A CAPTCHA test may appear on the screen while you're completing a task. It's an image with symbols that you need to select or click in a specific order (indicated below the image). This helps the system make sure you perform the task, not a script or a bot.

All performers get a CAPTCHA, regardless of their experience or number of completed tasks.

Screenshot: CAPTCHA example

Пример капчи

Recommendations for CAPTCHA

  • Enter all the symbols exactly in the order shown below the image.

  • If you can't see the image clearly, click to listen to the audio test instead. To switch back to the image, click .

  • If the symbols are too small, zoom in: hold CTRL (Windows) or Cmd (OS X) and keep pressing + or key.

  • If you can't see the symbols that need to be clicked, refresh the CAPTCHA by clicking .

  • If you clicked Submit and a CAPTCHA appeared again, it means the order of the symbols you entered was incorrect. Enter the symbols again.

  • Pay attention when entering CAPTCHA and don't refresh it too often. This might lead to account blocking.


I've been blocked, what should I do?

Follow the link from the administrator's message and fill out the form. Our support will process your unblock request.

Why do I get CAPTCHA too often?

The Yandex Tasks platform determines how often users get the CAPTCHA test. If you think you're getting too many CAPTCHAs, contact support.

Contact support