when the order is placed

All products can be collected on the following day if the order is placed before 14:00. If an order is placed after 14:00, it can only be collected two days later.
    <option cost="300" days="1" order-before="14"/>

Yandex.Market will display the information as follows:

  • Before 14:00: “300 rubles, tomorrow”.

  • After 14:00: “300 rubles, 2 days”.

Unknown period (“up to 60 days”)

Attention. Beginning July 30, 2020, instead of the “Special order” label, Yandex.Market will display the label up to 60 days (or a “pre-order” label if the Yandex.Market database contains a date when the product will officially start being sold).

All products, with the exception of washing machines, can be collected on the following day for RUB 300. Washing machines can be collected at the pickup point for RUB 500, and the delivery time of the product to the pickup point is not known in advance.

    <option cost="300" days="1"/>
        <option cost="500" days=""/>

For all offers other than washing machines, Yandex.Market will show the following: “RUB 300, tomorrow”. For washing machines, Yandex.Market will show: “RUB 500, up to 60 days”.

The product can't be collected at a pickup point (there is no customer pickup)

All products can be collected at pickup points, but there is a product that is delivered only by courier.

    <option cost="300" days="1"/>
    <offer id="1">

Yandex.Market will display the following for all offers (excluding exceptions): “RUB 300, tomorrow”. For goods without customer pickup (id="1"): “Courier delivery”.

For more detailed information about the delivery and pickup elements, see the section delivery, pickup, store.

Additional information

Ways to configure customer pickup and prioritization

Pickup conditions for your store's local region can be indicated in pickup-options or configured in your store account.

  • If your store uses both methods simultaneously, the price list is given priority and the data from it will be published on Yandex.Market.

  • If your store uses pickup-options, but for some products the element is not specified, then Yandex.Market will display the conditions from your store account for those products.

To choose the correct method for configuring your pickup conditions, see Configuring conditions for customer pickup / Pickup points in your local region.

How data from the pickup-options element is displayed on Yandex.Market

Yandex.Market displays a store's pickup conditions (indicated in pickup-options) only if the store has created points of sale in its account. If no points of sale have been created and there is no courier delivery, Yandex.Market won't display the offer, because it hasn't been indicated how the customer can receive the product if they order it.

Yandex.Market shows the pickup timeframe in days while taking into account the business hours of the delivery service and the time when the order was placed (in the order-before attribute). If the term is not specified (it is empty or contains a value greater than 32), Yandex.Market will display information stating that delivery may take up to 60 days (or a “pre-order” label if the Yandex.Market database contains a date when the product will officially start being sold).