Specify languages

If you want to get tasks in several languages, select the ones you speak in your profile.

Add a language you know

  1. Go to the Profile tab.

  2. Go to Languages, press Add.

  3. Select the language from the drop-down list.

    You can select multiple languages. To remove the language from the field, press Remove language on the right.

  4. Press Add.

Take a language test

Language tests help verify that you can complete tasks in a given language. If you pass the test, you'll get access to more complicated and better paying tasks.

To confirm that you know a language and get the respective skill, complete a task with a language test.

How to take a test

  1. Go to the Profile tab.

  2. Under Languages, add the languages you speak.

  3. If there's a language test for them, the Confirm skills button appears in the language card. Press it.

  4. This opens a task page with the test. It contains cards with tasks. You need to determine what word is omitted in a sentence and choose a fitting option. The word must match the context both in meaning and grammatically.

  5. Complete the task within the time allowed. You're given a few minutes to take the test. We recommend choosing the time when you can properly focus on the test. If you don't complete the task within the given time, the test will be considered failed, and your language skills won't be confirmed.

If you pass the test, the language card in your profile will show Confirmed  after some time.

If you don't pass the test, the language card in your profile will show Test wasn't successful  along with the date when you can give it another try.

Remove languages

  1. Go to the Profile tab.

  2. Go to Languages, hover over a language, and press in the upper-right corner.

  3. Press Remove.


There is no language test for the language I added to my profile

Currently, not every language has a test. In the future, we plan to introduce tests for more languages. Check out the languages page in the profile to find out if new tests are available.

How do I find tests in the task list?

Language tests are provided by Yandex Tasks requesters. You can use the filter by requester on the home page to find all tasks from the respective requester.

How many attempts do I have to pass a language test?

Initially, we allow two attempts to pass the test. If you fail the first attempt, you can try again in 10–15 minutes. In the appropriate language card in your profile, the Confirm skills button appears again, and you'll see the task with the test in the task list on the home page.

If you fail the second attempt too, you'll only be able to retake the test after 3 months. The exact date will be specified in the language card in your profile. If you fail 6 attempts, you won't be able to take the test again.

There is an error in the test

Language tests are created with help of an AI. Unfortunately, neural networks sometimes make mistakes, just like humans. If you noticed an error, please report it to the support. We'll review the test you were assigned, and, if something is wrong with it, you'll be allowed another attempt.

Contact support