The content of a Turbo page offends me or is libelous

In accordance with our policy and restriction of anonymous content, we need you to submit a report form so that we can restrict access to the content violating your rights (files, photos, comments, and other materials). If you represent a person whose rights have been violated, please attach a copy of a valid power of attorney to your report.

You can submit a report from a legal entity on behalf of its authorized representative (CEO, representative acting under the Power of Attorney, or other authorized persons). In this case, attach the document confirming your authority (such as the CEO appointment decision or power of attorney).

The report must be signed and contain the following information:

  1. What is the violation and in what way have the applicant's rights been violated?
  2. What information are you reporting? (Insert URLs of these materials.)
  3. What specific actions do you want us to take?
  4. Your contact information – full name, mailing address, phone number, and email.
  5. Number of your primary identification document, issue date and the issuing agency.

You can download the report template in PDF format here.

You can send a scanned copy of your report to us as an attachment or by fax ( +7 495 739 70 70 marked: to support service). After scanning or faxing your request, please don't forget to send us the original by mail to 16 Lev Tolstoy St., Moscow, Russia 119021 (see for more information).


Our support team makes sure that all reports conform with the described policy. We can take action only after we receive a scanned or faxed copy of your signed report.