See the result

Some tasks take time to review. Depending on the review outcome, the requester can accept or decline your task (if the instruction wasn't followed). Rejected tasks are not paid for.

To view your completed tasks history, go to Profile → History.

If your task is rejected, you can't complete it again. You can challenge the review result.

Review and payment terms

The review may take several days. The due time is displayed in Under review until on the History page. All task are reviewed within the specified term or faster.

Once the task is reviewed, your earnings for accepted tasks are sent to your account. On the right side of the top menu you can see the amounts:

  • — the cost of tasks under review (displayed in grey).

  • — the money credited to your Yandex Tasks account (displayed in green).

Dispute the review result

You can appeal to the requester within 3 days after the review.

For each rejected task, you must submit a separate appeal.


Don't send repeated requests or ask for a faster response. This will just move your request to the end of the queue, since messages are automatically sorted by time received.

To file an appeal:

  1. Go to Profile → History.

  2. In the dropdown list above Completed tasks in the last 2 months choose Rejected.

  3. Press the project.

  4. Open the rejected task by pressing its number.

  5. On top of the Messages page press Contact requester.

  6. Describe briefly why you think the task was completed correctly. The task number is attached to the message automatically.

  7. Press Submit.

The requester has 14 days to reply to your appeal, but according to the agreement, they have a right not to reply if they decide to reject your task.

Contact support