Segments based on location data

You can create a segment based on data about visitors of specific locations. In the Segments tab, click Create segmentLocations. Choose the location type: circles or polygons. Specify a name for the segment.

Choose a suitable way to add locations:

Find on map

Search for locations or mark them on the map, and then add them to your segment.

You can search for locations by name, address, or geographic coordinates. Enter the coordinates without the degree symbol °, primes, or additional letters, for example: 55.755831,37.617673. The search will cover only the visible area of the map.

After the location marker is added to the segment, it turns red, and the location's address or coordinates appear in the Locations block. You can add up to 1000 locations (up to 100 for the Audience: visited N days within the period condition).

To remove a location, click on its marker on the map. The marker will turn blue, and the location's address or coordinates will disappear from the Locations block.

Add as a list

Enter manually or copy and paste your list of addresses or geographic coordinates, one location per string. Click on Add to locations. If more than one location or no locations have been found in a string, the string is ignored.

You can add up to 1000 locations (up to 100 for the Audience: visited N days within the period condition). All the locations you have added to this segment before will be lost when you add the list.

To remove a location, click in the string.

Increase the Coverage radius if you are interested in the surrounding areas rather than the locations themselves. You can choose a radius of 0.5 km to 10 km. You can change the coverage radius and the necessary frequency of visits to the selected area at any time, before or after adding locations

Choose how often your target users should be visiting the area added to the segment:

  • Audience: frequently visits, lives or works — The segment includes the cookies of users who regularly spend time, live, or work in the selected area. Targeting is based on the data from the past 45 days. Ads are served to users selected for the segment regardless of their current location.

  • Audience: visited N days within the period — the segment includes anonymous IDs of users who meet the requirement. For example, users who visited the selected locations for 10 days within the last month. You can choose a period of one week, one month, or three months. Several visits in one day count as one. Ads will be shown to users selected for the segment regardless of their current location.

  • Audience: currently located — the segment includes anonymous IDs of users who are currently located in the selected area. Ads are served to users who are located in the specified locations.

Mark at least three points on the map to create a polygon. Each new point connects to the previous straight line, forming a side. The sides of a polygon can't overlap, and their area can't exceed 10 km2.

To finish drawing a polygon, click on any point and then choose Finish. To add new points, click on a point you want to start drawing from and choose Continue. You can remove a point by double clicking on it. The two nearest points will form a side.

Finished polygons can be moved around the map. You can add up to 10 polygons to a segment.

Choose how often your target users should be visiting the area added to the segment:

  • Audience: frequently visits, lives or works — The segment includes the cookies of users who regularly spend time, live, or work in the selected area. Targeting is based on the data from the past 45 days. Ads are served to users selected for the segment regardless of their current location.

  • Audience: visited N days within the period — the segment includes anonymous IDs of users who meet the requirement. For example, users who visited the selected locations for 10 days within the last month. You can choose a period of one week, one month, or three months. Several visits in one day count as one. Ads are served to users selected for the segment regardless of their current location.

At this point, the segment's status will be “Processing”. Processing can take up to two hours. If the audience reach is at least 100 anonymous IDs, the segment status changes to “Finished”. You can now use it to configure your ads.

Restriction on creating geosegments

If your username has 1000 or more location-based segments and fewer than 5% of them are used for targeting in Yandex Direct, you won't be able to create geosegments. Delete unused segments.

Setting up ads in Yandex Direct

Still have questions?


Customer service specialists can advise you only on the ad campaigns linked to the login you are using to contact them. You can see your login in the upper-right corner of the screen. The specialist will get access to your data only when processing your request.

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